Mar. 2025


2023 Vol. 42, No. 8

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2023-8 Cover
2023, 42(8)
2023-8 Contents
2023, 42(8): .
Distinguishing the main components of submarine groundwater and estimating the corresponding fluxes based on radium tracing method—taking the Maowei Sea for example
Linwei Li, Jinzhou Du, Xilong Wang, Yanling Lao
2023, 42(8): 1-23. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2211-9
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is an important part in the land-sea interactions, which mainly contains three components: submarine fresh groundwater discharge (SFGD), tidal flat recirculated saline groundwater discharge (tidal flat RSGD) and ...
Using radium isotopes to evaluate the uncertainty of submarine groundwater discharge in the northeast and entirety of Daya Bay
Hequan Gu, Feng Zhao, Zhixin Ni, Meigui Wu, Li Zhao, Aicui Dang, Dongmei Li, Minxia Zhang, Qin Hu
2023, 42(8): 24-31. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2181-y
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD), which can be traced using naturally occurring radium isotopes, has been recognized as a significant nutrient source and land-ocean interaction passage for the coastal waters of the Daya Bay, China. However, unce...
Using radium isotopes to quantify submarine groundwater discharge at different scales in the Huanghe River Estuary, China
Haowei Xu, Disong Yang, Xiaoyi Guo, Maosheng Gao, Guangquan Chen, Diansheng Ji, Shengtao Chen, Huaming Yu, Bochao Xu
2023, 42(8): 32-39. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2236-0
As an important land-ocean interaction process, submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is composed of multiple dynamical processes at different scales and plays an important role in the study of coastal ocean geochemical budgets. However, most of the ...
Simulation of transport mechanism of radium isotopes in aquifer on the southern coast of Laizhou Bay
Yancheng Wang, Guangquan Chen, Hongjun Yu, Xingyong Xu, Yinqiao Zou, Wenqing Zhao, Weitao Han, Wenzhe Lyu, Zhen Cui, Runtian Ding
2023, 42(8): 40-48. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2096-z
Naturally occurring radium (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra) isotopes have been widely applied as geochemical tracers in marine environments, especially when estimating the submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). In this sense, the influencing factors ...
Combined effect of subsurface dam and layered heterogeneity on groundwater flow and salinity distribution in stratified coastal aquifers
Chao Gao, Jun Kong, Jun Wang, Tong Zhou, Yuncheng Wen
2023, 42(8): 49-60. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2255-x
In this paper, for the first time, we investigated the combined effect of subsurface dams and a typical stratified aquifer (two high-permeability layers with a low-permeability layer between them) on groundwater flow and salinity distribution in a ti...
The fate of carbon resulting from pore water exchange in a mangrove and Spartina alterniflora ecozone
Weizhen Jiang, Guizhi Wang, Qing Li, Manab Kumar Dutta, Shilei Jin, Guiyuan Dai, Yi Xu
2023, 42(8): 61-76. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2234-2
Mangrove and salt-marsh wetlands are important coastal carbon sinks. In order to quantify carbon export via pore water exchange and to evaluate subsequent fate of the exported carbon, we carried out continuous observations in a mangrove-Spartina alte...
Spatial distribution and export of nutrients and metal elements in the subterranean estuary of Daya Bay
Zhaoxi Liu, Mingchen Ge, Qianqian Wang, Xuejing Wang, Kai Xiao, Gang Li, Hailong Li
2023, 42(8): 77-86. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2212-8
Subterranean estuaries (STE) are important seawater-groundwater mixing zones with complex biogeochemical processes, which play a vital role in the migration and transformation of dissolved materials. In this study, we first investigated the spatial d...
Tracing surface seawater mixing and nutrient transport by 222Rn on the northern coast of Beibu Gulf, China
Hao Wang, Qiangqiang Zhong, Fule Zhang, Suiyuan Chen, Hongyan Bao, Jing Lin, Dekun Huang, Tao Yu
2023, 42(8): 87-98. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2233-3
The transport and diffusion of substances in seawater are limited by the mixing motion of water bodies, while the main forms of mixing in offshore water bodies are advection and eddy diffusion. The eddy diffusion process of water indicates the possib...
Phosphorus speciation, transformation and benthic processes with implications for environmental impacts in the aquaculture area of Rushan Bay
Yao Feng, Jun Liu, Aijun Zhang, Yibin Wang, Lu Wang, Zongqing Lv, Xiangbin Ran
2023, 42(8): 99-112. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2235-1
Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for many organisms in the ocean, which plays a central role in the stability of ecosystems and the evolution of the environment. The distribution, occurrence and source-sink process of P in offshore waters are ...
Seasonal metal fluxes derived by the interaction of surface water and groundwater in an aquaculture estuary
Xiaoxiong Wang, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Xiaogang Chen, Jianan Liu, Fenfen Zhang, Jianguo Qu, Zhuoyi Zhu, Jinzhou Du
2023, 42(8): 113-124. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2232-4
Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) plays a major role as a conveyor of metals to coastal waters. However, the seasonal change of metal fluxes derived through SGD is unclear. Here, we evaluated the behaviours and fluxes of trace metals (Mn, Fe, Ba,...
Submarine groundwater discharge and seasonal hypoxia off the Changjiang River Estuary
Tianyi Zhu, Bochao Xu, Xiaoyi Guo, Qinsheng Wei, Ergang Lian, Pengxia Liu, William C. Burnett, Qingzhen Yao, Zhigang Yu
2023, 42(8): 125-133. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2256-9
Hypoxia is a common phenomenon in the sea adjacent to the Changjiang River Estuary (CJE), one of the global major estuaries. Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) is a widely recognized pathway for terrestrial materials entering the sea, and has been...
Features and factors of radium isotopes in Tianjin’s typical estuaries
Zhe Zhang, Yingchun Dong, Lixin Yi, Xin Hao, Yajie Zheng, Tianxue Lü
2023, 42(8): 134-146. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2146-1
In order to characterize the features of radium isotopes in estuaries of Tianjin, a continuous survey and sampling of typical estuaries were conducted from 2013 to 2017 in this study. The activities of natural radioactive radium isotopes (223Ra, 224R...
Microbiota of a seepage face at the mouth of a subterranean estuary: diversity, distribution and substrate dependence
Yueming Wu, Yongjun Wei, Juan Severino Pino Ibánhez, Danqing Sun, Kaiqi Lu, Qianqian Wang, Jian Li, Shan Jiang
2023, 42(8): 147-157. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2257-8
Subterranean estuaries, i.e., the mixing zone between terrestrial groundwater and recirculated seawater, host a wide range of microbiota. Here, field campaigns were conducted at the mouth of the subterranean estuary at the Sanggou Bay (Shandong Provi...
Linking bacterial and archaeal community dynamics to related hydrological, geochemical and environmental characteristics between surface water and groundwater in a karstic estuary
Xiaogang Chen, Qi Ye, Jinzhou Du, Neven Cukrov, Nuša Cukrov, Yan Zhang, Ling Li, Jing Zhang
2023, 42(8): 158-170. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2185-7
Subterranean estuaries (STEs) are characterized by the mixing of terrestrial fresh groundwater and seawater in coastal aquifers. Although microorganisms are important components of coastal groundwater ecosystems and play critical roles in biogeochemi...
Optimization of enrichment and pretreatment of low-activity radium isotopes in the open ocean
Guiyuan Dai, Guizhi Wang, Qing Li, Weizhen Jiang, Fei Zhang
2023, 42(8): 171-177. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2152-3
In the open ocean, radium isotopes are useful tracers of residence time and water-mass mixing. However, limited by the measurement resolution of commonly used gamma counters, the low activity of radium in the open ocean makes it necessary to enrich r...
In-situ detection equipment for radon-in-water: unattended operation and monthly investigations
Chunqian Li, Meng Li, Guangquan Chen, Huaming Yu, Chenglun Zhang, Wen Liu, Jinjia Guo, Shibin Zhao, Lijun Song, Xiliang Cui, Ying Chai, Lu Cao, Diansheng Ji, Bochao Xu
2023, 42(8): 178-184. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2238-y
Radon is recognized as a powerful tracer of certain geophysical processes in marine and aquatic environments. In the past few decades, the instruments and methods for measuring radon concentration in water have been developed to some extent but still...
Measuring 222Rn in aquatic environment via Pulsed Ionization Chamber Radon Detector
Lijun Song, Wen Liu, Shibin Zhao, Chunqian Li, Jinjia Guo, Natasha Dimova, Bochao Xu
2023, 42(8): 185-189. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2183-9
Radon (Rn) is a naturally occurring radioactive inert gas in nature, and 222Rn has been routinely used as a powerful tracer in various aquatic environmental research on timescales of hours to days, such as submarine groundwater discharge. Here we dev...