WANG Yanguo, CHEN Xiaoyin, XING Bingpeng, SUN Rouxin, FITRIA Nurul, XIANG Peng, WANG Chunguang, LIN Mao. Zooplankton composition and distribution in the Lembeh Strait of North Sulawesi, Indonesia[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(12): 35-44. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1286-1
Citation: WANG Yanguo, CHEN Xiaoyin, XING Bingpeng, SUN Rouxin, FITRIA Nurul, XIANG Peng, WANG Chunguang, LIN Mao. Zooplankton composition and distribution in the Lembeh Strait of North Sulawesi, Indonesia[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018, 37(12): 35-44. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1286-1

Zooplankton composition and distribution in the Lembeh Strait of North Sulawesi, Indonesia

doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1286-1
  • Received Date: 2017-06-15
  • Based on oceanographic survey data in June 2012 in the Lembeh Strait, the zooplankton ecological characteristics such as species composition, individual abundance, dominant species and distribution were analyzed. The results showed that 183 species (including 4 sp.) had been recognized, most of them belonged to copepoda. Cnidaria followed with 43 species (including 1 sp.) were identified. The average abundance of zooplankton was (150.47±58.91) ind./m3. As to the horizontal distribution, the abundance of the zooplankton was higher in the southern waters than in the northern waters. The dominant species in the study area were Lensia subtiloides, Sagitta enflata, Lucifer intermedius, Oikopleura rufescens, Diphyes chamissoni, Creseis acicula, Subeucalanus subcrassus, Temora discaudata, Aglaura hemistoma, Doliolum denticulatum, Canthocalanus pauper, Oikopleura longicauda and Nanomia bijuga. Zooplankton biodiversity indexes were higher in study area than previous study in the other regions. The findings from this study provide important baseline information for future research and monitoring programs.
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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