Mar. 2025


Current Issue

2024 Vol. 42, No. 12

2024-12 Cover
2024, 43(12): 1-1.
2024-12 Contents
2024, 43(12): 1-2.
Articles$Physical Oceanography, Marine Meteorology and Marine Physics
Intercomparison of conventional and new methods for estimating eddy kinetic energy
Wenyu Li, Guidi Zhou, Xuhua Cheng
2024, 43(12): 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2365-0
We introduce a new method, the piecewise Reynolds mean (PREM), for decomposing the flow velocity into the mean-flow and eddy-flow parts in the time domain for subsequent calculation of the mean flow kinetic energy (MKE) and eddy kinetic energy (EKE)....
A significant wave height prediction method with ocean characteristics fusion and spatiotemporal dynamic graph modeling
Xiao Yin, Taoxing Wu, Jie Yu, Xiaoyu He, Lingyu Xu
2024, 43(12): 13-33. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2450-4
Accurate significant wave height (SWH) prediction is essential for the development and utilization of wave energy. Deep learning methods such as recurrent and convolutional neural networks have achieved good results in SWH forecasting. However, these...
A synthetic autonomous profiling float array in a Lagrangian particle tracking system
Tianyu Wang, Zenghong Liu, Yan Du
2024, 43(12): 34-46. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2395-7
Over the past two decades, numerous countries have actively participated in the International Argo Program, working toward the global “OneArgo” goal. China’s Argo program has deployed over 500 autonomous profiling floats in the Indo-Pacific, with 55 ...
Articles$Marine Chemistry
Assessment of nitrous oxide emission from mariculture of marine fish and crustaceans in China, 2003–2022
Guizhu Liang, Yuqing Wang, Tao Zhang, Zhiqiang Liu, Ziru Yin, Jiaru Li, Yufeng Zhang, Ying Liu
2024, 43(12): 58-65. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2415-7
Aquaculture, as the fastest-growing food production sector in the world, is becoming an increasingly nonnegligible source of greenhouse gas emissions. Despite this, there has been limited research on nitrous oxide (N2O) emission from marine aquacultu...
Articles$Marine Geology
Clues to flocculation development by comparing particle size distribution patterns of suspended matter in the water mixing zone of the Changjiang River Estuary
Yue Pang, Xiaoxia Sun, Xueshi Sun, Ming Liu, Dejiang Fan
2024, 43(12): 66-74. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2423-7
Particle size is an important characteristic of suspended matter, and it contains crucial information about the deposition process. Suspended particle samples in the water mixing zone of the Changjiang River Estuary were collected in December 2016. U...
Articles$Marine Biology
Pilot study to reconstruct life history of Diaphus thiollierei from the Arabian Sea by otolith microstructure and microchemistry
Lisheng Wu, Wenxin Zhuang, Qiaohong Liu, Rui Wang, Yuan Li, Longshan Lin, Shufang Liu, Shaoxiong Ding
2024, 43(12): 75-84. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2307-x
The lanternfishes are mesopelagic fish that are highly productive as common bycatch of deep-sea shrimp trawlers, but they are often neglected or discarded. Despite being one of the dominant lanternfish species in the Arabian Sea, little is known abou...
Coastal phytoplankton blooms and multivariate analysis with meteorological factors and climate oscillation signals in western North Pacific
Zhenxia Liu, Pei Du, Zengjie Wang, Binru Zhao, Wen Luo, Zhaoyuan Yu, Linwang Yuan
2024, 43(12): 85-101. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2420-x
Phytoplankton blooms are complex environmental phenomena driven by multiple factors. Understanding their relationships with meteorological factors and climate oscillations is essential for advancing data-driven and hybrid statistical-dynamical models...
Response of harmful dinoflagellate distribution in the China seas to global climate change
Changyou Wang, Yuxing Tang, Bernd Krock, Yiwen Xu, Zhuhua Luo, Zhaohe Luo
2024, 43(12): 102-112. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2451-3
By establishing a distribution and environmental factor database of 21 typical harmful dinoflagellates in global waters, the MaxEnt model was used to predict shifts in the habitat of harmful dinoflagellates in Chinese waters under global climate chan...
Articles$Marine Information Science
Impacts of data sources on the predictive performance of species distribution models: a case study for Scomber japonicus in the offshore waters southern Zhejiang, China
Wen Ma, Ling Ding, Xinghua Wu, Chunxia Gao, Jin Ma, Jing Zhao
2024, 43(12): 113-122. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2387-7
As our understanding of ecology deepens and modeling techniques advance, species distribution models have grown increasingly sophisticated, enhancing both their fitting and predictive capabilities. However, the dependability of predictive accuracy re...
SAR-based oil spill detection and impact assessment on coastal and marine environments
Muhammad Ozair, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal, Irfan Mahmood, Saima Naz
2024, 43(12): 123-140. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2386-8
The proposed study focuses on the reported oil spill detection and assessments of oil impacts on marine ecosystems. Five selected oil spills, including those in East China Sea, Balikpapan Bay, Red Sea, Mauritius coast, and Colombo coast were detected...