Citation: | Xingkun Xu, Joey J. Voermans, Changlong Guan, Alexander V. Babanin. Sea spray induced air-sea heat and salt fluxes based on the wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(5): 35-41. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2073-6 |
Sea spray, or ocean spray, consists of liquid water ejected from the ocean surface because of wind shearing, wave breaking, and related physical mechanisms (Veron, 2015) (Fig. 1). As the composition of these water droplets is generally equal to that of the ocean surface water, once the sea spray is ejected into the atmosphere, the sea spray enlarges the surface area between the ocean surface and the atmosphere (Andreas, 1992, 1995). Sea spray subsequently contributes to the momentum, enthalpy, and ocean salt transfer during and/or after its evaporation and crystallization. Therefore, it plays a critical role in the atmosphere-ocean coupling (Andreas and Emanuel, 2001; Bao et al., 2011; Ma et al., 2020; Sroka and Emanuel, 2021).
Once sea spray is released to the atmosphere, it rapidly adjusts to the speed of local winds in a few seconds (Veron, 2015; Sroka and Emanuel, 2022). At developing sea, where the velocity of local winds is normally larger than that of waves, sea spray is expected to gain momentum from surrounding airflow and transfer it to the surface waves once falling back to the ocean (Rastigejev and Suslov, 2022). This positively contributes to the energy input from the winds to ocean surface current, which in turn results in positive feedback on the air-sea interaction (Zhang et al., 2017; Xu et al., 2021a). However, other studies argued that sea spray limits the air-sea momentum transfer. This is because parts of small water droplets reside in the air for days to weeks, the existence of them inhibits the wind energy input from the atmosphere into the ocean (Emanuel, 1995; Powell et al., 2003; Jarosz et al., 2007; Soloviev et al., 2014). Under this circumstance, even if the sea spray positively contributes to the momentum transfer from the atmosphere to ocean, the total air-sea momentum fluxes could be constant or even decreased. While it is still debatable how the sea spray dynamically affects the air-sea interactions, there is consensus that sea spray significantly influences the air-sea momentum transfer (Veron, 2015; Sroka and Emanuel, 2021, 2022).
In addition to momentum transfer, sea spray modulates the heat transfer from the ocean to atmosphere (Andreas, 1992, 1998; Andreas and Decosmo, 1999, 2002) (Fig. 1). Riehl (1948) initially proposed that the sea spray could potentially provide considerable heat to the atmosphere. Later, due to the difficulty of the experimental conduction in the field, Wu (1974) studied sea spray in a wind-wave tank and observed that the sea spray induced heat fluxes account for more than 13% of the air-sea total heat fluxes. However, results of Wu (1974) are limited to winds up to 13.4 m/s only. As such, more experiments were required to expand the sea spray observation at strong winds and obtain the general theory. In the late 1980s, a series of experiments were conducted, such as the Humidity Exchange Over the Sea (HEXO). Based on HEXO, Andreas (1992, 1998) proposed a wind dependent sea spray model that is developed to estimate the sea spray induced sensible and latent heat fluxes. It was pointed out that, once wind speed exceeds 11–13 m/s, the heat fluxes induced by sea spray become a significant fraction of the total air-sea heat fluxes, an observation consistent with Zhang and Lou (1995). Therefore, sea spray is expected to contribute to the air-sea heat transfer, and thus needs to be fully understood and considered through air-sea coupling.
Sea spray, in addition to dynamical and thermal effects, contributes to the air-sea salt transfer between the atmosphere and ocean (Veron, 2015). Sea spray of small radius, can stay in the air for days to weeks after being ejected into the atmosphere (Textor et al., 2006). While in the air, sea spray is subjected to evaporation, thereby crystallizing to salt particles (Andreae and Rosenfeld, 2008). The crystallized sea salt particles are considered a major source of atmospheric aerosols which inevitably affect global and regional climate. In addition to impacts on the increase of aerosol, sea salt can attach to the surface of the offshore industry, destroy their interfacial system, and cause inner aggregate raveling via chemistry reaction (Syrett, 1976; Zhou et al., 2020). Thus, as sea spray has significant impacts on air-sea interaction, climate, and ocean offshore industry, we need to understand how it interacts in the air-sea coupling system through the estimation of the sea spray induced heat and salt fluxes.
In this study, we aim to investigate the impacts of sea spray on air-sea heat and salt fluxes. To do so, we implemented various sea spray models into a bulk turbulent air-sea fluxes algorithm in Section 2, including a novel wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model that was developed on the basis of unique in-situ sea spray observations. Note, we also implemented other sea spray models as comparisons. Section 3 present the results and discussion, followed by the conclusions of this study in Section 4.
In this study, we adopted the novel nondimensional sea spray model of Xu et al. (2021b) to derive the sea spray volume fluxes generated at the ocean surface. This sea spray model is based on proxy-measurements of sea spray obtained from an offshore platform on the Western Shelf of Australia (Voermans et al., 2019). Observations of sea spray were measured concurrently with wind and wave properties and the sea spray volume flux is given by
$$ \frac{{V}_{{\rm{sp}}}}{{U}_{10}}=1.99\sqrt{s}\times {10}^{-8} , $$ | (1) |
where the
Before the sea spray model of Andreas et al. (2008) can be used for the estimation of sea spray induced fluxes, we need to parameterize the microphysical process of sea spray evolution in the air. To do so, we adopted a bulk turbulent air-sea fluxes algorithm for high-wind sea spray conditions (Andreas et al., 2008). In this algorithm, the air-sea heat fluxes can be parameterized as
$$ {H}_{{\rm{l,tot}}}={H}_{{\rm{l,int}}}+{H}_{{\rm{l,sp}}} , $$ | (2) |
$$ {H}_{{\rm{s,tot}}}={H}_{{\rm{s,int}}}+{H}_{{\rm{s,sp}}} , $$ | (3) |
$$ {H}_{{\rm{s,int}}}={\rho }_{{\rm{a}}}{c}_{{\rm{p}}}{C}_{Hr} {S}_{{\rm{r}}}({\theta }_{{\rm{s}}}-{\theta }_{{\rm{r}}}), $$ | (4) |
$$ {H}_{{\rm{l,int}}}={\rho }_{{\rm{a}}}{L}_{{\rm{v}}}{C}_{Er}{S}_{{\rm{r}}} \left({Q}_{{\rm{s}}}-{Q}_{{\rm{r}}}\right), $$ | (5) |
To derive the total air-sea heat fluxes in Eqs (2) and (3) in addition to the interfacial direct air-sea heat fluxes, we need iteratively compute the sea spray induced latent heat, and sensible heat fluxes (i.e.,
$$ {H}_{{\rm{l,sp}}}=\alpha {Q}_{{\rm{l,sp}}} , $$ | (6) |
$$ {H}_{{\rm{s,sp}}}=\beta {Q}_{{\rm{s,sp}}}-\left(\alpha -\gamma \right){Q}_{{\rm{l,sp}}} , $$ | (7) |
$$ \left\{\begin{array}{ll}{Q}_{{\rm{l,sp}}}={-\rho }_{w}\cdot {L}_{{\rm{v}}}\cdot \left\{1-{\left[\dfrac{r\left({\tau }_{f}\right)}{{r}_{0}}\right]}^{3}\right\}\cdot {V}_{{\rm{sp}}},&{\tau }_{f}\leqslant {\tau }_{r}\\ {Q}_{{\rm{l,sp}}}={-\rho }_{w}\cdot {L}_{{\rm{v}}}\cdot \left[1-{\left(\dfrac{{r}_{{\rm{eq}}}}{{r}_{0}}\right)}^{3}\right]\cdot {V}_{{\rm{sp}}},&{\tau }_{f} > {\tau }_{r},\end{array}\right. $$ | (8) |
$$ {Q}_{{\rm{s,sp}}}={\rho }_{w}\cdot {c}_{ps}\cdot \left({T}_{w}- {T}_{{\rm{eq}}}\right)\cdot \left[1-{{\rm{e}}}^{\left(-\tfrac{{\tau }_{f}}{{\tau }_{T}}\right)}\right]\cdot {V}_{{\rm{sp}}} , $$ | (9) |
To estimate the sea spray induced salt fluxes, based on Eq. (4) and the theory of Andreas (2010), the salt fluxes (i.e.,
$$ {M}_{{\rm{s,sp}}}=\frac{s{H}_{{\rm{l,sp}}}}{{L}_{{\rm{v}}}\left(1-s\right)}, $$ | (10) |
Figure 2 shows the variation in modelled sea spray volume fluxes with 10-m wind velocity for different but typical values of the mean wave steepness (i.e.,
To investigate the heat and salt fluxes induced by the sea spray at the air-sea surface, we hereafter make the following assumptions about the atmospheric and oceanic condition: 20℃ averaged air temperature, a 27℃ averaged sea surface temperature, 1 000 hPa averaged sea surface pressure, 80% relative humidity, and 34 averaged sea surface salinity. In light of this, we can utilize these stable environmental variables as input for the bulk turbulent air-sea fluxes algorithm of Andreas et al. (2008) (i.e., Eqs (2)–(10)), and estimate the contribution of sea spray to the air-sea heat fluxes through implementing the sea spray model of Xu et al. (2021b) (i.e., Eq. (1)), Andreas (1992), and Zhao et al. (2006).
Figure 3 presents the variation in the air-sea sensible heat fluxes (SHF) with surface winds. We note, the sea spray induced sensible heat fluxes decease with surface wind velocity ramping up. In particular, by introducing sea spray through Xu et al. (2021b) for
Figure 4 demonstrates the variability in air-sea latent heat fluxes (LHF) in response to surface winds. The sea spray induced latent heat fluxes rise with the increase of the wind velocity, albeit, at different magnitude for the different sea spray models. Namely, by the inclusion of the sea spray model of Xu et al. (2021b), for
Figure 5 shows the change of air-sea total heat fluxes (i.e., SHF+LHF) with surface winds. We observe that the sea spray impacts on the sea spray induced total heat fluxes are largely consistent with the latent heat fluxes caused by sea spray. Specifically, the air-sea heat fluxes are increase by up to 42% when U10=40 m/s and
As the air-sea heat fluxes are the main source of energy for generating and maintaining the development of TCs (Montgomery and Farrell, 1993; Chan, 2005; Webster et al., 2005; Xu et al., 2021a), the inclusion of sea spray into the air-sea heat transfer can increase the intensity of TCs (Andreas and Emanuel, 2001; Zhang et al., 2017, 2021). Current studies suggest that the direct interfacial air-sea heat exchange is not large enough to explain underestimate of TCs’ intensity (Emanuel, 2003, 2005). As the sea spray induced heat fluxes augment the air-sea interfacial heat transfer, we therefore suspect that it is the spray induced heat fluxes that cover the gap in the balance of air-sea heat budget in TC systems (Andreas and Emanuel, 2001; Zhang et al., 2021). This is because sea spray can redistribute the heat and moisture between the temperature and humidity fields in the air-sea boundary layer, which is consistent with current studies (Liu et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2017; Garg et al., 2018). To investigate the impacts of sea spray on TCs system, we plan to conduct numerical experiments of TCs based on sea spray models in future studies.
Given the same atmospheric and oceanic conditions as in Section 3.2, we can derive the sea spray induced sea salt fluxes for different wind speeds and wave states (Fig. 6). We observe that the sea spray induced salt fluxes are consistent with sea spray induced volume fluxes (Fig. 2). This can be represented through the inclusion of different sea spray models. Namely, the sea spray induced salt fluxes increase with the wind velocity and wave steepness.
Based on data of the fifth-generation atmospheric reanalysis of the global climate (ERA-5) produced by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, we estimated the annual average of sea spray induced salt fluxes in 2010. Here, we take the sea spray model of Xu et al. (2021b) as an example (Fig. 7). We note, the global sea spray-modulated salt fluxes distribution is highly consistent with the 10-m wind speed,
In this present work, we investigate the contributions of sea spray to the air-sea heat and salt fluxes. In doing so, we implemented one novel wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model into a bulk turbulent air-sea fluxes algorithm. By adopting the improved wave-state-dependent air-sea fluxes algorithm, we estimate the air-sea heat and salt fluxes with and without sea spray. To make the advantage of using wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model clear, we utilized other sea spray models as comparisons.
We observe that, while adopting different sea spray models, the sea spray induced sensible heat fluxes are negative (i.e., decrease the interfacial direct air-sea sensible fluxes). However, the latent heat fluxes induced by the sea spray are positive, which increases the interfacial direct air-sea latent heat fluxes. As the latent heat fluxes are substantial in comparison with sensible heat fluxes, the total sea spray-modulated heat fluxes are positive. That is, the air-sea heat fluxes increase when introducing sea spray. The contribution of sea spray to air-sea heat fluxes become similar in magnitude as the atmospheric and oceanic environment getting more and more energetic. Therefore, the additional heat fluxes from the sea spray to the atmosphere might be the critical physical process that can explain the current inconsistencies between the observations and simulations of Tropical Cyclones’ intensification. Therefore, sea spray needs to be considered in current operational forecasting models of the Tropical Cyclones.
In addition to heat fluxes, we estimated sea spray-induced air-sea salt fluxes on the basis of the novel wave-steepness-dependent sea spray model. Through atmosphere, ocean and wave datasets of ERA-5, we derived the annual average of sea spray-induced salt fluxes in 2010. We observe that, the spatial distribution of sea spray-induced salt fluxes agrees with the 10-m wind speed,
It should be noted that current models and algorithm related to sea spray still differ for sea spray droplets by up to six orders of magnitudes in various observations. More field and/or laboratory experiments of sea spray with concurrent winds and waves are needed for future validation of sea spray effects on air-sea heat, momentum, and salt transfer. However, despite the uncertainties in this study, we substantiate that the impacts of sea spray on air-sea coupling are significant and require to be considered in studies of air-sea interactions, regional and global climate.
Acknowledgements: The authors acknowledge the support of the Centre of Disaster Management and Public Safety of the University of Melbourne. The authors are grateful to Woodside Ltd. and Australian Bureau of Meteorology for giving access to the data.
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