方舟, 刘必林, 陈新军, 陈勇
2019, 38(10): 43-52. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1431-5
关键词: 柔鱼|角质颚|微量元素|生长阶段|洄游路径
Study of evolution forecast of the area of the Huanghe River mouth
GuoYongsheng, XuXuegong, FanZhaomu, WuPeihong, ZhuXiaoge
1993(2): 249-259.
关键词: HuangheRivermouth, Markovchain, forecastingmethodofgreynumberseries
From 1979 to 1989, the current Qingshuigou course of the Huanghe River formed a sub-delta which resembles a beak extending into the Laizhou Bay. It covers 618 km2 in area. To meet the needs of developing and constructing the Huanghe River Delta and under the presupposition of keeping the current course for 15-20 a, we forecast mainly by using the OM (1, 1) model that the front border of the sub-delta will be close to 119°30'E and its area will become 923 km2 by the end of the year 2000.The Huanghe River will make land 760 km2 in area.
Study of fine structure of temperature in the equatorial westernPacific Ocean with wavelet transform
JiangMingshun, ZhangAijun
1998(3): 293-304.
关键词: Temperaturefinestructurewavelettransform, multifractal
By using the wavelet transform (WT), we analysed part of the CTD data rnllected from the equatorial western Pacific Ocean, the results show that the temperature fine structure has selfsimilarity and may be described with fractel.The singularity exponents of temperature series and their probability distributions are also calculated.The probability distribution functions(pdfs) have nearly a universal form.The nonzero probability at negative exponents implies the posmible existence of sigular points in the temperature profiles.When computing the averaged period of the WT, we end that the mean period Δ of the WT of the temperature series has a power dependence on the transform Beak a.i.e.,Δ-αβ, with β≈1.This suggests that a simple dichomotous cascading mechanism may govern the fine-strueture dynamics.In addtion, since the amplitudes of the wavelet transform is related with the strength of the temperature fluctuations, the vertical distribution of fluctuation energy can be calculated by wavelet transform.Compared to the FFT spectrum, the WT spectrum is,smooth and is capable of giving more accurate spectral slopes.
刘必林, 陈新军, 钱卫国, 金岳, 李建华
2019, 38(10): 53-59. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1487-2
关键词: 稳定同位素|茎柔鱼|角质颚|地理区域差异|营养水平|东太平洋