谢帝芝, 徐树德, 吴清洋, 陈芳, 王树启, 游翠红, 李远友
2018, 37(2): 85-93. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1165-9
关键词: 消化酶, 海藻, 黄斑蓝子鱼, 消化特性
黄斑蓝子鱼(Siganus canaliculatus)是可养殖的少数植食性海水鱼之一。为进一步了解黄斑蓝子鱼的消化生理特征,以及将海藻更科学地应用于配合饲料中,本研究采用不同类型饵料:冰鲜杂鱼(Raw fish,RF)、配方饲料(Formulated diet,FD)、浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifra,EP)和龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis,GL)饲喂黄斑篮子鱼8周,分析鱼内脏特征及其消化酶活性的变化情况。研究结果显示:RF组和FD组鱼的肝体比和脏体比,以及EP组和GL组鱼的肠长比(Relative intestine length,RIL),都显著高于其他组。此外,分析不同处理组鱼的肝和前肠组织形态结构,发现RF组肝细胞核被脂滴挤到细胞边缘,两海藻组前肠黏膜的皱褶程度最高。养殖前三周,鱼的消化酶活性变化波动明显,而之后消化酶活性趋于平稳。消化道的蛋白酶,脂肪酶和α-淀粉酶的水平分别随着日粮中蛋白质,脂肪和碳水化合物水平的变化而变化。虽然,海藻饵料显著降低了黄斑篮子鱼的胃蛋白酶活性,但是提高了机体RIL和前肠黏膜的皱褶程度以弥补其对胃蛋白酶的负面影响。以上结果表明黄斑蓝子鱼的消化系统可较好地适应不同类型的饵料,其适应时间大约为三周。因此,本研究结果也暗示黄斑蓝子鱼也具有一些杂食性鱼类的属性。
2023, 42(6): 49-56. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2089-y  刊出日期:2023-06-25
Macroalgae have long been used as biological indicators of marine ecosystem health worldwide due to their ecological importance and sensitivity to environmental stress. A number of previous studies have utilized macroalgal communities in monitoring surveys of environmental conditions. This study examined the characteristics and patterns of marine macroalgal communities in the Yellow Sea off the western coast of Korea. Macroalgae were analyzed for the number of species, biomass, and coverage ratio by macroalgal type. During the study period, 82 macroalgal species (10 green algae, 17 brown algae, and 55 red algae) were identified at the five study sites, with the highest number of species found at Gwanrido and Uido (both containing 41 species) and the lowest at Daeijakdo (27 species). The average biomass (via dry weight) was 98.63 g/m2, consisting of green algae (8.39 g/m2), brown algae (35.08 g/m2), and red algae (55.16 g/m2). The dominant macroalgae species in terms of biomass were Corallina pilulifera, Sargassum thunbergii, and Ulva australis in the intertidal zones, and Botryocladia wrightii and Gelidium elegans in the subtidal zones. Richness, evenness, and diversity indices based on the biomass of abundant species were 5.08, 0.65, and 2.30, respectively, over the entire study area. Based on the evaluation of the environmental states by the community indices, overall, the Ecological Evaluation Index of macroalgae communities in the study area was marked as “Good-Moderate”, but was determined as “Moderate-Low” at several sites during summer. The results can be a direct approach in the assessment of coastal habitats in which anthropogenic as well as climate change influences persist.
韩红宾, 宋伟, 王宗灵, 丁德文, 袁超, 张学雷, 李艳
2019, 38(8): 72-77. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1278-1
关键词: 绿潮, 微观繁殖体, 大型海藻, 秦皇岛, 北戴河
2021, 40(7): 31-41. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1771-9  刊出日期:2021-07-25
At the end of May 2008, a massive bloom of macroalgae occurred in the western Yellow Sea off China and lasted for nearly two months, and annual blooms have occurred since then on. During bloom period, the surface-drifting macroalgae have showed an interesting pattern dominated by a banded structure, and the distance between neighboring bands ranged from hundreds of meters to about 6 km with a peak at 1–1.5 km, which is an order of higher than the scale of Langmuir circulation of 50–100 m. In order to explain this new phenomenon, ocean current data obtained from a Doppler current profiler off Qingdao was used to implement stability analysis. By numerically solving the resulting differential Orr-Sommerfeld equation, the secondary circulation induced from the instability of the Emkan current was found to fit well with the observed spatial scale of the surface-drifting macroalgae’s banded structure. As the wind driven Emkan current exist universally in the global ocean, it is reasonable to conclude that the banded structure with kilometers distance between adjoining bands is ubiquitous. We found a new circulation in the upper ocean which is important for exchange of energy, materials and gas between the upper ocean and subsurface layer.
宋伟, 姜美洁, 王宗灵, 王洪平, 张学雷, 傅明珠
2018, 37(4): 102-108. doi: 10.1007/s13131-018-1169-5
关键词: 绿潮, 繁殖体源, 浒苔, 防止附着
海洋绿藻气生硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha aerea)和线形硬毛藻(C. linum)的形态与分子鉴定
黄冰心, 滕林宏, 丁兰平
2016, 35(4): 118-123. doi: 10.1007/s13131-016-0841-x
关键词: 气生硬毛藻Chaetomorphaaerea, 线形硬毛藻Chaetomorphalinum, 分子鉴定, 形态比较, 18SrRNA, ITS
海洋大型绿藻气生硬毛藻(Chaetomorpha aerea)和线形硬毛藻(C. linum)在分类方面易引起混淆。针对这个问题,我们尝试通过形态与分子分析来区分这两个种。气生硬毛藻和线形硬毛藻能通过形态特征区分,如藻体形态、细胞形状与大小、细胞长宽比(LWR)及细胞壁收缢等。气生硬毛藻的藻体一般向基纤细,上部直径270-500μm,中部直径160-360μm,下部直径100-160μm;在上部,细胞的长小于宽;细胞壁常常在横隔处收缢,使得丝体呈珠状。而线形硬毛藻的藻体在相同个体上常常直径为稳定的90-300μm,细胞圆柱状或桶状,细胞壁常不收缢;其LWR比气生硬毛藻的大。分子分析结果表明,这两个种的18S rRNA基因差异为3.6%-3.7%、ITS为53.5%-54.3%。在系统发育上,它们分布在较远的进化支上,证明在分子水平上具有遗传差异。另外,形态学数据表明,线形硬毛藻样品的藻体直径变化大,范围达到90μm-300μm。因此,建议这两个种作为独立种处理。
Polyculture of the lined seahorse, Hippocampus erectus Perry, 1810 with two species of macroalgae in aquaria
XUYongjian, LINJunda, CHENShun
2010(1): 26-32. doi: 10.1007/s13131-010-0004-4
关键词: Hippocampuserectus, Chaetomorphalinum, Gracilariatikvahiae, growthrate, survivalrate, waterqualityinaquarium
A two-month study was conducted to test the effects of macroalgae on the growth and survivorship of juvenile lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) in aquaria. Twenty-day old seahorses were cultured in the tanks with green alga Chaetomorpha linum, red alga Gracilaria tikvahiae, green plastic artificial plant (stargrass), and black plastic net, respectively. Increases in wet mass and standard length for the seahorses were significantly higher in the tanks with macroalgae than those without macroalgae. The seahorse survivorships in the two macroalgal treatments were also significantly higher than those of the two treatments without macroalgae. In the treatments with macroalgae, the DO and pH were higher than those without marcoalgae. During the experiment, the color of seahorses was changed to certain extent. In the green background (the treatments with C. linum and stargrass), 24.1%-28.4% of black seahorses decreased over time; whereas in the black (plastic net) or brown (G. tikvahiae) background treatments, 14.1%-16.3% of yellow seahorses decreased over time, for matching that of the background. Furthermore, the survival rate of seahorse was correlation with DO and pH, and strong correlation with standard length, wet mass and CF. Polyculture with macroalgae, survival rates of seahorse were higher than without macroaglae.
刘湘庆, 王宗灵, 范士亮, 肖洁, 李艳, 张学雷, 李瑞香, 王小娜
2016, 35(6): 94-100. doi: 10.1007/s13131-016-0879-9
关键词: 分布现状, 苏北浅滩, 绿藻微观繁殖体, 绿藻
为了揭示苏北浅滩紫菜养殖区附着绿藻和绿藻微观繁殖体的分布现状,从2013年三月到五月份对苏北浅滩紫菜养殖区及附近海域进行航次调查。结果表明, 绿藻微观繁殖体在水体和沉积物中广泛分布,水体中的平均值为267株/L,沉积物中的平均值为43株/g。调查期间,紫菜养殖区筏架上附着绿藻的生物量持续增长。在紫菜筏架上发现有浒苔,缘管浒苔,盒管藻三种绿藻,其优势种为盒管藻,其次是浒苔。研究表明,绿潮发生早期在苏北浅滩海域存在绿藻微观繁殖体和附着绿藻,这将为中国绿潮治理提供理论支撑。
Seasonal and spatial variation in species diversity, abundance, and element accumulation capacities of macroalgae in mangrove forests of Zhanjiang, China
ZHANGYubin, LIYuan, SHIFei, SUNXingli, LINGuanghui
2014, 33(8): 73-82. doi: 10.1007/s13131-014-0414-9
关键词: mangrovemacroalgae, seasonalvariation, intertidal, biomass, elementconcentration
The objective of this study was to investigate whether there was distinctive seasonal and zonal variation in the species diversity, biomass, and element accumulation capacities of macroalgae in two major intertidal mangrove stand types (Avicennia marina assemblage and Sonneratia apetala assemblage) in the Zhanjiang region of southern China. Over a year, 31 species in 15 genera were identified in both mangrove assemblages, of which the dominant species were Cladophoropsis zollingeri and Enteromorpha clathrat. Macroalgal species were significantly most abundant in spring (p<0.05), followed by summer, winter, and autumn. Variation in the zonal distribution of macroalgal species was conspicuous in both intertidal mangrove assemblages, with the greatest abundance in the middle zone, and the least in the front zone. Patterns in the seasonal and zonal variation in macroalgal biomass in the S. apetala assemblage were similar to those of macroalgal species diversity in both mangrove assemblages. The seasonal patterns in tissue concentrations of 15 analyzed elements were not uniform among the macroalgae C. zollingeri, E. clathrata, and Gracilaria salicornia in the A. marina assemblage. All three species exhibited variation in their responses to ambient concentrations of different elements, implying their differential ability to absorb and selectively accumulate certain elements.
2022, 41(12): 7-17. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2052-y  刊出日期:2022-12-30
The most important marine coastal ecosystem in the Chilean coast are kelp forests. This review is based on ecological studies regarding different aspects of subtidal kelp ecosystems along the Chilean coast. It highlights the most interesting findings in (1) biology of subtidal kelp in Chile, with particular reference to (2) habitats formed by kelp, and considered the successful examples and promising results in the (3) kelp as an industrial resource (Biotechnological approach of kelps and aquaculture). The impact caused by (4) El Niño-Southern Oscillation is discussed as an important climatic event that could help to forecast the future of the kelp ecosystem. In addition, this literature review outlines the knowledge gaps on subtidal kelp along the Southeast Pacific Coast of Chile, so that research can be strengthened in the future.
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