Volume 40 Issue 7
Jul.  2021
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Qiu Zhong, Yangfan Deng, Zhigang Peng, Lingyuan Meng. Possible triggering relationship of six Mw > 6 earthquakes in 2018–2019 at Philippine archipelago[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(7): 142-158. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1813-3
Citation: Qiu Zhong, Yangfan Deng, Zhigang Peng, Lingyuan Meng. Possible triggering relationship of six Mw > 6 earthquakes in 2018–2019 at Philippine archipelago[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(7): 142-158. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1813-3

Possible triggering relationship of six Mw > 6 earthquakes in 2018–2019 at Philippine archipelago

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1813-3
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41704049, 41890813, 91628301 and 41974068; the Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract Nos QYZDY-SSW-DQC005 and 133244KYSB20180029; the foundation of Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) under contract No. GML2019ZD0205; the foundation of Youth Innovation Promotion Association, Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract No. YIPA2018385; the United States National Science Foundation under contract No. EAR-1736197; the Foundation of Science Foundation for the Earthquake Resilience of China Earthquake Administration under contract No. XH20072.
More Information
  • Corresponding author: qiuzhong@scsio.ac.cn
  • Received Date: 2020-12-01
  • Accepted Date: 2020-12-31
  • Available Online: 2021-06-11
  • Publish Date: 2021-07-25
  • Philippine archipelago (PA) has strong background seismicity, but there is no systematic study of earthquake triggering in this region. There are six earthquakes (Mw > 6) occurred between 2018/12/29 and 2019/09/29 in PA, which provides an excellent opportunity to investigate the triggering relationship among these events. We calculate the static Coulomb stress changes of the first five events, and find that the local seismicity after the 2018/12/29 Mw 7.0 earthquake is mostly associated with positive Coulomb stress changes, including the 2019/05/31 Mw 6.1 event, suggesting a possible triggering relationship. However, we cannot rule out the dynamic triggering mechanism, due to increased microseismicity in both positive and negative stress change regions, and an incomplete local catalog, especially right after the first Mw 7.0 mainshock. The dynamic stresses from these Mw > 6 events are large enough (from 5 kPa to 3532 kPa) to trigger subsequent events, but a lack of seismicity and waveform evidence does not support delayed dynamic triggering among these events, even the shortest time interval is less than 24 hours. In the past 45 years, the released seismic energy shows certain peaks every 5–10 years. However, earthquakes with Mw > 6.0 were relatively infrequent between 2004 and 2018 at PA. Hence, it is possible that several regions are relatively late in their earthquake cycles, which would enhance their susceptibility of being triggered by earthquakes at nearby and regional distances.
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