Citation: | Lu Yang, Xuefeng Zhang. A multi-scale second-order autoregressive recursive filter approach for the sea ice concentration analysis[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(3): 115-126. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2297-8 |
In the field of ocean data assimilation, the three-dimensional variational method is one of the commonly used methods. In variational methods, the background error covariance matrix plays an important role in the quality of the analyzed field. It affects the propagation of observed information among different variables and within the internal space of variables (Cao et al., 2008). However, this matrix has a huge scale and is often ill-conditioned. Therefore, explicit creation based on selected relevant scales is usually not adopted (Li et al., 2011). More studies focus on using recursive filter methods to approximately simulate the background error covariance matrix (Lorenc, 1992; Hayden and Purser, 1995; Huang, 2000; Purser et al., 2003a, b).
Recursive filter is a continuous approximation method. It modifies the information of the background field through changes in spatial characteristic scales in a series of iterations, thus reducing the regional influence (He et al., 2011). In the variational method, a Gaussian filter can be approximately simulated by iterating a first-order filter several times (Purser et al., 2003a). The characteristic scale of Gaussian filter is a low-pass filter parameter. When the given characteristic scale is small, there are short waves in the analyzed field. If the characteristic scale is large, it may occur excessive smoothing. The determination of filter parameter needs to ensure that the effect of the filter is similar to that of convolution on a field using a covariance function (Vandenberghe and Kuo, 1999; Zhang et al., 2004). Gaussian or second-order auto-regressive (SOAR) functions are generally used to describe the background error horizontal correlation function. Research has shown that the Gaussian correlation function do not have sufficient power at small scales (Vandenberghe and Kuo, 1999; Zeng, 2006). To address this issue, Purser et al. (2003b) replaced the single Gaussian function by superimposing Gaussian functions of different scales. He et al. (2011) fitted three Gaussian correlation functions with different characteristic scales by linear superposition to obtain a fourth-order recursive filter. It not only preserves large-scale information but also displays many meso- and small-scale information. The regional three-dimensional variational (3D-VAR) assimilation based on multi-characteristic scale recursive filters has also been verified to obtain more mesoscale information in meteorological element forecasting applications (Wu et al., 2018; Zhu and Li, 2021). In addition, in recent years, other studies on scale separation or multi-scale information extraction have also achieved successful applications in the marine field, such as multigrid data assimilation method (Li et al., 2008), 3D-VAR based on sequential filter method (Wu et al., 2011), sequential 3D-VAR method (He et al., 2008), scale-selective data assimilation method (Peng et al., 2010), and multi-scale 3D-VAR based on diffusion filter method (Li et al., 2011).
It should be noted that according to Zhang et al. (2004), in one-dimensional recursive filter experiments, the above two background error horizontal correlation functions can approximate the analytic solution of the original function with the increase of filtering times. However, the Gaussian function requires 10 filters, while the SOAR function requires only three filters. Due to the limited selection of fixed filter parameters, the filter results based on the SOAR function still cannot obtain information at all scales. To take the advantage of SOAR function and solve the problem of multi-scale extraction, a reconstruction method for gridding observation based on variational optimization technology, called multi-scale second-order auto-regressive recursive filter (MSRF) scheme, is designed in this study. The MSRF scheme is based on the spatial multi-scale recursive filter (SMRF) method firstly proposed by Chen (2011), then applied in sea ice concentration (SIC) analysis by Zhang et al. (2020). Here MSRF uses a SOAR filter to replace the cascade of multiple first-order recursive filters in the SMRF scheme. The MSRF scheme only needs to perform two times of recursive filter to be equivalent to a SOAR correlation function (Lorenc, 1992), instead of several times (8 times; Zhang et al., 2020) of recursive filter as in the SMRF scheme. At the same time, the spectral response function of both the SOAR correlation function and its Laplace operator has a larger power spectrum at meso- and small-scale (Zhuang et al., 2021), which is beneficial for obtaining meso- and small-scale information in analysis. In addition, the MSRF scheme also gains additional benefits in multi-scale processes: (1) it has convergence; (2) in the minimization process, the linear search algorithm automatically determines the step size and analyzed results are adjusted without manual intervention; (3) observations at all spatial scales can be processed in one iteration.
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the theory of SOAR correlation function is firstly introduced and the SOAR filter concept is proposed. Secondly, based on the SMRF method, the SOAR filter is applied to multi-scale 3D-VAR analysis, and the MSRF scheme is designed. In Section 3, two-dimensional ideal experiments are conducted on the MSRF scheme based on single point observations. Section 4 further applies the MSRF scheme to an example of Arctic SIC, and compares the MSRF scheme with the SMRF scheme in terms of analyzed results and computational efficiency. The conclusions are summarized and discussion is presented in Section 5.
Assuming the input vector is
$$ b_{i}=\alpha b_{i-1}+(1-\alpha) a_{i}, \quad i=1,2, \cdots, M, $$ | (1) |
$$ c_{i}=\alpha c_{i+1}+(1-\alpha) b_{i}, \quad i=M, M-1, \cdots, 1, $$ | (2) |
$$ a_{i}=c_{i}-\frac{\alpha}{(1-\alpha)^{2}}\left(c_{i-1}-2 c_{i}+c_{i+1}\right) .$$ | (3) |
$$ \phi(k)=\left[1+\frac{4 \alpha}{(1-\alpha)^{2}} \sin ^{2} \frac{k \Delta x}{2}\right]^{-1}. $$ | (4) |
$$ \phi(k) \cong\left[1+\frac{\alpha k^{2} \Delta x^{2}}{(1-\alpha)^{2}}\right]^{-N}. $$ | (5) |
The determination of filter parameter needs to ensure that the effect of the filter is similar to that of convolution on a field using a covariance function. A SOAR function is considered as the correlation function, which in the one-dimensional case can be expressed as
$$ f\left(x_{m}, x_{j}\right)=\sigma_{b}^{2}\left(1+c\left|x_{m}-x_{j}\right|\right) {\mathrm{exp}}\left({-c\left|x_{m}-x_{j}\right|}\right), $$ | (6) |
$$ \phi_{{\rm{SOAR}}}(k)=\frac{4 \sigma_{b}^{2}}{c}\left(1+\frac{k^{2}}{c^{2}}\right)^{-2} .$$ | (7) |
Comparing Eq. (5) and Eq. (7), it can be found that, in addition to satisfying the following two equations,
$$ N=2 , $$ | (8) |
$$ \frac{\alpha \Delta x^{2}}{(1-\alpha)^{2}}=\frac{1}{c^{2}} , $$ | (9) |
it needs to multiply the final result of the filter by the following equation:
$$ \beta=\frac{4 \sigma_{b}^{2}}{c} . $$ | (10) |
Let (Zhang et al., 2004; Zeng, 2006)
$$ E=\frac{N c^{2} \Delta x^{2}}{4} , $$ | (11) |
according to Eqs (8), (9), and (11), it can be calculated that:
$$ \alpha=1+E-\sqrt{E(E+2)} . $$ | (12) |
By using the scale factor of Eq. (10), the filter parameter N can be calculated from Eqs (11) and (12), then the recursive filter process of Eqs (1) and (2) can be performed. Moreover, the result of only performing two recursive filters (satisfying Eq. (8)) is equivalent to the SOAR correlation function of Eq. (6) (Lorenc, 1992), which is named the SOAR filter in this study.
Observation data provide information on various wavelength scales of ocean (or sea ice) elements. Traditional 3D-VAR methods only perform a single 3D-VAR analysis, which is difficult to extract multiple wavelengths simultaneously. The analyzed results may be contaminated by noise such as observation errors or irregular data distribution. Compared to the multi-grid 3D-VAR method (Li et al., 2008; Xie et al., 2011), which separately solves 3D-VAR analysis on grids of different resolutions, the SMRF method can process all spatial scale observations in once analysis process (Zhang et al., 2020).
The main idea of the SMRF method is to minimize the difference between the estimated field and the observed field through variational optimization techniques. The unconstrained minimization problem below is considered:
$$ \min \mathrm{J}({\boldsymbol{x}})=\min \frac{1}{2}\left({\boldsymbol{x}}^{\mathrm{o}}-{\mathrm{H}} {{{\boldsymbol{x}}}}\right)^{{\mathrm{T}}} R^{-1}\left({\boldsymbol{x}}^{\mathrm{o}}-{\mathrm{H}} x\right) , $$ | (13) |
where x is the analyzed field, xo is the observed field. H is the observation operator from the analysis space to the observation space. R is the covariance matrix of observation errors. To suppress observed noise, a recursive filter operator D with a filter parameter
$$ \min \mathrm{J}({\boldsymbol{w}})=\min \frac{1}{2}\left({\boldsymbol{x}}^{\mathrm{o}}-\mathrm{HD} {\boldsymbol{w}}\right)^{{\rm{T}}}{ \boldsymbol{R}}^{-1}\left({\boldsymbol{x}}^{\mathrm{o}}-\mathrm{HD} {\boldsymbol{w}}\right). $$ | (14) |
The gradient of the cost function
$$ \nabla \mathrm{J}({\boldsymbol{w}})=\mathrm{DH}^{{\rm{T}}} \boldsymbol{R}^{-1}\left({\boldsymbol{x}}^{{\rm{o}}}-\mathrm{HD} {\boldsymbol{w}}\right). $$ | (15) |
For the unconstrained minimization problem of Eq. (14), minimization algorithms can be used to solve it (such as steepest descent method, L-BFGS method and conjugate gradient method). The specific calculation steps are as follows.
(1) Given the initial guess value
(2) Perform recursive filter on
(3) Calculate
(4) Use minimization algorithms to optimize
(5) Go to Step (3) until the convergence condition is met;
(6) The final analyzed value is
As mentioned by Zhang et al. (2020), when observations are scarce or irregularly distributed, the minimization problem solved according to the above steps is usually ill posed. In this case, the gradient values of the cost function are spatially discontinuous. If the “flawed” gradient is introduced into a general gradient-based minimization algorithm, the updated estimates will contain erroneous small-scale signals. In the SMRF scheme, in addition to applying recursive filters to the variable
(1) Define the cost function and give the initial guess value
(2) Filter
(3) Calculate observational residuals
(4) Given a larger scale factor
(5) Using the line search algorithm (Moré and Thuente, 1994) to determine the descent step size and adjust
(6) Decrease the scale factor
(7) Repeat Steps (2)–(6) until the convergence condition is met.
(8) The final analyzed value
The basic principle of the MSRF scheme is analyzed below, and the corresponding algorithm flow chart is shown in Fig. 1. Similar to the SMRF scheme, the initial guess value
To investigate the transmission effect of SOAR filter on observation information in multi-scale 3D-VAR analysis, two-dimensional single point experiments are carried out. A recursive filter operator with varying scale factor
The analysis area is given as a square area, with a latitude range of 0°–10°N and a longitude range of 0°–10°E. The resolution of the analysis grid is 0.25° × 0.25°, that is,
$$ \beta_{i+1}=\beta_{i}-0.01, \quad i=1,2, \cdots, M, $$ | (16) |
Figure 2 shows the results of solving Eq. (14) based on the L-BFGS algorithm when the scale factor
Figure 3 shows the propagation results of observed signals under different iteration steps when the scale factor
To further analyze the signal propagation ability of the MSRF scheme in two-dimensional ideal experiments, the observed signal propagation results of the SMRF scheme in the same analysis domain are visually compared, as shown in Fig. 4. Figure 4a shows the surface diagram corresponding to the propagation results of the MSRF scheme when total number of iterations
To explore the ability of the MSRF scheme in extracting spatial multi-scale information in the actual ocean (or sea ice) environment, two-dimensional data assimilation experiments are conducted using Arctic SIC observation data. By comparing with the L-BFGS scheme, the principle of the MSRF scheme to extract information in the data-void region is further analyzed. Moreover, the MSRF and SMRF schemes are qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed in terms of assimilation error and computational efficiency.
The SIC used in the experiment is derived from the dataset named Neal-Real-Time Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder (SSMIS) Daily Polar Gridded Sea Ice Concentrations, Version 2 provided by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (Meier et al., 2021). The dataset is obtained by using the NASA team algorithm (Cavalieri, 2012) to process data received from SSMIS on DMSP satellites. The data range is from November 1, 2021 to present, with a spatial resolution of 25 km × 25 km and a temporal resolution of days. The data covers the entire Arctic.
The “true” field from SSMIS Arctic SIC observation data on August 14, 2023 is shown in Fig. 5a. Since satellite data typically have higher spatial resolution than the model (Yang et al., 2022), one grid point is retained for every four grid points. Moreover, some observations are removed from areas with dramatic changes in SIC to verify the ability of the MSRF scheme in extracting multi-scale information, as shown in the data-void region in Fig. 5b. A total of 1382 observations are remained to reconstruct the “true” field (Fig. 5b). In this experiment, the grid interval
$$ \beta_{i + 1}=\beta_{i}-1, \quad i=1,2, \ldots, M, $$ | (17) |
Figure 6 shows the SIC analyzed results obtained by the L-BFGS scheme based on the SOAR filter when the scale factors are set to 110 (Fig. 6a), 200 (Fig. 6b), 450 (Fig. 6c), and 700 (Fig. 6d), respectively. From the comparison with the “true” field (Fig. 5a), it is not difficult to see that the selection of
When the initial fixed value of the scale factor
The SIC on August 14, 2023 is also taken as an example to conduct two-dimensional assimilation experiments on the SMRF scheme. The fixed and small filter parameter
Further qualitative and quantitative analysis are conducted on the SIC analyzed results constructed by the MSRF and SMRF schemes. Figure 10 shows the distribution of differences between the two schemes and observations. As can be seen from the figure, the analyzed results of the two schemes show significant deviations in different degrees in the data-void region, except for the sea ice margin region. The MSRF scheme tends to underestimate the SIC, as shown in the data-void region around (80.5°N, 150°W) marked in the pink pentagrams in Fig. 10a. On the contrary, the SMRF scheme exhibits smaller bias in this region (Fig. 10b), but it has a larger positive bias in the data-void region near (85°N, 88°E) marked in the blue pentagrams than the MSRF scheme. The similar results are also reflected in the histogram of SIC deviation in Fig. 11. Positive deviation indicates that the analyzed value is greater than the observed value, otherwise the reverse. The deviation value of the MSRF scheme has a higher frequency in the interval [–0.3, –0.1) (0.0461) than the SMRF scheme (0.0413), while the frequency in the interval [0.1, 0.3) (0.0288) is lower than the SMRF scheme (0.0340). The main reason for the different results of the two schemes is that different types of filters have different filling structures for the regions of missing observations. From single point observation experiments, it was found that the MSRF scheme has a wider observation propagation range and exhibits anisotropic characteristics in the outer edge region of the range. This makes it more susceptible to the influence of a wider range of observation data in the iterative process of analyzed field. Nevertheless, the SMRF scheme tends to smoothly transition the data-void region based on available observations around it.
The overall performance of the two schemes is further analyzed from the perspectives of regional overall error and computational efficiency. The root mean square error (RMSE) and mean absolute deviation (MAD) are calculated as follows:
$${\mathrm{RMSE}}=\sqrt{\frac{\sum\limits_{i\,=\,1}^{{n}}\left(x_{i}^{{\mathrm{a}}}-x_{i}^{{\mathrm{o}}}\right)^{2}}{n}} , $$ | (18) |
$$ \mathrm{MAD}=\frac{\left|\sum\limits_{i\,=\,1}^{n}\left(x_{i}^{\mathrm{a}}-x_{i}^{{\mathrm{o}}}\right)^{2}\right|}{n} , $$ | (19) |
where i is the label of the grid point,
Although both schemes have certain deviations in filling the data-void region, from the perspective of overall regional error (Table 1), the MSRF scheme is significantly smaller than the SMRF scheme. The RMSE and MAD of the MSRF scheme are reduced by approximately 0.6 % and 3.2 % compared to the SMRF scheme, respectively. Moreover, the frequency of the deviation between the analyzed results of the MSRF scheme and the observations within the interval [–0.1, 0.1) (0.9182) is also greater than that of the SMRF scheme (0.9175) (Fig. 11). Further, the model performance of the two schemes over a period of time (August 11–31, 2023) is evaluated. Figure 12 shows the overall regional RMSE and MAD for the two schemes, respectively. It can be seen that in the whole period, the deviations of analyzed results of the MSRF scheme are smaller than those of SMRF scheme. In addition, under the same experiment configuration, the MSRF scheme also obtained smaller errors in the SIC analyzed results of the two schemes on August 8, 2022 (bold values in Table 1). It is worth mentioning that the MSRF scheme has higher computational efficiency while achieving analyzed results closer to the “true” value. The iteration steps of the MSRF scheme are less than half of the SMRF scheme, and the calculation time is only about 1/7 of the SMRF scheme.
Scheme | RMSE | MAD | Iteration step | CPU time/s |
MSRF scheme | 0.0652 | 0.0297 | 215 | 12.137 |
0.0655 | 0.0289 | 215 | 12.558 | |
SMRF scheme | 0.0656 | 0.0307 | 500 | 88.936 |
0.0660 | 0.0301 | 500 | 85.161 |
In this study, the SOAR correlation function is introduced into the multi-scale 3D-VAR analysis. The SOAR filter, which only requires two filters, is used to replace the cascade of multiple first-order recursive filters in the SMRF scheme, and the MSRF scheme is proposed. In addition to filtering the independent variables of the cost function, the MSRF scheme also applies SOAR filter to the gradient of the cost function. The descent direction is established by smoothing the sharp changes of the gradient to extract the long wave of the observational residual. As the scale factor gradually decreases, wavelengths of various scales from long wave to short wave are extracted successively. In the two-dimensional SIC experiment, the MSRF scheme has a smaller deviation between the analyzed results and observations compared to the SMRF scheme, and the calculation time is only 1/7 of that of the SMRF scheme.
The SOAR filter combines SOAR function with recursive filters, and only two filtering processes are performed in each direction, greatly improving computational efficiency. Meanwhile, the filter demonstrates good propagation ability for observed signals in multi-scale 3D-VAR applications. In the supplementary experiment, the MSRF scheme also shows good performance when applied to the observation of sea surface temperature with uneven distribution. These show the promising potential of the MSRF scheme for further application in ocean or sea ice forecast systems in the future. However, the MSRF scheme has some parameters that require manual adjustment, such as the selection of fixed-value scale factor and the determination of scale factor decreasing formula. In addition, the selection of initial scale factor
Furthermore, according to the study of Yang et al. (2022), the low-order recursive filter in the SMRF scheme was replaced by a Van Vliet fourth-order recursive filter, and the proposed multi-scale high-order recursive filter (MHRF) scheme has good multi-scale information extraction ability. The MSRF scheme proposed in this study tends to be more isotropic in single point signal transmission performance compared to the MHRF scheme. Moreover, the MAD of the MSRF scheme between the SIC analyzed results and observations on August 14, 2023 reduced by approximately 1.66% compared to the MHRF scheme. It is worth noting that the MHRF scheme has relatively independent filtering processes in various directions and has certain advantages in computational efficiency. Compared with the MSRF scheme, its calculation time is shortened by about 2.62 s. In the future, we will attempt to further improve the MSRF scheme in this study based on high-order recursive filters, in order to achieve better results in terms of computational efficiency and accuracy.
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Scheme | RMSE | MAD | Iteration step | CPU time/s |
MSRF scheme | 0.0652 | 0.0297 | 215 | 12.137 |
0.0655 | 0.0289 | 215 | 12.558 | |
SMRF scheme | 0.0656 | 0.0307 | 500 | 88.936 |
0.0660 | 0.0301 | 500 | 85.161 |