Current Issue

2024 Vol. 43, No. 8

2024-8 Cover
2024, 43(8): .
2024-8 Contents
2024, 43(8): 1-2.
Articles$Marine Geology
Identification of the Caroline Plate boundary: constraints from magnetic anomaly
Yongtao Fu, Guoliang Zhang, Wanyin Wang, An Yang, Tao He, Zhangguo Zhou, Xiao Han
2024, 43(8): 1-12. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2272-9
The Caroline Plate is located among the Pacific Plate, the Philippine Sea Plate, and the India Australia Plate, and plays a key role in controlling the spreading direction of the Philippine Sea Plate. The Caroline Submarine Plateau (or Caroline Ridge) and the Eauripik Rise on the south formed a remarkable T-shaped large igneous rock province, which covered the northern boundary between the Caroline Plate and the Pacific Plate. However, relationship between these tectonic units and magma evolution remains unclear. Based on magnetic data from the Earth Magnetic Anomaly Grid (2-arc-minute resolution) (V2), the normalized vertical derivative of the total horizontal derivative (NVDR-THDR) technique was used to study the boundary of the Caroline Plate. Results show that the northern boundary is a transform fault that runs 1400 km long in approximately 28 km wide along the N8° in E-W direction. The eastern boundary is an NNW-SSE trending fault zone and subduction zone with a width of tens to hundreds of kilometers; and the north of N4° is a fracture zone of dense faults. The southeastern boundary may be the Lyra Trough. The area between the southwestern part of the Caroline Plate and the Ayu Trough is occupied by a wide shear zone up to 100 km wide in nearly S-N trending in general. The Eauripik transform fault (ETF) in the center of the Caroline Plate and the fault zones in the east and west basins are mostly semi-parallel sinistral NNW-SSE–trending faults, which together with the eastern boundary Mussau Trench (MT) sinistral fault, the northern Caroline transform fault (CTF), and the southern shear zone of the western boundary, indicates the sinistral characteristics of the Caroline Plate. The Caroline hotspot erupted in the Pacific Plate near the CTF and formed the west Caroline Ridge, and then joined with the Caroline transform fault at the N8°. A large amount of magma erupted along the CTF, by which the east Caroline Ridge was formed. At the same time, a large amount of magma developed southward via the eastern branch of the ETF, forming the northern segment of the Eauripik Rise. Therefore, the magmatic activity of the T-shaped large igneous province is obviously related to the fault structure of the boundary faults between the Caroline Plate and Pacific Plate, and the active faults within the Caroline Plate.
Tomographic inversion of OBS converted shear waves: case study of profile EW6 in the Dongsha area
Genggeng Wen, Kuiyuan Wan, Shaohong Xia, Xiuwei Ye, Huilong Xu, Chaoyan Fan, Jinghe Cao, Shunshan Xu
2024, 43(8): 13-25. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2274-7
Studies of converted S-wave data recorded on the ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) allow for the estimation of crustal S-wave velocity, from which is further derived the Vp/Vs ratio to constrain the crustal lithology and geophysical properties. Constructing a precise S-wave velocity model is important for deep structural research, and inversion of converted S-waves provides a potential solution. However, the inversion of the converted S-wave remains a weakness because of the complexity of the seismic ray path and the inconsistent conversion interface. In this study, we introduced two travel time correction methods for the S-wave velocity inversion and imaged different S-wave velocity structures in accordance with the corresponding corrected S-wave phases using seismic data of profile EW6 in the northeastern South China Sea (SCS). The two inversion models show a similar trend in velocities, and the velocity difference is <0.15 km/s (mostly in the range of 0–0.1 km/s), indicating the accuracy of the two travel time correction methods and the reliability of the inversion results. According to simulations of seismic ray tracing based on different models, the velocity of sediments is the primary influencing factor in ray tracing for S-wave phases. If the sedimentary layer has high velocities, the near offset crustal S-wave refractions cannot be traced. In contrast, the ray tracing of Moho S-wave reflections was not significantly impacted by the velocity of the sediments. The two travel time correction methods have their own advantages, and the application of different approaches is based on additional requirements. These works provide an important reference for future improvements in converted S-wave research.
Geochemical characteristics and origins of natural gases in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin, West Africa
Li Li, Quan Li, Tao Cheng, Songling Yang, Yong Rao, Xinyu Liu, Wenjing Ding
2024, 43(8): 26-36. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2335-6
The gas sources in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin (Tano Basin) are seldom reported and remain controversial due to multiple sets of potential source rocks and poorly documented geochemical characteristics of natural gases. The marine source rock potential from the Upper Albian to Turonian as well as the molecular composition and the stable carbon isotope composition of natural gases in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin were studied in detail to investigate the origins of natural gases. The total organic carbon (TOC), hydrogen index (HI), and generation potential (S1 + S2) of source rocks indicate that both sapropelic source rocks and humic source rocks developed during the late Albian, whereas sapropelic source rocks developed during the Cenomanian and the Turonian. The normal order of δ13CH4 < δ13C2H6 < δ13C3H8 (δ13C1 < δ13C2 < δ13C3), the relationship between C2/C3 molar ratio and δ13C2-δ13C3, and the plot of δ13C1 versus C1/(C2+C3) collectively show that the natural gases are thermogenic due to the primary cracking of kerogen, including the typical oil-associated gases from Well D-1, the mixed oil-associated gases and coal-derived gases from Well G-1 and Well L-1. Based on the plot of δ13C1 versus δ13C2 and the established relationship between δ13C1 and equivalent vitrinite reflectance (Ro), we proposed that the natural gases are in a mature stage (Ro generally varies from 1.0% to 1.3%). Combined with results of basin modelling and oil-to-source correlation, the transitional to marine source rocks during the late Albian were thought to have made a great contribution to the natural gases. Our study will make a better understanding on petroleum system in the eastern Cote d’Ivoire Basin.
Application of C30 tetracyclic polyprenoids as effective biomarker in oil-to source rock correlation in the Zhu Ⅲ depression, Zhujiangkou Basin, northern South China
Lei Lan, Youchuan Li, Shuchun Yang, Yang Ouyang, Wenjing Ding, Qing Lin, Shanshan Zhou
2024, 43(8): 37-46. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2346-3
The northern South China Sea, including the Zhujiangkou Basin and the Beibuwan Basin, developed high-quality lacustrine source rocks during the Eocene rifting period. These source rocks are vital for hydrocarbon generation in the northern South China Sea. The Zhu Ⅰ depression in the Zhujiangkou Basin and the Beibuwan Basin typically exhibit high abundance of C30 4-methyl steranes. However, shales in the Eocene Wenchang Formation in the Zhu Ⅲ depression of the Zhujiangkou Basin contains lower quantities of high-quality lacustrine source rocks with 4-methyl steranes, which often co-elute with some pentacyclic triterpanes in gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Therefore, the single 4-methylsterane parameter based on GC-MS cannot accurately distinguish organic source in the deep to semi-deep water lacustrine source rocks of the Wenchang Formation from other source rocks, thus impeding the recognition of their contributions to petroleum reservoirs. In this study, GC-MS of aliphatic hydrocarbons, palynofacies and algal identification, as well as stable carbon isotope data of organic matter were used to identify the algal species and construct the paleoclimate during deposition of the Wenchang Formation source rocks in the Zhu Ⅲ depression of the Zhujiangkou Basin. It is suggested that during the Wenchang Formation period, freshwater green algae prevailed in the lake, which is likely account for the relatively low content of 4-methyl steranes in the high-quality lacustrine source rocks. Controlled by the algal species, it is proposed that the content of C30 tetracyclic polyprenoids (TPP) can better indicate the quality of the Wenchang source rocks than C30 4-methyl steranes. Consequently, a relationship between the TPP index and the quality of the lacustrine source rocks in the Wenchang Formation of the Zhu Ⅲ depression was established. A higher TPP index indicates higher organic matter abundance and hydrogen index of the lacustrine source rocks. When applied to the origin analysis of oils in the Zhu Ⅲ depression, it is believed that the organic-rich deep lacustrine source rocks in the Wenchang Formation made great contribution to the transitional zone crude oils in the Wenchang A and Wenchang B depressions.
Diatoms as indicators of environmental change in coastal areas: a case study in Lianjiang coast of East China Sea
Tong Li, Jihui Zhang, Dongling Li, Chengxu Zhou, Chenxi Liu, Hao Xu, Bing Song, Longbin Sha
2024, 43(8): 47-57. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2292-0
Owing to the significant differences in environmental characteristics and explanatory factors among estuarine and coastal regions, research on diatom transfer functions and database establishment remains incomplete. This study analysed diatoms in surface sediment samples and a sediment core from the Lianjiang coast of the East China Sea, together with environmental variables. Principal component analysis of the environmental variables showed that sea surface salinity (SSS) and sea surface temperature were the most important factors controlling hydrological conditions in the Lianjiang coastal area, whereas canonical correspondence analysis indicated that SSS and pH were the main environmental factors affecting diatom distribution. Based on the modern diatom species–environmental variable database, we developed a diatom-based SSS transfer function to quantitatively reconstruct the variability in SSS between 1984 and 2021 for sediment core HK3 from the Lianjiang coastal area. The agreement between the reconstructed SSS and instrument SSS data from 1984 to 2021 suggests that diatom-based SSS reconstruction is reliable for studying past SSS variability in the Lianjiang coastal area. Three low SSS events in AD 2019, 2013, and 1999, together with an increased relative concentration of freshwater diatom species and coarser sediment grain sizes, corresponded to two super-typhoon events and a catastrophic flooding event in Lianjiang County. Thus, a diatom-based SSS transfer function for reconstructing past SSS variability in the estuarine and coastal areas of the East China Sea can be further used to reflect the paleoenvironmental events in this region.
The occurrence phases and enrichment mechanism of rare earth elements in cobalt-rich crusts from Marcus-Wake Seamounts
Jingjing Gao, Jihua Liu, Hui Zhang, Shijuan Yan, Xiangwen Ren, Quanshu Yan
2024, 43(8): 58-68. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2276-5
To explore the occurrence phases and enrichment mechanism of rare earth elements (REEs) in cobalt-rich crusts, this study analyzes the mineral composition and REE contents of the samples from Marcus-Wake Seamounts by XRD, ICP-OES and ICP-MS. The results show that, (1) the cobalt-rich crusts contain the major crystalline mineral (vernadite), the secondary minerals (quartz, plagioclase and carbonate fluorapatite), and a large amount of amorphous ferric oxyhydroxides (FeOOH). (2) The cobalt-rich crusts contains higher Mn (10.83% to 28.76%) and Fe (6.14% to 18.86%) relative to other elements, and are enriched in REEs, with total REE contents of 1 563−3 238 µg/g and Ce contents of 790−1 722 µg/g. Rare earth element contents of the old crusts are higher than those of the new crusts. Moreover, the non-phosphatized crusts have positive Ce and negative Y anomalies, and yet the phosphatized crusts have positive Ce and positive Y anomalies, indicating that cobalt-rich crusts is hydrogenetic and REEs mainly come from seawater. (3) Analytical data also show that the occurrence phases of elements in cobalt-rich crusts are closely related to their mineral phases. In the non-phosphatized crusts, REEs are adsorbed by colloidal particles into the crusts (about 67% of REEs in the Fe oxide phase, and about 17% of REEs in the Mn oxide phase). In contrast, in the phosphatized crusts (affected by the phosphatization), REEs may combine with phosphate to form rare earth phosphate minerals, and about 64% of REEs are enriched in the residual phase containing carbonate fluorapatite, but correspondingly the influence of Fe and Mn oxide phases on REEs enrichment is greatly reduced. In addition, the oxidizing environment of seawater, high marine productivity, phosphatization, and slow growth rate can promote the REE enrichment. This study provides a reference for the metallogenesis of cobalt-rich crusts in the Pacific.
Acoustical imaging of the nearshore seafloor depositions and deformations, a key study for Western Istanbul, Türkiye
ÖZGAN Sinan, ALP Hakan, BAYAT Oğuz, VARDAR Denizhan
2024, 43(8): 69-78. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2197-3
To protect the sustainability of the benefits from seas and near coastal areas, which have under the effect of the very complex hydrodynamic conditions and intensive human activities, without disrupting the balance of nature, it is necessary to image the status of the seafloor features. Therefore, this study presents the deformations, depositional conditions, underwater constructions, and the other non-natural impacts on the seafloor of the nearshore area at western Istanbul (between Küçükçekmece and Büyükçekmece lagoons) where it intensely used by the citizens. The results of the study may provide some guidance for understanding the impacts and risk factors of uses that are or will be conducted in coastal and/or near-coastal areas. Construction planning for civil coastal structures and areas should be done in great harmony with nature, minimizing negative environmental impacts. Although sediment distribution in the area is generally quite complex, the current state of the region, wave action, hydrodynamic conditions, the amount of material transported from the land, and bathymetry are important influencing factors. The seafloor has been damaged primarily by anchor deformation and associated bottom scanning, as well as disturbing trawl tracks. The seafloor was observed as partially shallowing near the constructions (such as natural gas pipelines, fishermen’s shelter, and port piles) of coastal areas and associated with sand deposits. Therefore, scanning the seafloor using side-scan sonar may provide valuable frequency data to prevent future disruptions.
Articles$Marine Biology
Temporal variations of food web in a marine bay ecosystem based on LIM-MCMC model
Pengcheng Li, Hu Zhang, Chongliang Zhang, Binduo Xu, Yupeng Ji, Yiping Ren, Ying Xue
2024, 43(8): 79-88. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2273-8
Climate change has led to significant fluctuations in marine ecosystems, including alterations in the structure and function of food webs and ecosystem status. Coastal ecosystems are critical to the functioning of the earth’s life-supporting systems. However, temporal variations in most of these ecosystems have remained unclear so far. In this study, we employed a linear inverse model with Markov Chain Monte Carlo (LIM-MCMC) combined with ecological network analysis to reveal the temporal variations of the food web in Haizhou Bay of China. Food webs were constructed based on diet composition data in this ecosystem during the year of 2011 and 2018. Results indicated that there were obvious temporal variations in the composition of food webs in autumn of 2011 and 2018. The number of prey and predators for most species in food web decreased in 2018 compared with 2011, especially for Trichiurus lepturus, zooplankton, Amblychaeturichthys hexanema, and Loligo sp. Ecological network analysis showed that the complexity of food web structure could be reflected by comprehensive analysis of compartmentalized indicators. Haizhou Bay ecosystem was more mature and stable in 2011, while the ecosystem’s self-sustainability and recovery from disturbances were accelerated from 2011 to 2018. These findings contribute to our understanding of the dynamics of marine ecosystems and highlight the importance of comprehensive analysis of marine food webs. This work provides a framework for assessing and comparing temporal variations in marine ecosystems, which provides essential information and scientific guidance for the Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management.
Thiosulfate oxidation and autotrophy potential by marine prevalent heterotrophic bacteria of genus Marinobacter
Fei Xu, Xiang Zeng, Yadong Gong, Zongze Shao
2024, 43(8): 89-97. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2263-x
The genus Marinobacter is very broadly distributed in global environments and is considered as aerobic heterotroph. In this study, six Marinobacter strains were identified with autotrophic thiosulfate oxidation capacity. These strains, namely Marinobacter guineae M3BT, Marinobacter aromaticivorans D15-8PT, Marinobacter vulgaris F01T, Marinobacter profundi PWS21T, Marinobacter denitrificans JB02H27T, and Marinobacter sp. ST-1M (with a 99.93% similarity to the 16S rDNA sequences of Marinobacter salsuginis SD-14BT), were screened out of 32 Marinobacter strains by autotrophic thiosulfate oxidization medium. The population of cells grew in a chemolithotrophic medium, increasing from 105 cells/mL to 107 cells/mL within 5 d. This growth was accompanied by the consumption of thiosulfate 3.59 mmol/L to 9.64 mmol/L and the accumulation of sulfate up to 0.96 mmol/L, and occasionally produced sulfur containing complex particles. Among these Marinobacter strains, it was also found their capability of oxidizing thiosulfate to sulfate in a heterotrophic medium. Notably, M. vulgaris F01T and M. antarcticus ZS2-30T showed highly significant production of sulfate at 9.45 mmol/L and 3.10 mmol/L. Genome annotation indicated that these Marinobacter strains possess a complete Sox cluster for thiosulfate oxidation. Further phylogenetic analysis of the soxB gene revealed that six Marinobacter strains formed a separate lineage within Gammaproteobacteria and close to obligate chemolithoautotroph Thiomicrorhabdus arctica. The results indicated that thiosulfate oxidizing and chemolithoautotrophic potential in Marinobacter genus, which may contribute to the widespread of Marinobacter in the global ocean.
Frequent recombination in Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) ribosomal 18S rDNA
Li Gong, Tingqi Jiang, Bilin Hu, Kaixin Wang, Nannan Zhang, Zengliang Miao
2024, 43(8): 98-103. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2291-1
The conventional theory of concerted evolution has been used to explain the lack of sequence variation in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes across diverse eukaryotic species. However, recent investigations into rRNA genes in flatfish genome have resulted in controversial findings. This study focuses on 18S rRNA genes of the widely distributed tongue sole, Cynoglossus abbreviatus (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae), aiming to explore sequence polymorphism. Five distinct 18S rDNA sequence types (Type A, B, R1, R2, and R3) were identified, suggesting a departure from concerted evolution. A combination of general criteria and variations in highly conserved regions were employed to detect pseudogenes. The results pinpointed Type A sequences as potential pseudogenes due to significant sequence variations and deviations in secondary structure within highly conserved regions. Three types (Type R1, R2, and R3) were identified as recombinants between Type A and B sequences, with simple crossing over and gene conversion as the most likely recombination mechanisms. These findings not only contribute to rRNA pseudogene identification but also shed light on the evolutionary dynamics of rRNA genes in teleost genomes.
Dietary exposure to sulfamethazine, nanoplastics and their binary mixture disrupts the spermatogenesis of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma)
Yuting Zhang, Ruanni Chen, Zhiqiang Chen, Xiaoyu Fu, Ziyi Wu, Jinwan Chen, Lingtian Xie, Humin Zong, Jingli Mu
2024, 43(8): 104-110. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2289-8
In the coastal environment, the co-occurrence of antibiotic and nanoplastic pollution is common. Investigating their individual and combined toxicity to marine organisms is of great necessity. In the present study, the reproductive toxicity of sulfamethazine (SMZ) and nanoplastics (polystyrene, PS) via the dietary route on the spermatogenesis of marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma) was examined. After 30 d of dietary exposure, SMZ alone decreased the gonadosomatic index (GSI) value (~35%) and the proportion of undifferentiated type A spermatogonia (Aund) (~40%), probably by disrupting the testicular sex hormone production, the spermatogenesis-related growth factor network and the balance of apoptosis. Individual exposure to PS did not affect the GSI value or the proportions of germ cells at different developmental stages, but dysregulated the expression of several spermatogenesis-related genes. Interestingly, the presence of PS alleviated the decreased GSI value caused by SMZ. This alleviation effect was achieved by enhancing the spermatogonia differentiation instead of reversing the suppressed self-renewal of Aund, suggesting that the mixture of PS and SMZ could cause reproductive effects in a different way. These findings expand our knowledge of threats of ubiquitous antibiotic and nanoplastic pollution to fish reproduction and population.
Impacts of Early Pleistocene glacial vicariance among refugial lineages and Mid-Late Pleistocene interglacial dispersal and expansion on forging population genetic structure of the giant clam Tridacna squamosa (Bivalvia: Cardiidae: Tridacninae) across the Red Sea and Indo-West Pacific oceans
Temim Deli
2024, 43(8): 111-127. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2265-8
This study aims at identifying the microevolutionary processes responsible for the onset of the remarkable phylogeographic structure already recorded for the endangered giant clam Tridacna squamosa across its distribution range. For this purpose, the evolutionary, biogeographic and demographic histories of the species were comprehensively reconstructed in a mitochondrial dataset comprising nearly the whole available published cytochrome c oxidase 1 gene sequences of T. squamosa. Relatively higher level of genetic diversification was unveiled within T. squamosa, in comparison to earlier macro-geographic investigations, whereby five mitochondrial clusters were delineated. The resulting divergent gene pools in the Red Sea, western Indian Ocean, Indo-Malay Archipelago and western Pacific were found to be driven by Early Pleistocene glacial vicariance events among refugial lineages. Accentuated genetic diversification of the species across the Indo-Malay Archipelago was successively triggered by historical dispersal event during the Mid-Pleistocene MIS19c interglacial. This latter historical event might have also enabled genetically distinct giant clams from the Indo-Malay Archipelago to subsequently colonize the western Pacific, accounting for the genetic diversity hotspot detected within this region (comprising three divergent mitochondrial clusters). Late Pleistocene demographic expansion of T. squamosa, during the Last Interglacial period, could have contributed to forging spatial distribution of the so far delineated genetic entities across the Indo-Western Pacific. Overall, being resilient to major climate shifts during the Pleistocene through adaptation and consequent diversification, T. squamosa could be used as a model species to track the impact of climate change on genetic variability and structure of marine species. In particular, the new information, provided in this investigation, may help with understanding and/or predicting the consequences of ongoing global warming on genetic polymorphism of endangered coral reef species among which Tridacna sp. are listed as ecologically important.
Morphological, phylogenetic and metabolite profile of Prorocentrum clipeus, a newly recorded epiphytic dinoflagellate in the northern Yellow Sea
Ruifang Wang, Mengmeng Tong, Shiwen Zhou, Junjie Zheng, Wenguang Zhang, Xinfeng Dai, Douding Lu, Jiarong Hu, Tianze Leng, Qinglin Mu, Zhongyong Yan, Jiangning Zeng, Pengbin Wang
2024, 43(8): 128-141. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2302-2
More than 30 species of benthic Prorocentrum have been identified, some of which produce okadaic acid (OA) and its derivatives, dinophysistoxins (DTXs), which cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP). Increasing numbers of benthic Prorocentrum species have been reported in tropical and subtropical waters of China. In contrast, only a few benthic Prorocentrum species have been reported in temperate waters. In this study, morphological descriptions obtained using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and molecular characterization of one Prorocentrum clipeus strain isolated from the Yellow Sea are presented. Prorocentrum clipeus cells were nearly circular in shape, with a collar, ridge, and one protrusion. The periflagellar area was wide U-shaped, with two curved projections on platelet 1a. Nine periflagellar platelets of different sizes were observed. The morphology closely fits that of the species isolated from other locations. Phylogenetic analysis based on the molecular sequences of the small subunit (SSU) rDNA, internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and large subunit (LSU) rDNA was performed. A comprehensive metabolomic analysis incorporating target, suspect and non-target screenings was first applied to investigate the intracellular and extracellular metabolite profiles of the current isolate of P. clipeus. According to the results of the target and suspect screenings, 179 metabolites or toxins produced by DSP-related algal species, including OA, dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX1), dinophysistoxin-2 (DTX2) and pectenotoxin-2 (PTX2), were not detected. Non-target screening involving feature-based molecular networking (FBMN) provided a global view of major metabolites produced by the P. clipeus DF128 strain and revealed 23 clusters belonging to at least 13 compound classes, with organometallic compounds, lipids and lipid-like molecules, phenylpropanoids and polyketides, and benzenoids as major types. To date, this is the first record of the characterization of P. clipeus in samples from Chinese waters. Our results support the wide distribution of epibenthic Prorocentrum species.
A review on the parasitic isopod genus Notophryxus G. O. Sars, 1883 (Crustacea: Isopoda), and first report of Notophryxus globularis G. O. Sars, 1885 from Lakshadweep Sea (Amini Island)
Mukkattu Nazar Suhaana, Jaime Gómez-Gutiérrez, Paravanparambil Rajakumar Jayachandran, Punnakkal Hari Praved, Sivasankaran Bijoy Nandan
2024, 43(8): 142-153. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2217-3
Isopod crustaceans of the family Dajidae are exclusively marine ectoparasites. The genus Notophryxus G. O. Sars, 1883 currently includes nine nominal species, which are very rarely reported as the chances for encountering these specimens are unpredictable. Our comprehension of the taxonomy, biology, ecology, and life cycle of species belonging to the Notophryxus genus is notably lacking. All nominal species of Notophryxus genus are reviewed here to obtain a comprehensive and integrative taxonomic understanding of this genus, in an attempt to address the lacunae. This paper also documents the rediscovery of an ectoparasitic isopod from the genus Notophryxus in Indian waters, after 55 years. Adult isopod specimens obtained from the outer reefs of Amini Island in the Lakshadweep archipelago, Southeastern Arabian Sea, display morphological congruence to Notophryxus globularis G. O. Sars, 1885. The only previous report on this species dates back to 1885 from G.O. Sars' description of N. globularis as an ectoparasite on the euphausiid Thysanoessa gregaria G. O. Sars, 1883 in the North Pacific. This discovery represents a range extension of N. globularis from the North Pacific to the Arabian Sea. Two cryptoniscid larvae and three adult females of N. globularis (with dwarf males) were found attached to four adult mysid specimens of Siriella aequiremis Hansen, 1910. The present study provides an improved diagnosis of N. globularis with the aid of light microscopy images and line drawings which was not given in the original G. O. Sars, 1885 report. This research also provides a concise description of cryptoniscid larvae from the same sampling location and same host which is most likely to be N. globularis larvae.