XU Maoquan, XU Wenbin, SUN Meiqin. Distribution and composition characteristics of heavy minerals in surficial sediment of Minjiang Estuary[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, (3): 86-93.
XU Maoquan, XU Wenbin, SUN Meiqin. Distribution and composition characteristics of heavy minerals in surficial sediment of Minjiang Estuary[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, (3): 86-93.
XU Maoquan, XU Wenbin, SUN Meiqin. Distribution and composition characteristics of heavy minerals in surficial sediment of Minjiang Estuary[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, (3): 86-93.
XU Maoquan, XU Wenbin, SUN Meiqin. Distribution and composition characteristics of heavy minerals in surficial sediment of Minjiang Estuary[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2005, (3): 86-93.
Heavy minerals with a size range of 0.125~0.250 mm in the surficial sediment of Minjiang Estuary are studied. Thirty-four heavy minerals have been identified, with an average content of 1.92%. Major minerals include magnetite, epidote, hematite, hornblende, ilmenite, and zircon mica. These types are the same as those in the 0.063~0.125 mm range; however, the average content is lower, which reveals that the heavy minerals in Minjiang Estuary are mainly enriched in the very-fine sand fraction. According to the content and distribution characteristics of the major heavy minerals, Minjiang Estuary can be divided into 4 mineral assemblage zones. In each zone the assemblage of heavy minerals is greatly affected by the hydrodynamic condition and the sedimentary environment. Heavy mineral types also show that detrital matters in Minjiang Estuary are originated from the weathering and erosion of the bedrock in the Minjiang River drainage area.