Copepod community structure during upwelling and non-upwelling seasons in coastal waters off Cochin, southwest coast of India
JobNJemi, MohamedHathaA.A.
2019, 38(12): 111-117. doi: 10.1007/s13131-019-1491-6
关键词: copepods, community, multivariateanalysis, monsoon, Temoraturbinata, upwelling, zooplankton
Vypeen, an island of Cochin estuarine system, acts as the spawning site of several marine and estuarine fishes. We assumed that, physical process (upwelling) make changes in hydrography and the production of chlorophyll a in coastal waters off Vypeen. These alterations can influence the zooplankton abundance and copepod community structure in that area. For justifying this hypothesis, samples were collected from Vypeen at 10 m and 30 m locations during January (pre-southwest monsoon), August (late-southwest monsoon) and November (post-southwest monsoon) 2014. During August, subsurface water column was cool, nutrient rich and less oxygenated (signatures of upwelling) than in November and January. Maximum concentrations of nitrate and chlorophyll a were recorded during August. In the present study, 15 zooplankton groups were recorded; of which copepods were the most predominant group (73%-90%). Copepod density in the present study ranged between 527.2 ind./m3 and 5 139.2 ind./m3. Totally, 37 copepods species were reported in present study and copepod species richness was higher during January. The abundance of zooplankton and copepods was high in August during late-southwest monsoon. These variations were closely associated with the coastal upwelling in August and weakening of moderate upwelling in November. In SIMPER analysis, it was found that the copepods species distribution was similar within season and dissimilar between the three seasons. Moreover, the higher abundance of upwelling indicator species Temora turbinata was recorded in August, which confirms the signs of seasonal upwelling in Vypeen. The present study emphasized on the influence of hydrographical parameters associated with physical process, in governing the copepod community organization of the Vypeen Island.
Degree of nutrient consumption as an aging index of upwelling or vertically mixed water in the northern Taiwan Strait
CHENChentungArthur, HSINGLiyu
2005(1): 115-124.
关键词: upwelling, degreeofnutrientconsumption, TaiwanStrait, dissolvedorganicnitrogen, dissolvedorganicphosphorus
In order to determine the relative aging status ofupwelled or vertically mixed water in the northern Taiwan Strait,a recently developed method of calcularing the degree of nutrient consumption (DNC) was employed.Upwelling was detected at a water depth of about 75 m in summer.Bottom waters in the aphoric zone and newly-upwelled waters in the euphoric zone were found to be low in terms of their DNC.In general,a low DNC was noted alongside the other traditional upwelling indicators,such as lower temperature and degree of oxygen saturation,but higher salinity,apparent oxygen utilization,nutrient contents and chlorophyll-a.Enhanced vertical mixing,but without an apparent upwelling signal,was detected near the same location in winter.
Chemical characteristics and estimation on the vertical flux of N, P, Si in upwelling area of Taiwan Strait
ChenShuitu, RuanWuqi
1995(3): 383-392.
关键词: Upwelling, theTaiwanStrait, nutrientsdistribution, verticalflux
Based on the data obtained from oceanographic surveys at the central and northern parts of the Taiwan Straft during the pgriod from 1983 to 1988, it is showed that the nutrient content in the coastal and bottom waters is relatively high with an upward and offward decrease, and that the upwelling in the Fujian coastal area controls the distribution of nutrients in summer.The upwelling water is characterized by 2.29 μmol/dm3 of nitrate; 2.83 μmol/dm3 of silicate; 0.20 μmol/dm3 of dissolved inorganic phosphate, respectively.Significant rnrreJation between nutrients and dissolved oxygen content and its degree of saturation, temperature, and salinity, respectively are found in the upwelling area.Average of N/P ratio in the area (15.9) approaches to Redfield ratio.Their vertical flux is estimated to be 23.6 mg/ (m2·d) for PQ43-P, 223 mg/ (m2·d) for NO3-N, 302 mg/ (m2·d) for SiO32--Si, respectively, which is the main source of nutients in the areas in summer.The mean of the flux of PO43--P and NO3--N is about 86% and 73% necessary for phytoplankton in the euphotic zone.
WANGHuiwu, CHENHongxia, XUELiang, LIUNa, LIUYanliang
2015, 34(5): 68-74. doi: 10.1007/s13131-015-0668-x
关键词: 楚科奇海, 垂直迁移, 浮游动物生物量, 上升流
基于中国第五次北极考察队2012年夏季在楚科奇海采用锚碇ADCP获取的海流和后向散射强度数据, 结合海表面温度、海面风场和海表面叶绿素浓度等卫星观测数据, 研究了观测海域是否存在浮游动物的垂直迁移, 并分析了可能影响其垂直迁移和动物量变化的外在环境因素。结果表明, 在研究海域仍然处于极昼期的观测初期, 浮游动物垂直迁移不明显。随后, 上层17米范围内清楚地观测到垂直迁移, 且其活动特性与每天的日出日落时刻表现出很好的一致性。这表明光线的强度变化是导致垂直迁移的主要因子。此外, 在观测末期, 浮游动物垂直迁移不明显但表层浮游动物有显著增加。通过分析阿拉斯加西北沿岸附近的风场数据, 发现该海域在8月底发生了一次上升流事件, 并持续了大约9天。该上升流事件通过将富含营养的冷水向楚科奇海的东北部输运, 致使该海域海表面温度显著降低、叶绿素浓度升高和浮游动物生物量的相应增加。
宋书群, 李照, 李才文, 俞志明
2017, 36(12): 101-110. doi: 10.1007/s13131-017-1094-z
关键词: 浮游植物, 物种组成, 水华, 上升流, 河口
为了揭示春季浮游植物群集对长江冲淡水和上升流的响应,研究了长江口浮游植物的现存量、物种组成和优势物种。浮游植物在25等盐线附近呈现现存量高值(叶绿素a最大值13.03 μg/L,细胞丰度最大值984.5×103 cells/L)。共鉴定硅藻41属66种,甲藻19属33种,绿藻和金藻共5种。米氏凯伦藻是最优势物种,具齿原甲藻(东海原甲藻)、具槽帕拉藻、柔弱伪菱形藻和中肋骨条藻也有较高的优势度。在层化站位观测到一次米氏凯伦藻赤潮,水体呈现低硝酸盐、低磷酸盐、低浊度,温度和盐度的范围分别为18~22oC和27~32。米氏凯伦藻和具齿原甲藻主要分布在25等盐线附近的上层水体,中肋骨条藻分布在20等盐线以西水域。底栖性的具槽帕拉藻主要分布在下层水体,但在25号站附近被输送到水体上层,并在表层形成高值。长江冲淡水通过影响水体盐度、浊度和营养盐状况进而影响浮游植物物种的空间分布。长江口外的上升流将具槽帕拉藻从水体底层输送到上层,并阻断中肋骨条藻、米氏凯伦藻和具齿原甲藻的扩散。结果显示长江冲淡水和上升流在调控长江口及其邻近东海浮游植物群集的物种组成、丰度和空间分布中发挥重要作用。
2017, 36(3): 14-19. doi: 10.1007/s13131-017-1037-8
关键词: 冷水, 上升流, 珊瑚, 周热度, 三亚湾
2022, 41(6): 99-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1934-8  刊出日期:2022-06-16
The coastal upwelling has profound influence on the surrounding ecosystem by supplying the nutrient-replete water to the euphotic zone. Nutrient biogeochemistry was investigated in coastal waters of the eastern Hainan Island in summer 2015 and autumn 2016. From perspectives of nutrient dynamics and physical transport, the nutrient fluxes entered the upper 50 m water depth (between the mixed layer and the euphotic zone) arisen from the upwelling were estimated to be 2.5−5.4 mmol/(m2·d), 0.15−0.28 mmol/(m2·d), and 2.2−7.2 mmol/(m2·d) for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), phosphate (DIP), and dissolved silicate (DSi), respectively, which were around 6- to 12-fold those in the background area. The upwelled nutrients supported an additional plankton growth of (14.70±8.95) mg/m2 for chlorophyll a (Chl a). The distributions of nitrate δ15N and δ18O above the 300 m water depth (top of the North Pacific Intermediate Water) were different among the upwelling area, background area in summer, and the stations in autumn, and the difference of environmental and biogeochemical conditions between seasons should be the reason. The higher DIN/DIP concentration ratio, nitrate concentration anomaly, and lower nitrate isotope anomaly (Δ(15, 18)) in the upper ocean in summer than in autumn indicated the stronger nitrogen fixation and atmospheric deposition, and the following fixed nitrogen regeneration in summer. The higher values of Chl a and nitrate δ15N and δ18O within the euphotic zone in autumn than the background area in summer suggested the stronger nitrate assimilation in autumn. The differences in relatively strength of the assimilation, nitrogen fixation and atmospheric deposition, and the following remineralization and nitrification between the two seasons made the higher δ18O:δ15N and larger difference of enzymatic isotope fractionation factors 15ε and 18ε for nitrate assimilation in summer than in autumn above the North Pacific Tropical Water.
段杉杉, 邢磊, 张海龙, 冯旭文, 杨海丽, 赵美训
2014, 33(10): 1-9. doi: 10.1007/s13131-014-0535-1
关键词: 生物标志物, 浮游植物群落结构, 闽浙泥质区, 长江冲淡水, 上升流
2021, 40(3): 34-45. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1710-9  刊出日期:2021-04-30
The Changjiang River diluted water (CDW) spreads into the East China Sea (ECS) primarily in a plume pattern, although in some years, low-salinity water lenses (LSWLs) detach from the main body of the CDW. In-situ observations indicate that in August 2006, a LSWL detached from the main body of the CDW near the river mouth. In this paper, the effects of winds, tides, baroclinity and upwelling on LSWLs are explored with a three-dimensional model. The results show that: (1) winds play a crucial role in these detachment events because wind-induced northerly Eulerian residual currents impose an uneven force on the CDW and cut it off, thus forming a LSWL; (2) upwelling carries high-salinity water from the lower layer to the upper layer, truncating the low-salinity water tongue vertically, which is conducive to the detachment and maintenance of LSWLs; and (3) upwelling during the evolution of a LSWL is caused by the combined effects of winds and tides. The influences of wind-induced upwelling are mainly near the shore, whereas the upwelling along the 30 m isobath is predominantly affected by tides, with the effect increasing from neap tide to spring tide.
Ecological study on Ostracoda in the central South China Sea
ChenRuixiang, LinJinhong
1994(3): 413-423.
关键词: Ostracoda, community, watersystem, densitycirculation, upwelling
This paper discusses the quantitative variation,ecological groups,community characteristic,vertical distribution and the composition of Ostracoda in different water layers,with the emphasis on the analysis of relation between Ostracoda and water masses,and the impacts from hypersaline upwelling and local density circulations on this group of animal.
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