Citation: | Rui Xie, Daidai Wu, Jie Liu, Guangrong Jin, Tiantian Sun, Lihua Liu, Nengyou Wu. The influence of coupling mode of methane leakage and debris input on anaerobic oxidation of methane[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(8): 78-88. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1803-5 |
Methane is an important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere, and its greenhouse effect is 25 times that of CO2. The concentration of methane in the atmosphere has increased by 150% since 1975 and continues to grow at a rate of 1.0%–1.2% per year (Kotelnikova, 2002). The ocean is the largest methane reservoir on the planet. It is estimated that about 5 000 Gt (according to carbon) of methane is contained in oceanic anaerobic sediments. Most of this methane (3 000 Gt (according to carbon)) is consolidated in hydrates, but 2 000 Gt (according to carbon) is stored as free gas (Dong et al, 2019). Although there is a large amount of methane in the ocean, the ocean contributes only 2% to the methane in the atmosphere. In 1992, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) pointed out that the actual amount of methane produced in marine sediments is much higher than the annual methane content released into the atmosphere by the ocean. Research has shown that the methane produced by marine sediments is almost completely consumed by anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) and that 90% of this methane is consumed by anaerobic microorganisms in anoxic sediments (Wankel et al, 2012; Lloyd et al, 2006).
In the South China Sea (SCS), many studies have examined the relationship between methane leakage and AOM and also the operational mechanism of AOM (Li et al, 2008; Tong et al, 2013; Feng and Chen, 2015; Zhang et al, 2017). Wu et al (2011) studied the change of sulphate and methane concentrations in the pore water and indicated that the sulphate–methane transition zone (SMTZ) in the Shenhu area is basically around 20 m depth, which is generally consistent with the internationally common SMTZ of 10–50 m, indicating moderate leaking of methane in the northern part of the SCS. Li et al, (2017) considered that the flux of methane leakage has an important influence on the SMTZ in sediment. When the methane leakage flux is large, the SMTZ in the sediment is relatively shallow; and when the methane leakage is small, the SMTZ in the sediment is relatively deep. Therefore, the depth of the SMTZ in sediment can be used as an indicator of bottom methane leakage. Meanwhile, the SMTZ is also the sedimentary interval where methane driven authigenetic carbonate (MDAC) precipitates (Eq. (1)). AOM elevates porewater alkalinity (Egger et al, 2015) and thus promotes the precipitation of Ca(Mg/Sr)CO3 (Eq. (1)):
$$ {{\rm{2HCO}}}_{3}^-+{{\rm{Ca}}}^{2+}\left(\frac{{{\rm{Mg}}}^{2+}}{{{\rm{Sr}}}^{2+}}\right)\to {{\rm{Ca}}({\rm{Mg}}/{\rm{Sr}}){\rm{CO}}}_{3}+{{\rm{CO}}}_{2}+{{\rm{H}}}_{2}{\rm{O}}. $$ | (1) |
The MDAC is often aragonite and high-Mg calcite (Feng and Chen, 2015; Zhang et al, 2018a), and it provides direct geological evidence of AOM and methane seepage in the sedimentary record (Panieri et al, 2017). The δ13C value of the carbonate formed in the SMTZ layer is generally consistent with the value of the organic gas. Carbonates with δ13C values less than −30‰ Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) are generally consistent with carbon sourced from gas hydrate. At the same time, who studied pore water and pyrite values of δ34S in the northern SCS, found that AOM results in a positive deviation of δ34S. During AOM, sulphate is usually consumed under semi-closed or closed conditions, as reflected in 34S-enriched sulfide minerals (Egger et al, 2016). The results showed extreme variability in δ34S values, ranging from −51.3‰ to 114.8‰ (Wankel et al, 2012; Egger et al, 2016). In methane-rich environments, the 34S–32S fractionation of AOM is usually smaller than 40‰.
In addition, the debris input also caused the change of SMTZ (Lin et al, 2018). The influencing factors leading to the change of SMTZ depth are mainly related to non-steady state (non-steady state) deposition and/or fluid events. On the one hand, the appearance of landslide, slump and rapid deposition will trigger the denudation, transportation and redeposition of sediments, which will change the original steady state of geochemical conditions and sediments conditions (Liu et al., 2019).
Although Liu et al (2018) has found vivianite below the SMTZ at site 973-4 and considered that vivianite be influenced by the metal-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane. And later, Wu et al (2020) also found the evidence of metal-driven anaerobic oxidation of methane at site 973-4. Zhang et al (2018a) found the difference distribution of foraminifera at site 973-4. Zhang et al (2018b) interpreted the elemental Fe-P-S cycles at site 973-4, there are few studies have examined the relationship between the input of terrestrial debris (TD) and the relationship and AOM. In general, the total fluvial sediment discharge into the modern SCS is large, amounting to 8.4% of the total input into the global oceans, making the SCS the largest sink of fluvial sediments among the enclosed or semi-enclosed marginal seas of the world (Liu et al, 2016; Zhao et al, 2017; Zheng et al, 2018). Therefore, studying the relationship between sediment input and AOM is a good method for understanding sedimentary evolution and methane leakage. In this paper, the following scientific problems are addressed: (1) the influence of land source debris input on AOM and (2) the performance characteristics of AOM in different geological environments.
The SCS is located at the intersection of the Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate, and Indian Plate and is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific (Liu and He, 2001). The northwestern part of the SCS is a typical passive continental margin, and the northeastern part has an active convergent continental margin (Yao, 1996). After the Middle Miocene, a regional sedimentary layer dominated by marine sediments developed on the continental slopes in the northern part of the SCS (Wu et al, 2009). From west to east, these deposits formed in the Qiongdongnan Basin, Zhujiang River Mouth Basin, and Tainan Basin (Feng et al, 2018).
The Shenhu area, including the area east of the unified shoal, is located in the middle of the southern slope of the SCS, that is, the sea between the Xisha Trough and the Dongsha Islands (Fig. 1). The geological structure is part of the Baiyun Sag of the Zhujiang Depression in the Zhujiang River Mouth Basin (Wu et al, 2009). The water depth of the study area, which is the transition zone between the northern slope of the SCS and the central basin, is 1 000–3 000 m below the sea surface (Fig. 1). The sedimentation rate is high, and the sedimentary thickness of the Cenozoic deposits is 1 000–7 000 m. The organic carbon in the thick sediments is dominantly within marine facies with contents of 0.2% to 1.9% (Su et al, 2012). The organic matter content is lower in the shallow layers and relatively higher in the deep layers. The Shenhu area is one of the most active areas of tectonic movement in the northern part of the SCS. Cenozoic faulting is extremely well developed. The NW-trending faults of the Late Miocene can extend down to Palaeogene strata, providing a channel for deep fluid migration to higher levels, and the shallow portion is widely penetrated by a large number of NE-trending faults, which may facilitate further migration of hydrocarbon-bearing fluids to small faults (Su et al, 2016). In addition, the sea area has a well-developed diapiric structure, and gas leakage is very strong, which also affects gas hydrate accumulation (Wu et al, 2009).
The seabed topography of the Taixinan Basin is inclined from the northwest to the southeast. In the northwestern shelf transition zone and the upper land slope, the seabed topography and slope change greatly. To the southeast, the water depth increases slowly, and the topography is relatively flat. The topography of the seabed in the study area is complex, and the slope angle changes greatly. The upper slope is steep, but the lower slope is gentle. Three levels of geomorphic units, submarine canyons, land slopes, and seabed slopes, can be distinguished. Descending steps of the terrain and steep slopes, terraces, erosional valleys, sea hills, sea valleys, scoured trenches, landslides, seamounts, and other secondary landform types can be identified (Zhang et al, 2002, 2013; Wang et al, 2015). A dense series of NE-trending normal faults is developed in the study area and forms gas migration channels with associated gas chimney structure, which is conducive to the formation and development of hydrates. Miocene turbidites are well developed in the study area. The Pliocene is dominated by canyon, natural dyke, and semi-oceanic deposits.
The site SH3 and site SH1 samples used in this study were obtained by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey in the Shenhu area of the SCS in 2007 (Su et al, 2015). Site SH3 is of particular interest because of its high hydrate saturation and thicker hydrate-bearing sediments. The sediments are mainly muddy but include silt with clay or sand as a secondary component. In this study, 31 samples were obtained from site SH3 from 0–25 m below seafloor, and the main trace elements were measured separately. And the site SH1 is very closed to the site SH3. At site SH1, the sediments are same as site SH3. However, there is no gas hydrate in sediments. In this paper, 11 samples collected from the site SH1. The δ34S values, main and trace elements were measured separately.
Core 973-4 has four distinctive lithological intervals, as summarised from Wang (2013). The sediments in the intervals of 12–450 cm and 450–530 cm are composed of celadon silty clay and grey clayey silt, respectively. The 530–603 cm interval consists of celadon clayey silt with abundant foraminiferal shells. The 603–1 375 cm interval consists of grey silty clay with patchy hydrogen-sulphide textures (Zhang et al, 2018b). In this study, we selected 64 samples from site 973-4 and conducted analytical tests.
Major elements in the sediments were analysed at the Analytical and Testing Center of the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences. X-Ray fluoresccene spectrometry (XRF; Thermo ARL ADVANTta IntelliPowerTM 2000, Waltham, MA, USA) was used to determine the primary element contents. The measured XRF spectral data were converted to elemental and oxide contents using UniQuant semi-quantitative analysis software. The whole rock trace element contents were analysed using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS; Agilent 7700e, Santa Clara, CA, USA) at the analysis and testing centre of the Wuhan Shangpu Analysis Technology Co., Ltd.
Total organic carbon (TOC) was measured using a Heraeus (Ulm, Germany) CHN-O Rapid Elemental Analyzer. Before testing, the appropriate sediments were selected, excess calcium carbonate was removed by adding 10% HCl, and the sample was diluted several times with distilled water before being placed in an oven at 50°C. The TOC test instrument accuracy was greater than 1%. The aforementioned experimental process was conducted at the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Total sulphur and total carbon tests were performed using an element analyser (Vario EL cube; Elementar, Alb-Donau-Kreis, Germany) with an accuracy of 0.1%. To burn and decompose it, the rock powder sample was oxidised catalytically in oxygen at a high temperature, producing a mixture containing C and S gases. These mixed gases were then placed into contact with tungsten oxide and copper to convert them into CO2 and SO2 gases, at which point the sample was separated by a column. A thermal conductivity detector was used to calculate the C and S component contents by comparing the test sample with a standard sample. The aforementioned pretreatment and experimental procedures were completed at the Analytical Testing Center of the Guangzhou Institute of Energy Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Reduced inorganic sulphur (RIS) in the samples was extracted using CrCl2 and HCl. This reduction method can release sulphur contained in all sulphide lattices, so the obtained sulphur content was almost equal to the total content of chromium reducible sulphur (CRS). The reduced sulphur was converted to H2S gas, which was blown out by the carrier gas (nitrogen), and then precipitated by passing it through an AgNO3–NH3H2O solution to obtain silver sulphide. The silver sulphide was filtered, dried, and weighed. Then, the weight percentage of CRS in the deposit was calculated according to the weight of precipitated silver sulphide. The detailed experimental steps can be found in Panieri et al (2017).
During the experiment, quantitative addition of pyrite as a standard sample resulted in a recovery rate of 88%–92%. The silver sulphide was then sent to the State Key Laboratory of Biogeology and Environmental Geology of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan, China) for analysis of δ34S using an elemental analysis–isotope ratio mass spectrometer (Delta V Plus). All results were reported in standard delta notation as per mil deviations from the Vienna-defined Canyon Diablo Troilite (VCDT). The standard deviation of the measurements was less than 0.2‰ (VCDT). Measurement errors of about 0.2‰ (1σ) were calculated from replicate analyses of the IAEA international standards IAEA S1 (−0.3‰), IAEA S2 (+22.7‰), and IAEA S3 (−32.3‰).
At site 973-4, all the data changed dramatically at 400–600 cm below seafloor. Among them, MgO and SrO showed opposite trends. The indicators of primary productivity of Cu/Al and Ni/Al show the same trend of change and both decrease rapidly at 400–600 cm below seafloor. The changing trends of U and Mo show opposite trends. However, at site SH3, there are two obviouly change of main and trace element at 7–15 m below seafloor and 17.5–20 m below seafloor, all the data have increased invariably. But the study found that all mineral indicators have a greater increase at 8–15 m below seafloor than at 17.5–22 m below seafloor. The main changes at site SH1 in the 25–36 m below seafloor position. In the 25–36 m below seafloor, all the data declined.
At site SH3, the δ34S values increase from −49‰ to −35‰ at 10–15 m below seafloor, and later, the δ34S values increase from −35‰ to −11‰ at 17.5–20 m below seafloor. At site SH1, the δ34S values increase at 25–36 m below seafloor. At site 973-4, the δ34S increase from −40‰ to 10‰ at 650–900 cm below seafloor.
Generally, in oxic and suboxic sediments, reduced sulphur and organic carbon contents show a correlation with an average S/C ratio of 0.36 (Berner, 1981; Li et al, 2016a, 2016b) (Fig. 2). In euxinic sediments, similar to those of the Black Sea, the S/C ratio is always higher than 2.05 (Leventhal, 1983). Moreover, in methane-rich sediments, where AOM is the predominant process, AOM-induced pyrite formation may increase the S/C ratio of sediments (Lim et al, 2011; Sato et al, 2012). At site SH3, the S/C ratio of the 0–8 m below seafloor interval was very close to 0.36 (Fig. 2). However, in the same layer, the U/Al and Mo/Al ratios were not enriched (Figs 3e and k), indicating an oxidising environment. This result is consistent with the S/C ratio in the oxic sediments of the Black Sea. The S/C ratios in the 8–15 m and 18–22 m below seafloor intervals were higher than 0.36 (Fig. 2). This result may indicate that there are two stages of AOM at SH3. However, at site 973-4, the S/C ratio of the 700–869 cm below seafloor interval was higher than 0.36 (Fig. 2), and the ratio was close to 0.36 at other layers of site 973-4, indicating that AOM occurs only in the 600–800 cm below seafloor interval of site 973-4 (Fig. 2).
Total sulphur (TS) and TOC showed a positive correlation in the 0–6 m below seafloor interval of site SH3, where the average S/C ratio was 0.36. The changes with depth of TiO2, Al2O3, and SiO2 were also examined. These increased significantly in the 0–6 m below seafloor depth, indicating a high land-derived input of organic matter to the sediments (Figs 4a–e). The low reactivity of land-derived organic matter and the normal oxic marine environment may account for the lower S/C ratio. At site SH3, high contents of CRS were observed in the 8–15 m and 18–22 m below seafloor intervals (Fig. 5). In these two layers, the concentration of TS increased significantly (Fig. 2); however, the TOC content remained constant, with an average of 0.35 (Fig. 2), which excluded the mechanism of additional CRS formation in a euxinic environment. The main reason for this is AOM. At the same time, high values of δ34S (Fig. 5), greater than the value of average seawater sulphate δ34S of 21‰, occurred in the 8–15 m and 18–22 m below seafloor intervals (Fig. 5a). Many studies have shown that a significant positive bias of δ34S indicates the occurrence of AOM (Wu et al, 2011; Egger et al, 2016; Lin et al, 2017; Zhang et al, 2018b).
As mentioned previously, the S/C ratio at site 973-4 was higher than 0.36 in the 700–869 cm below seafloor interval and close to 0.36 in the other layers (Fig. 2). This indicates a potential AOM effect in the 700–869 cm below seafloor interval. The concentrations of TiO2 and Al2O3 (Figs 4a–e) decreased at 700–890 cm below seafloor, indicating that the input of TDM was low. However, Shao et al (2007) considered that there are contour current sediments at the top of the SMTZ at site 973-4, there is no significant increase of authigenic carbonate in the modern SMTZ (600–860 cm below seafloor). At site 973-4, the study found a marked decrease in carbonate at the top of the SMTZ. The value of δ34S increased obviously at 700–860 cm below seafloor. Combined these data confirm the occurrence of AOM at 700–860 cm below seafloor, the same increase trend of CRS was found at 27–37 m below seafloor at site SH1 (Fig. 6).
As discussed above, there are two SMTZ, at 8–15 m below seafloor and 19–25 m below seafloor, respectively, at site SH3. Moreover, high Ba concentrations (exceeding 420×10−6) occur in the 8–15 m and 19–23 m below seafloor intervals. The peak Ba concentrations within these zones exceed 480×10−6. The Ba fronts (defined here as intervals with Ba>430×10−6) at site SH3 are diffuse, extending over several meters with multiple peaks. For example, at site SH3, a Ba front extends from 8 m to 15 m below seafloor and contains at least two peaks with Ba>430×10−6. Additionally, a second Ba front was also found at the top of the current SMTZ (19–25 m below seafloor) of site SH3 (Dickens, 2001). In general, two primary components contribute to high Ba concentrations. For example, high concentrations of aluminosilicate phases and barite may increase the Ba content. The Ba from aluminosilicates is generally immobile, but the Ba hosted in barite is influenced by
Determining the size of the methane flux is an important process. Under normal circumstances, the SMTZ is relatively shallow when the methane flux is relatively large and is relatively deep when the methane flux is relatively small. Thus, the SMTZ can partially indicate the amount of methane flux at the bottom. Dickens (2001) also suggested that an obvious Ba front requires at least 104 to 106 years to form. However, if the methane flux is highly variable or decreases over time, a small Ba front should exist at multiple depths. At site SH3, double Ba fronts at the paleo-SMTZ and the current SMTZ are not obvious. Therefore, the methane flux from the bottom must have been variable over geological time (Dickens, 2001). In fact, sedimentary organic matter can affect the diffusion of CH4; thus, the CH4 diffusion flux in sediments of the study area can be calculated according to Fick’s laws (Eqs (2) and (3)):
$$ J=-\varphi Ds\frac{{\rm{d}}c}{{\rm{d}}x}{\rm{,}} $$ | (2) |
where J is the diffusion rate (mmol/(m2·a)),
$$ Ds=\frac{Do}{1+n(1-\varphi)}{\rm{,}} $$ | (3) |
where n=3 (lithology factor of silty clay) and Do=1.4×10−5 cm2/s (initial diffusion coefficient of methane at 20°C). In the Shenhu area, the average sediment porosity and grain density for sediment at site SH3 are 40% and 2.6 g/cm3, respectively (Jin et al, 2019).
According to Table 1, the methane flux at the bottom of the southwestern Taiwan Basin is significantly greater than the methane flux in the Shenhu area. However, it is strange that site 973-4 in the southwestern Taiwan Basin did not show a significant upward movement of the SMTZ due to the increase in the bottom methane flux. Instead, through a comprehensive analysis of the main trace elements and isotopes, it is believed that the SMTZ has migrated downward quickly. Analysis of sediment Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios at site 973-4 (Fig. 8), site SH1, and site SH3 revealed that the sediments at site 973-4 received greater inputs of sediments than site SH1 and site SH3. Therefore, although there is certainly a high flux of methane at the bottom of site 973-4, the deposition rate at the top is significantly higher than the other two sites and the movement at the site is controlled mainly by changes in deposition rate. Affected by the rapid contour current sedimentation, the SMTZ at site 973-4 dropped quickly by approximately 1 m.
Area | Methane flux/(mmol·m−2·a−1) | Sulphate flux/(mmol·m−2·a−1) | Reference |
Shenhu area | 0.01–4.51 | / | this study |
Taixinan Basin | 0.01–87.0 | 1.01–161 | Lin et al. (2006) |
Black Ridge, Atlantic | 7.20–7.90 | 7.90–8.60 | Dickens (2001) |
Site SH1 is the station least affected by debris input (Fig. 8) because Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca ratios (Fig. 8) of its sediment indicate that it has greater deposition of biological debris. Because site SH1 is very close to site SH3, the deposition rates at the top are basically the same. However, the difference is that the position of the SMTZ at site SH1 is about 10 m deeper than the current SMTZ position at site SH3. As the top deposition rate is basically the same, the main reason for the difference is the difference in bottom methane flux. During the GMGS1 voyage in 2007, hydrates were found in the 190–205 m below seafloor horizon of SH3. Hydrates are stable materials formed in a high-pressure and low-temperature environment and sometimes are susceptible to disasters such as seabed landslides. The impact of such events may cause decomposition, resulting in seafloor leakage of methane. Therefore, the methane flux at the bottom of site SH1 may be affected by the decomposition of natural gas hydrate at the bottom of site SH3. Therefore, the SMTZ distribution is obviously deeper than that at site SH3. This conclusion is consistent with the fact that the SMTZ is relatively shallow when the methane flux is relatively large.
Site SH3 is the most complex of the three sites, and it is difficult to determine whether the deposition rate or the methane flux dominates the movement of the SMTZ. However, the detailed study of the Ba peak is conducive to the understanding of its basic situation. In general, diagenetic front composed of labile Ba exists in shallow sediments above the paleo-SMTZ and the current SMTZ of site SH3. Simple calculations demonstrate that these Ba fronts were formed in the past. The minimum time required to precipitate a Ba front can be estimated from the quantity of Ba in the front and the supply of Ba to the front. At site SH3, the total area concentration of the double Ba front above the paleo-SMTZ is 16.867×10−6; however, the value of the double Ba front at the current SMTZ is 32.98×10−6.The downward supply of solid Ba determines the minimum time required to generate the Ba in a front. The average concentrations of solid Ba above and below the front at the paleo-SMTZ at site SH3 were 380×10−6 and 400×10−6, respectively (Fig. 7), indicating a net loss of 20×10−6 Ba as solid particles are buried through the
At site 973-4, the SMTZ also showed a tendency to move vertically. However, the mechanism of the movement at site 973-4 was significantly different from that of the modern SMTZ of site SH3. At site 973-4, the TOC/TN ratio did not change from the shallow portion to the deep portion, indicating that the input of the detrital material was stable; however, the result showed a significant decrease at the top of the SMTZ. The carbonate and Ba contents also decreased significantly. Xie et al (2019) believed that the geological time at the top of the SMTZ of site 973-4 was during the last glacial maximum, when there was an obvious contour current deposition rate of 91 cm/ka. However, Fe2O3 and Al2O3 did not increase. Shao et al (2007) analysed many seismic sections in the northern part of the SCS and discovered the existence of contour current flow at the bottom of site 973-4. The contour current deposition at the bottom of the seabed was the main reason for the high rate of deposition of the sediment. The high sedimentation rate deposits caused the SMTZ to move downward quickly, made the biogenetic barite unstable and diluted the carbonate in the sediment. The high sedimentation rate sediments are also the main reason for the reducing environment of site 973-4. The clear enrichment of U–Mo at the top of the SMTZ indicates a closed reducing depositional environment. At the same time, the primary productivity at the top of the SMTZ was also significantly reduced because both Cu/Al and Ni/Al were significantly negative (Figs 3c and d). Thus, the contour current deposition had an important influence on the formation of the submarine sedimentary environment, the movement of the SMTZ, and the enrichment of elements.
At site SH1, the indices of detrital materials of Ti, Al, and Fe all decreased at the SMTZ (Fig. 6). In the paleo-SMTZ layer at site SH3, the sedimentary environment was very similar to that of site 973-4, a closed reducing sedimentary environment, and the indicators of terrestrial debris in the paleo-SMTZ layer were obviously increased. However, the difference of site 973-4 is that the input of TDM at the paleo-SMTZ of site SH3 was not very high, only 20 cm/ka (Hsu et al, 2014), so the migration of the SMTZ was relatively slow and enriched carbonate and pyrite formed. The Ba in this layer exhibits a double peak, which also confirms the slow movement of its SMTZ from the side. It is foreseeable that it may hardly find any signs of an SMTZ in a depositional environment with a high deposition rate but low methane flux because the rapidly moving SMTZ is not conducive to the formation of the various minerals and the occurrence of the related chemical reactions (Lu et al, 2017).
The SMTZ at site SH3 in the Shenhu area was the most stable. Hence, the AOM signal in its sediment was the strongest. This reduced input of terrigenous detrital materials was conducive to improvement of primary productivity. At the modern SMTZ, the Cu/Al and Ni/Al ratios at site SH3 were also increased (Figs 3c and j), indicating higher primary productivity. The U–Mo coupling system indicated that the depositional environment of the modern SMTZ was suboxic, and such a depositional environment is very beneficial to microbial activity. Therefore, the input of terrigenous debris is an important influencing factor.
This study examined the δ34S, terrigenous clastic indices of TiO2 and Al2O3, and redox indices of U and Mo at site 973-4 in the Taixinan Basin and sites SH3 and SH1 in the Shenhu area. The coupled relationships between the different systems of deposition rates and methane fluxes showed distinctly different manifestations for the distribution of the SMTZ.
(1) At site 973-4, the deposition rate had a dominant role, so the SMTZ, depositional environment, and primary productivity were affected by the high deposition rate. Affected by the high deposition rate, the SMTZ showed a significant downward migration.
(2) At site SH1, the coupled model of deposition rate and methane flux was dominated by methane flux. The result is in accordance with the general understanding that the SMTZ is shallow when the methane flux is large and the SMTZ is deep when the methane flux is small.
(3) At site SH3, the coupled model of deposition rate and methane flux showed that the two aspects are in a process of dynamic equilibrium. Thus, the AOM effect was the most stable. At site SH3, through calculation of the Ba peak, the SMTZ was found to be more stable than the paleo-SMTZ. In this case, the AOM signal in the sediment was the strongest (Fig. 9).
The samples were collected by the Haiyang-6 and GMGS1 Scientific Research Boat of the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey, China. The authors thank the voyage scientists for their hard work in collecting the research samples. The authors also thank the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry CAS for total organic carbon analysis, Wuhan Institute of Science and Technology Co., Ltd. for trace elements analysis, and the Analysis and Testing Center of China University of Geosciences (Wuhan, China) for S isotope tests.
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1. | Qinyi Zhang, Daidai Wu, Guangrong Jin, et al. Methane seep in the Shenhu area of the South China sea using geochemical and mineralogical features. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2022. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105829 |
Area | Methane flux/(mmol·m−2·a−1) | Sulphate flux/(mmol·m−2·a−1) | Reference |
Shenhu area | 0.01–4.51 | / | this study |
Taixinan Basin | 0.01–87.0 | 1.01–161 | Lin et al. (2006) |
Black Ridge, Atlantic | 7.20–7.90 | 7.90–8.60 | Dickens (2001) |