Mar. 2025


2018 Vol. 37, No. 8

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Marine Chemistry
Analyzing biases of nitrogen contents and δ15N values arising from acidified marine sediments with different CaCO3 concentrations
PENG Yajun, LIU Dongyan, WANG Yujue, RICHARD Pierre, KEESING John K.
2018, 37(8): 1-5. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1188-2
In some studies, the researchers pretreated and measured organic carbon, nitrogen and their isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) of marine sediment together, to save costs and resources of analysis. However, the procedure of acidification to remove inorganic car...
Seasonal variations and distributions of dissolved free and total carbohydrates at the İzmir Bay, Aegean Sea
2018, 37(8): 6-14. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1229-x
Seasonal variations and distributions of dissolved carbohydrate concentrations at the İzmir Bay were investigated with salinity, chlorophyll a (Chl a), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels to understand their relationships. Samples were collecte...
Marine Biology
Fish diversity and molecular taxonomy in the Prydz Bay during the 29th CHINARE
LI Yuan, ZHANG Liyan, SONG Puqing, ZHANG Ran, WANG Liangming, LIN Longshan
2018, 37(8): 15-20. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1228-y
In 2013, the 29th Chinese National Antarctic Research Expedition (CHINARE) prospected the Prydz Bay on the Antarctic continental shelf, and the Chinese R/V Xuelong icebreaker sampled all of the examined locations. The nature of Antarctic fish diversi...
The impact of natural mortality variations on the performance of management procedures for Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus niphonius) in the Yellow Sea, China
CHEN Ning, ZHANG Chongliang, SUN Ming, XU Binduo, XUE Ying, REN Yiping, CHEN Yong
2018, 37(8): 21-30. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1234-0
Natural mortality rate (M) is one of the essential parameters in fishery stock assessment, however, the estimation of M is commonly rough and the changes of M due to natural and anthropogenic impacts have long been ignored. The simplification of M es...
Projecting distributions of Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus) in the Southwest Atlantic using a complex integrated model
WANG Jintao, CHEN Xinjun, CHEN Yong
2018, 37(8): 31-37. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1231-3
We developed an approach that integrates generalized additive model (GAM) and neural network model (NNM) for projecting the distribution of Argentine shortfin squid (Illex argentinus). The data for this paper was based on commercial fishery data and ...
Transcriptome assembly of Modiolus modiolus and comparative analysis with Bathymodiolus platifrons
MENG Jie, YANG Mei, XU Fei, LI Xinzheng, LI Li
2018, 37(8): 38-45. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1232-2
The genetic basis for bivalves' adaptation and evolution is not well understood. Even few studies have focused on the mechanism of molluscan molecular evolution between the coastal intertidal zone and deep-sea environment. In our studies, we first co...
Transcriptomic analysis reveals the effect of the exopolysaccharide of Psychrobacter sp. B-3 on gene expression in RAW264.7 macrophage cells
ZHANG Pingping, LI Jiang, YU Leiye, WEI Jingfang, XU Tong, SUN Guojie
2018, 37(8): 46-53. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1227-z
B-3 exopolysaccharide is extracted from the Antarctic psychrophilic bacterium Psychrobacter sp. B-3. We have previously shown that it activates macrophages and affects their immunoregulatory activities. To determine what genes are affected during thi...
Phylogenetically diverse, acetaldehyde-degrading bacterial community in the deep sea water of the West Pacific Ocean
GAO Boliang, SHANG Xiexie, LI Li, DI Wenjie, ZENG Runying
2018, 37(8): 54-64. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1235-z
As a major aldehyde pollutant widely existing in industry and our daily life, acetaldehyde is more and more harmful to human health. As characteristic habitat niche, bacteria from deep sea environments are abundant and distinctive in heredity, physio...
Annual pattern of zooplankton communities and their environmental response in a subtropical maritime channel system in the northern Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh
ABDULLAH Al Mamun, ALAM Md. Didarul, AKHTAR Aysha, XU Henglong, ISLAM Md. Shafiqul, MUSTAFA KAMAL Abu Hena, UDDIN M Muslem, ALAM Md. Wahidul
2018, 37(8): 65-73. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1184-6
Zooplankton plays an important role in aquatic food webs by fluxing of energy from primary producer to subsequent trophic levels in the food chain. The annual pattern of zooplankton communities and potential environmental drivers were studied in the ...
Plankton respiration in the northern South China Sea during summer and winter
ZENG Xiangxi, HAO Qiang, ZHOU Guangdong, LE Fengfeng, LIU Chenggang, ZHOU Wenli
2018, 37(8): 74-83. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1213-5
Plankton respiration is an important part of the carbon cycle and significantly affects the balance of autotrophic assimilation and heterotrophic production in oceanic ecosystems. In the present study, respiration rates of the euphotic zone plankton ...
Leaching of dissolved organic matter from seagrass leaf litter and its biogeochemical implications
LIU Songlin, JIANG Zhijian, ZHOU Chenyuan, WU Yunchao, ARBI Iman, ZHANG Jingping, HUANG Xiaoping, TREVATHAN-TACKETT Stacey M.
2018, 37(8): 84-90. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1233-1
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) represents a significant source of nutrients that supports the microbial-based food web in seagrass ecosystems. However, there is little information on how the various fractions of DOM from seagrass leaves contributed t...
Assessment of the consecutive harmful dinoflagellate blooms during 2015 in the Izmit Bay (the Marmara Sea)
ERGÜL Halim Aytekin, AKSAN Serdar, İPŞİROĞLU Merve
2018, 37(8): 91-101. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1191-7
A series of red tides were observed during 2015 in the Izmit Bay (the Marmara Sea) which is located in the most industrialized and populated region of Turkey. Six samplings were carried out in this area following the red tides. Nitrite-N, nitrate-N, ...
Distribution and controlling factors of phytoplankton assemblages associated with mariculture in an eutrophic enclosed bay in the East China Sea
HUO Yuanzi, WEI Zhangliang, LIU Qiao, YANG Fangfang, LONG Lijuan, ZHANG Qi, BI Hongsheng, HE Qing, HE Peimin
2018, 37(8): 102-112. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1238-9
The distribution of phytoplankton and its correlation with environmental factors were studied monthly during August 2012 to July 2013 in the Yantian Bay. A total of 147 taxa of phytoplankton were identified, and the average abundance was in the range...