Yueyun Wang, Yadong Zhou, Chunsheng Wang. Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. (Polynoidae: Polynoinae) commensal with sponges from Weijia Guyot, western Pacific[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(12): 90-103. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1885-0
Citation: Yueyun Wang, Yadong Zhou, Chunsheng Wang. Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. (Polynoidae: Polynoinae) commensal with sponges from Weijia Guyot, western Pacific[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(12): 90-103. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1885-0

Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. (Polynoidae: Polynoinae) commensal with sponges from Weijia Guyot, western Pacific

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1885-0
Funds:  The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 41806179; the China Ocean Mineral Resources Research and Development Association Program under contract No. DY135-E2-2-03.
More Information
  • Corresponding author: E-mail: wangsio@sio.org.cn
  • Received Date: 2021-05-06
  • Accepted Date: 2021-06-21
  • Available Online: 2021-10-15
  • Publish Date: 2021-11-25
  • Ceuthonoe, a new genus with type species C. nezhai sp. n. commensal with euplectellid glass sponge (Hexactinellida: Euplectellidae), is described and illustrated, based on the material collected from Weijia Guyot, western Pacific. The new genus is distinguished by a combination of characters: body with 32 segments; 14 pairs of elytra; prostomium with prominent cephalic peaks and facial tubercle; aciculae and chaetae on tentaculophores; biramous parapodium, each ramus with a long aciculum penetrating epidermis, without supra- or subacicular process; and noto- and neurochaetae with unidentate tips. Ceuthonoe gen. n. is mostly silimar to genera of Polynoinae in morphology. However the phylogenetic analysis based on cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, 16S, 18S, and 28S genes suggested that this new genus was separated from the main branch of Polynoinae. The study also discussed the genera related to the new genus.
  • Polynoidae is one of the most diverse polychaete families, in the number of genera and species (Salazar-Vallejo et al., 2015; Bonifácio and Menot, 2019). It is widely distributed from the intertidal zone to the hadal zone (Paterson et al., 2009). Polynoids are characterized by having dorsoventrally flattened bodies, two palps, one to three antennae, elytrae on the dorsum and biramous parapodia with simple chaetae. Among approximately 900 polynoid species, more than 200 are known to be involved in about 550 associations with other marine invertebrates (Britayev et al., 2014; Martin and Britayev, 2018).

    To date, about 58 genera have been included in the subfamily Polynoinae (Read and Fauchald, 2019). Most primitive species in Polynoinae are obligate symbionts with specific morphological adaptations (Serpetti et al., 2017; Taboada et al., 2020). Eight species (Harmothoe hyalonemae Martín, Rosell & Uriz, 1992; H. spongicola Hanley & Burke, 1991; Hermadion fauveli Gravier, 1918; Hololepidella nigropunctata (Horst, 1915); Intoshella euplectellae (McIntosh, 1885); I. dictyaulus Sui, Li & Kou, 2018; Malmgreniella murrayensis Pettibone, 1993a; Neopolynoe acanellae (Verril, 1881)) from six genera in Polynoinae are commensal with sponges (Martin and Britayev, 1998, 2018). The host-specificity of polynoids is not very high, and some species may also be commensal with other hosts, such as corals.

    In May 2016, a sponge specimen (Hexactinellida: Lyssacinosida: Euplectellidae) was collected by the Chinese manned deep-sea submersible Jiaolong at a depth of 2 505 m from Weijia Guyot, western Pacific. A pair of polynoids were separated from the inner cavity of the sponge. Following a detailed examination of the morphology and sequence comparisons of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) using the BLAST search in GenBank, a new species of Polynoinae was fully described and illustrated, and a new genus was proposed after morphological comparision and phylogenetic analysis.

    Four gene fragments (COI, 16S, 18S, and 28S) were used to infer the phylogenetic relationship of the new specimens with other polynoid scale worms. The non-coding 16S, 18S, and 28S gene sequences were aligned separately with MAFFT v.7.450 (Katoh and Standley, 2013); COI gene sequences were aligned using the MUSCLE algorithm. The alignments were manually concatenated in Geneirous R.11, resulting in a concatenated alignment of 4 054 bp: COI (552 bp), 16S (520 bp), 18S (1 953 bp), and 28S (1 029 bp). Nucleotide substitution models were selected based on the BIC criterion using jModelTest v. 2.1.10: GTR + F + I + G4 for COI and 16S, TN+F+R3 for 18S and TIM3+F+R3 for 28S. Sigalionidae and Acoetidae were selected as the outgroups based on previous studies (Zhang et al., 2018; Taboada et al., 2020). Maximum likelihood (ML) analyses were conducted in IQtree 1.6.10, with the bootstrap support values for each node determined using an ultrafast bootstrap algorithm for 100 000 replicates. Bayesian inference (BI) analyses were implemented in MrBayes v3.2 (Ronquist et al., 2012), with the substitution models replaced by GTR+G+I. Two parallel chain runs were performed each for 2 000 000 generations, with topologies sampled at every 1 000 generations. Tracer v1.6 was used to estimate the burn-in value, visualize, and ensure convergence.

    Two specimens were removed from the body cavity of the sponge (Hexactinellida: Lyssacinosida: Euplectellidae: Placopegma sp.) collected by submersible Jiaolong, from Weijia Guyot, the western Pacific in May 2016. The specimens were preserved in 95% ethanol, subsequently dissected, and examined under a stereomicroscope (Zeiss Discovery V20). Notochaetae and neurochaetae were dissected carefully from the body, observed and photographed under a microscope (Zeiss Axio Imager A2). For barcoding purposes, COI, 18S, 28S, and 16S genes were amplified and sequenced. DNA was extracted using a DNAeasy Tissue Kit (Qiagen) following the manufacturer’s protocol. Primer pairs and PCR programmes used to amplify polynoid genetic markers were the same as those described by Zhou et al. (2019). GenBank accession numbers are presented in Table 1. The type specimens are deposited in the Sample Repository of Second Institute of Oceanography (RSIO), Ministry of Natural Resources, Hangzhou, China.

    Table  1.  List of taxa included in the phylogenetic analysis including the NCBI accession number
    AcoetidaePanthalis oerstediAY839572JN852845JN852881AY839584
    IphionidaeIphione sp.JN852819JN852886JN852921
    Thermiphione sp.JN852820JN852849JN852887JN852922
    PolynoidaePolynoinaeCeuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.MW063140MW063141MW064265
    PolynoinaeAcholoe astericolaAY839567JN852850JN852888AY839576
    LepidastheniinaeAlentia gelatinosaAY839566AY839577
    PolynoinaeAntarctinoe feroxMG905039MG905033KJ676611.1
    PolynoinaeAntinoe aequisetaMH337356.1
    PolynoinaeAntipathipolyeunoa sp.KU738169KU738184KU738149KU738202.1
    PolynoinaeAustrolaenilla antarcticaKJ676606KJ676627.1
    MacellicephalinaeBathykurila guaymasensisDQ074765MG905034DQ074766
    MacellicephalinaeBranchinotogluma sandersiJN852821JN852851JN852889JN852923
    MacellicephalinaeBranchipolynoe symmytilidaAF315055AY646021
    PolynoinaeBrychionoe sp.KU738182KU738200KU738167
    PolynoinaeBylgides elegansJN852822JN852852JN852890JN852924
    PolynoinaeBylgides sarsiJN852823JN852853JN852891JN852925
    ArctonoinaeCapitulatinoe cf. cupisetisKF919301KF919302KF919303
    PolynoinaeEnipo torelliHQ023831HQ023480.1
    PolynoinaeEunoe nodosaJN852824JN852854JN852892JN852926
    PolynoinaeGastrolepidia clavigeraJN852825JN852855JN852893JN852927
    PolynoinaeGattyana ciliataAY894297DQ790035AY894312
    PolynoinaeGattyana cirrhosaJN852826JN852856JN852894JN852928
    MacellicephalinaeGesiella jameensisKy454403Ky823476Ky454412Ky454429
    PolynoinaeGorgoniapolynoe corralophilaKU738173KU738189KU738154KU738208.1
    PolynoinaeGrubeopolynoe tutaMF121411.1
    LepidonotinaeHalosydnella australisKY823449KY823463KY823480KY823495
    LepidonotinaeHalosydna brevisetosaJN852827JN852857JN852895AY894313
    PolynoinaeHarmothoe glabraJN852828JN852858JN852896JN852929
    PolynoinaeHarmothoe imbricataAY340434AY340400AY340463AY839580
    PolynoinaeHarmothoe imparJN852829JN852859JN852897JN852930
    PolynoinaeHarmothoe oculinariumAY894299JN852860JN852898AY894314
    PolynoinaeHermadion truncataMH242794.1
    LepidonotinaeHermenia verruculosaJN852830JN852861JN852899JN852931
    LepidastheniinaeHyperhalosydna striataJN852831JN852862JN852900JN852932
    PolynoinaeIntoshella dictyaulusMG519807MG519808.1
    LepidastheniinaeLepidastenia elegansJN852832JN852863JN852901JN852933
    LepidonotinaeLepidonotus clavaJN852833JN852864JN852902JN852934
    LepidonotinaeLepidonotus squamatusAY176290JN852865JN852903AY894316
    PolynoinaeLeucia violaceaKX946860.1
    PolynoinaeMalmgreniella mcintoshiJN852834JN852866JN852904JN852935
    PolynoinaeMelaneis loveniJN852835JN852867JN852905JN852936
    PolynoinaeNeopolynoe acanellaeMN653050MN653123MN653064MN656076
    PolynoinaeNeopolynoe paradoxaJN852836JN852868JN852906JN852937
    PolynoinaeNeopolynoe chondrocladiaeMN653051MN653124MN653092MN656104
    PolynoinaeParadyte crinoidicolaJN852837JN852869JN852907JN852938
    PolynoinaeParalepidonotus ampulliferusJN852838AF185164JN852908JN852939
    MacellicephalinaePelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 2KY454408KY823474KY454420KY454435
    MacellicephalinaePelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 3KY454411KY823475KY454428KY454443
    MacellicephalinaePelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 4KY454405KY454416KY454431
    PolynoinaePolyeunoa laevisKF713424KU738193KF713464KU738213.1
    PolynoinaePolynoe scolopendrinaJN852839JN852870JN852909JN852940
    PolynoinaeRobertianella synophthalmaMN653053MN653126MN653122MN656132
    LepidonotinaeThormora jukesiiJN852840JN852871JN852910JN852941
    Polynoinae ?Polynoidae sp. 2 ST 2019MN653052MN653125MN653121MN656131
    PolynoinaeSubadyte pellucidaKX946868.1
    SigalionidaeNeoleanira tetragonaAY839570JN852872JN852911AY839582
    Psammolyce sp.JN852843JN852877JN852916
    Sigalion bandaensisAB106254AF185165AY583699
    Sigalion spinosusAY894304DQ790062AY894319
    Sthenelais boaAY839575DQ779711DQ779635AY839587
    Sthenelais limicolaJN852844JN852878
    Sthenelanella uniformisAY894306DQ790064AY894322
    Note: — means the sequence was not reported.
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    Pairwise GTR-corrected distances of COI between Ceuthonoe and non-Ceuthonoe genera, which averaged 27.50% (range 21.46%–33.74%), fell in the range of inter-generic genetic distance among non-Ceuthonoe genera (range 6.90%–38.31%, average 24.53%; Appendix Table A1). Both ML and BI analyses obtained similar topology, in which Ceuthonoe nezhai sp. n. clustered with an undescribed polynoid commensal to a carnivorous sponge Chondrocladia verticillata Topsent, 1920, Polynoidae sp. 2 ST-2019 (Taboada et al., 2020), forming a discrete lineage outside a clade composed of species from Arctonoinae, Lepidastheniinae, Lepidonotopodinae, Macellicephalinae, and Polynoinae (Fig. 1).

    Figure  1.  Phylogeny of polynoids based on the concatenated alignments of four genes using BI and ML analyses, imposed on the consensus ML tree. Node supports are shown as ML bootstrap values (BP, above) and Bayesian posterior probabilities (PP, below). Nodes not recovered in the BI analysis are marked with --.

    Family Polynoidae Kinberg, 1856

    Genus Ceuthonoe gen. n.

    Type species. Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.

    Generic diagnosis. Body short, with about 32 segments. Elytra 14 pairs, on segments 2, 4, 5, and 7, alternate segments to 23, 26, and 29. Elytra without fringed papillae and with conical microtubercles.

    Prostomium bilobed, with two distinct cephalic peaks, with paired palps, and three antennae. Lateral antennae with ceratophores inserted ventrally; a prominent conical facial tubercle under the median antenna. Eyes two pairs. Pharynx with two pairs of hooked jaws without denticulation on the inner border. Tentaculophore with an aciculum and few chaetae. Second segment with first pair of elytra and biramous parapodia.

    Parapodia biramous; noto- and neuropodia well-developed with elongate acicular lobes; tips of noto- and neuroacicula penetrating the epidermis. Notochaetae thicker than neurochaetae. Nephridial papillae bulbous.

    Etymology. The genus name is a combination of the Greek words “Ceuth” meaning “hidden” and “noe” from “Polynoe”, a sea nymph of Greek mythology. It refers to the type species commensal with sponges. Gender: feminine.

    Remarks. This new genus is unique in having a low number of segments, prominent cephalic peaks, facial tubercle, aciculae, and chaetae on the tentacular segment, long aciculae spines penetrating the epidermis.

    The new genus may be confused with Harmothoe, which has neurochaetae with bidentate tips whereas Ceuthonoe gen. n. has neurochaetae with unidentate tips. The new genus is also superficially similar to Antarctinoe Barnich et al. 2006, Bylgides Chamberlin 1919, Eunoe Malmgren 1866, and Gattyana McIntosh, 1897. They all have a low number of segments, cephalic peaks, and a facial tubercle. Antarctinoe and Bylgides are distinguishable from the new genus by having a digitiform supra-acicular process on neuropodia. The new genus differs from Eunoe and Gattyana in the form of chaetae. The distal tips of notochaetae of Eunoe are pointed and glabrous or blunt and split. Notochaetae of the new species have slightly curved, smooth tips. Neurochaetae of Eunoe are sturdy and have somewhat expanded and serrated subterminal parts, while that of the new genus are slender with tapering ends. Additionally, the neuropodia of Eunoe have a digitiform supra-acicular process (Wehe, 2006). Notochaetae of Gattyana are thinner than neurochaetae, while notochaetae of the new genus are thicker than neurochaetae.

    Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.

    (Figs 2 and 3)

    Figure  2.  Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.: Holotype, dorsal view (a), Paratype, ventral view (b), Elytra from Segment 2 (c), Appendages of prostomium from holotype and paratype (d and e), Dorsal view of prostomium (first pair of elytra removed) (f) Median segments, ventral view (g), anal segment, dorsal and ventral view (h and i), Dorsal cirrus (j), Lateral antenna (k), Dorsal view of jaws from paratype (l), and Parapodium of Segment 8, end view (m). dc: dorsal cirrus, dtc: dorsal tentacular cirrus, ep: eltrophore, ft: facial tubercle, laa: lateral antenna, lac: lateral antenna ceratophore, mac: median antenna ceratophore, np: nephridial papilla, pal: palp, vc: ventral cirrus, vtc: ventral tentacular cirrus, 2vc: ventral cirrus on Segment 2, and 3vc: ventral cirrus on Segment 3. Scale bars: 2.0 mm (a, b, k), 0.2 mm (c–e), 0.5 mm (f–j), and 1.0 mm (m).
    Figure  3.  Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. Holotype. a. Prostomium, b. Parapodium of Segment 8 (chaetae omitted), end view, c. Tubercles on elytra, d. Elytra, e. Notochaeta and detailed view, f. Notoacicula, and g. Neurochaeta and detailed view. e–g are views under light microscope. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (a–d), 0.1 mm (e–g).

    Type material. Holotype: B6317500002, complete, Weijia Guyot, western Pacific Ocean, JL-Dive106, Station S3-1, 13.018 45°N, 156.948 00°E, 2 505 m depth, May 1, 2016. Paratype: B6317500004, one complete specimen, same collecting data as holotype.

    Description. Holotype about 19.8 mm from the prostomium to the end of the body (without anal cirri), 2.7 mm wide at the widest part excluding parapodia (Fig. 2a). Paratype about 15.2 mm in length and 1.8 mm wide at the widest part excluding parapodia (Fig. 2b). Parapodia long and subequal to the width of corresponding segments. The following description is based on holotype and paratype.

    Body short, with 32 segments, tapering posteriorly; the ventral side flattened and the dorsal side slightly convex. A deep longitudinal groove on the ventral side. Elytra 14 pairs, on segments 2, 4, 5, and 7, alternate segments to 23, 26, and 29. Elytra large, covering the dorsum except the middle part. Elytra oval in shape, without fringed papillae, with many conical microtubercles on surfaces (Figs 2c, 3c and d). Microtubercles near anterior and inner regions increasing in number and becoming larger. Dorsal cirri and dorsal tubercles near each other, present on non-elytrigerous segments. Dorsal cirri composed of short cylindrical cirrophores and long styles, up to three times the length of the parapodia (Figs 2j and 3b).

    Prostomium bilobed, wider than long, with distinct cephalic peaks and three antennae; ceratophore of median antenna in the anterior notch, lateral antennae with ceratophores inserted ventrally to median antenna (Figs 2d, e and 3a). Median antenna missing in both specimens. Styles of lateral antennae covered with short soft papillae (Fig. 2k). A pair of stout palps with smooth surface. A distinct conical facial tubercle under the ceratophore of the median antenna. Two pairs of eyes arranged in a reverse trapezium, posterolaterally on the widest part of the prostomium (Fig. 2f). Pharynx with two pairs of hooked jaws without denticulation on the inner border (Fig. 2l). Tentaculophores lateral to prostomium, each with a long projecting aciculum and many chaetae projecting anteriorly (Fig. 3a). Notochaetae similar to those in the following segments. Tentacular cirri shorter and thinner than palps.

    Second segment with first elytra, biramous parapodia, and coiled ventral cirri longer than the following ones, without nuchal lobe. Parapodia biramous, with yellowish noto- and neuroaciculae and numerous chaetae (Figs 2m and 3b). Notopodium shorter than neuropodium, with a slender acicular lobe, and tip of aciculum penetrating epidermis (Fig. 3f). Notochaetae and neurochaetae the same from the anterior segments to the posterior end. Notochaetae stout, about 1.5 times as wide as neurochaetae. Notochaetae projecting dorsally, with numerous rows of spinules having slightly curved, smooth tips (Figs 2m and 3e). Neuropodium well developed, with obtuse postchaetal lobe and longer prechaetal acicular lobe, and tip of aciculum penetrating epidermis. The upper part of neurochaetae extending, wider than the shaft, with spinous regions. The tips of neurochaetae slightly curved and smooth (Fig. 3g). Ventral cirri short and less than half length of parapodia.

    Nephridial papillae short bulbous, beginning on Segment 5. Anal cirri lost.

    Pigmentation. Significant brown pigmentation on the ventral side of parapodia and body, especially on sides of the ventral groove. Tips of ventral cirri dark-brown. Pigmentation stable in alcohol-preserved specimens.

    Type locality. Weijia Guyot, western Pacific.

    Distribution. Only known from the type locality. Commensal with sponges.

    Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to Nezha, which is a Chinese mythological figure.

    Remarks. Polynoids are often found to be associated with other invertebrates, such as sponges, corals, echinoderms, mollusks, and other polychaetes. Eight Polynoinae species (Harmothoe hyalonemae from Western Mediterranean, 1 083–2 256 m; H. spongicola from Fairway Reefs, Coral Sea, 720 m; Hermadion fauveli from Cape Verde Islands, Atlantic Ocean; Hololepidella nigropunctata, widely distributed in Indo-west and central Pacific Ocean, 1–76 m; Intoshella euplectellae from Philippines, 184 m; I. dictyaulus from near the Mariana Trench, West Pacific, 890 m; Malmgreniella murrayensis from the South Arabian Coast, 38 m; Neopolynoe acanellae from east coast of the MA, USA) are reported commensal with sponges. Ceuthonoe nezhai sp. n. is similar to Harmothoe species in having distinct cephalic peaks, a facial tubercle, and lateral antennae inserted ventrally on the prostomium. However, the new species differs from the latter by possessing neurochaetae all with unidentate tips. Hololepidella, Intoshella and Malmgreniella species can also be easily distinguished from the new species by the number of segments, morphology of elytra, neurochaetae and prostomium. Hololepidella nigropunctata has 55 or more segments, with mostly smooth elytra, smooth dorsal cirri, and bidentate neurochaetae (Barnich et al., 2004; Wehe, 2006). Intoshella species has smooth elytra and no cephalic peaks. Malmgreniella murrayensis has 36 segments, no cephalic peaks, and bidentate neurochaetae. The new species is also closely related to species of Bylgides Chamberbin, 1919. They all have a small number of segments and elytrae, and aciculae on tentaculophores. They can be distinguished by the form of the chaetae and acicular lobes. Neurochaetae of Bylgides have long spinous regions and capillary tips, but the neurochaetae of Ceuthonoe nezhai sp. n. have blunt tips. Long conical neuroacicular lobes of Bylgides have a supraacicular digitiform process, but the acicular lobes of Ceuthonoe nezhai sp. n. have no supraacicular or subacicular process. The new species is also very similar to genus Neopolynoe species in anterior body. The species of Neopolynoe are distinguishable from the new species by having numerous segments and naked dorsum of the posterior body. Comparisons of diagnostic morphological characteristics of closely related genera with those of the new genus are presented in Table 2.

    Table  2.  Morphological comparison of Genera related to Ceuthonoe gen. n. Unless otherwise indicated, character information is from original descriptions and illustrations
    No.GenusNum. of segments—
    elytrae pairs
    Facial tubercleChaetae on tentaculophoreCephalic peaksBidentate tip of neurochaetaesupraacicular processneuroacicula penetrating epidermisSymbiotic relationsRef.
    1Antarctinoe<50; 15+++++Barnich et al. (2006)
    2Australonoe*up to 39; 16+++++? Hanley (1993)
    3Bathynotalia*21; 11?+ Levenstein (1982)
    4Bylgidesup to 38; 14/15?+/−++? Pettibone (1993b)
    5Eucranta38–40; 15??++?? Uschakov (1982)
    6Eunoe34–40; 15?+/−+/−??E. opalina commensal with SynallactidaUschakov (1982)
    7Gattyana34–40; 15?+/−+/−??G. spp. commensal with other polychaetesUschakov (1982)
    8Harmothoeup to 50; 15++++++H. spp. commensal with Alcyonacea, polychaete, decapod, Bivalve, SpongeBarnich et al. (2006)
    9Hermadionup to 50; 15?++ Bock et al. (2010)
    10Hermenia26; 12+++ Pettibone (1975)
    11Hololepidella>55; 20–55; less?+/−++??commensal with Ochrophyta and ScleractiniaWehe (2006)
    12Intoshellaup to 50; up to 23+++?commensal with Holothuroid, SpongeSui et al. (2019)
    13Leuciaup to 50; 16+++++L. violacea commensal with ScleractiniaFiege and Barnich (2009)
    14Malmgreniellaup to 46; 14/15?+/−+/−+?M. spp. commensal with Holothuroid, Ophiuroid, Polychaete, Sipunculid, Echinoid, Asteroid, Cnidarian, Balanoglossid, Decapod and SpongePettibone (1993a)
    15Neopolynoeup to 59; 15+/−+++N. acanellae commensal with Cnidarian and Sponge; N. paradoxa commensal with CnidarianBock et al. (2010)
    16Paralepidonotus36–41; 15+++/−+/−+/− Hanley (1991)
    17Parahalosydnareduced number of segments; 15? Jirkov (2001)
    18Ceuthonoe gen. n.32; 14++++commensal with glass sponge Placopegma sp.this study
    Note: + indicates with, − indicates without, ? indicates unknown information, and * indicates monotypic genera. Symbiotic relations referencing to Martin and Britayev (1998, 2018).
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    Polynoidae is one of the most diverse polychaetes family having the highest number of species involved in symbiotic relationships (Britayev et al., 2014). To date, phylogenetic relationships within Polynoidae have not been fully resolved. Phylogenetic analyses conducted on a limited number of polynoid sequences indicate that Polynoinae is not a monophyletic group (Bonifácio and Menot, 2019; Taboada et al., 2020). The morphological characteristics of the new genus suggest that it should be a member of Polynoinae based on the diagnosis given by Wehe (2006). However, the results obtained from molecular phylogenetic analyses reveal that Polynoinae is a polyphyletic group. The new genus and Paralepidonotus are separated from the major clade of Polynoinae, which is intermingled with species of Arctonoinae, Lepidastheniinae, Lepidonotopodinae, and Macellicephalinae in the phylogenetic tree, indicating that a wider range of taxa and genetic marker sampling is needed for further revision of this clade. Members belonging to Arctonoinae have subbiramous parapodia and no chaetae on tentaculophores, while those belonging to the Polynoinae usually have chaetae on tentaculophores and biramous parapodia (Barnich and Fiege, 2001). This new genus is more similar to a member of Polynoinae. Members of Lepidastheniinae are characterized by lateral antennae terminal, tentaculophores without chaetae, and reduced notopodia; notochaetae are usually missing (Salazar-Vallejo et al., 2015). The new genus is similar to Parahalosydna Horst, 1915 (Lepidastheniinae) in the number of segments and elytra. However, lateral antennae are in the terminal position in Parahalosydna and in the ventral position in the new genus. Subfamily Lepidonotopodinae was erected for genus Lepidonotopodium Pettibone (1983), characterized by having no lateral antennae. Bonifácio and Menot (2019) synonymized Lepidonotopodinae with Macellicephalinae based on the the phylogenetic analysis of morphological and molecular datasets. Both subfamilies were characterized by the synapomorphic absence of lateral antennae. Hatch et al. (2020) analyzed the phylogenetic relationships of Branchinotogluminae, Branchiplicatinae, Branchipolynoinae, Lepidonotopodinae, Bathykurila guaymasensis, and Levensteiniella (described as Macellicephalinae). The results suggested that these taxa formed a well-supported clade. Therefore, the oldest subfamily name Lepidonotopodinae Pettibone 1983 was reinstated, including Branchipolynoe, Branchinotogluma, Bathykurila, Branchiplicatus, Lepidonotopodium, Levensteiniella, Thermopolynoe, and Peinaleopolynoe. Our result showed that these two subfamilies were sister groups with robust support (Fig. 1). Lepidonotinae has a fixed number of segments (26) or more (up to 70 and more), with lateral antennae inserted terminally or subterminally on the prostomium. This new genus is closely related to the short-bodied genus Hermenia belonging to Lepidonotinae. Both of them have chaetae on the tentacular segment and a bulbous facial tubercle. Parapodia of Hermenia are subbiramous with reduced notopodia forming small lobes on the anterodorsal faces of stout neuropodia, while those of the new genus are biramous with normal-sized notopodia. Neurochaetae of Hermenia are stout, with falcate tips and 1 or 2 stout teeth. Neurochaetae of the new genus have unidentate tips. According to the taxonomic revision of Wehe (2006), the new genus is similar to the genera Eunoe and Harmothoe; they all have cephalic peaks, ventrally inserted lateral antennae, and chaetae on tentaculophores. Their differences are discussed in remarks on the new genus.

    Symbiotic relationships between annelid polychaetes and other marine invertebrates are common; approximately 45% of all known commensal species belong to Polynoidae Kinberg, 1856 (Taboada et al., 2020). The species Polynoidae sp. 2 ST-2019 reported by Taboada et al. (2020) may also be included in this new genus owing to its close molecular phylogenetic relationship with Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. Both of them are similar in morphological characteristics. Polynoidae sp. 2 ST-2019 was collected in association with carnivorous sponge Chondrocladia verticillata from the Gulf of Mexico, while Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n. was collected in association with sponge Placopegma sp. More findings are needed to clarify the aforementioned relationships.

    We are very grateful to all the scientists and crew of the R/V Xiangyanghong 9 and the team of the submersible Jiaolong for their help: n collecting deep-sea materials. We thank Ruiyan Zhang for molecular data collection. We also thank Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee Library for their help in providing important references.

    A1.  GTR_corrrected distance between genera
    Antipathipoly-eunoa sp.Austrolaenilla
    Branchinotog-luma sandersiBranchipolynoe
    Acholoe astericola
    Alentia gelatinosa0.269 511 76
    Antarctinoe ferox0.231 803 840.240 436 13
    Antinoe aequiseta0.230 661 560.240 084 590.238 238 74
    Antipathipolyeunoa sp.0.223 309 430.224 370 710.196 251 310.200 569 18
    Austrolaenilla antarctica0.202 646 680.236 284 870.185 219 680.194 404 150.195 290 08
    Bathykurila guaymasensis0.274 921 180.337 522 950.287 268 840.287 884 170.294 589 250.270 288 77
    Branchinotogluma sandersi0.281 914 740.271 519 120.270 206 930.260 584 280.270 202 270.244 822 910.252 109 06
    Branchipolynoe symmytilida0.309 160 940.284 317 450.271 797 330.315 925 490.289 288 930.252 788 070.227 130 610.283 901 42
    Bylgides elegans0.226 497 140.226 630 040.211 128 530.222 389 210.220 205 220.186 782 590.299 272 870.246 542 570.319 554 30
    Enipo torelli0.214 481 270.267 762 170.221 269 040.177 320 960.237 277 140.201 776 540.300 720 360.255 073 550.347 967 320.198 563 52
    Eunoe nodosa0.197 076 000.266 600 160.199 355 950.167 388 090.179 691 390.183 210 390.277 403 250.236 569 860.298 012 570.219 793 650.173 788 99
    Gastrolepidia clavigera0.242 957 880.290 416 730.259 805 330.237 094 810.244 147 700.215 785 440.287 618 360.291 316 930.329 487 160.246 373 890.240 090 99
    Gattyana cirrhosa0.212 864 510.244 646 380.239 538 420.122 068 740.176 761 360.184 642 700.269 115 610.267 278 540.287 962 530.200 045 790.204 698 22
    Gorgoniapolynoe corralophila0.193 333 760.260 437 080.192 422 220.188 417 290.135 026 240.166 976 600.268 311 740.282 361 870.280 199 880.223 725 860.173 564 55
    Grubeopolynoe tuta0.220 858 890.267 683 010.198 286 670.195 345 060.195 528 710.175 008 950.288 466 020.241 374 590.303 052 610.188 509 190.165 281 12
    Halosydna brevisetosa0.246 788 180.238 669 650.242 028 980.233 554 110.245 726 780.230 254 200.301 610 360.249 249 980.296 928 610.227 365 330.234 313 35
    Harmothoe glabra0.192 352 030.244 530 070.216 255 570.191 693 620.209 978 240.184 001 300.280 242 770.275 991 520.294 245 750.170 236 820.214 601 17
    Hermadion truncata0.229 504 670.251 499 760.219 228 820.159 241 330.208 486 080.190 918 680.308 311 790.293 185 090.322 352 420.232 435 320.156 596 02
    Hermenia verruculosa0.305 168 840.269 749 680.256 179 240.295 978 150.281 563 300.282 018 940.344 430 190.280 998 350.337 009 880.291 506 200.284 984 95
    Hyperhalosydna striata0.273 750 830.231 817 830.235 834 700.278 617 540.244 322 850.241 693 280.307 256 220.264 947 190.309 317 450.235 659 740.268 375 32
    Intoshella dictyaulus0.194 629 570.265 175 370.216 771 350.221 247 990.189 103 760.196 123 930.279 661 450.281 273 840.268 856 260.215 814 170.197 426 94
    Iphione sp.0.316 665 680.361 590 510.331 609 200.334 787 720.317 127 130.306 283 230.299 539 010.309 792 580.294 255 560.383 103 970.344 926 36
    Lepidasthenia elegans0.258 976 510.227 797 270.207 000 920.243 207 280.212 362 650.178 575 620.285 072 420.277 965 740.300 226 390.237 199 400.259 237 35
    Lepidonotus clava0.247 554 500.242 824 250.208 851 810.243 305 830.213 591 090.187 816 390.288 998 410.277 081 700.305 522 140.233 925 370.261 132 73
    Leucia violacea0.194 010 480.243 055 260.226 959 850.194 385 230.166 102 500.175 617 130.260 462 130.246 952 910.297 629 160.209 694 440.186 552 32
    Malmgreniella mcintoshi0.232 223 170.246 995 250.202 821 730.185 027 500.193 855 300.158 548 820.285 923 590.275 636 020.318 913 510.201 501 200.198 394 53
    Melaenis loveni0.244 679 840.246 257 210.232 654 720.179 744 000.195 361 770.189 717 600.274 822 250.242 988 830.296 000 190.218 078 700.190 774 79
    Neopolynoe paradoxa0.211 068 220.287 160 420.187 489 180.213 484 610.204 421 340.170 350 440.290 913 030.258 700 070.277 083 640.210 487 410.177 050 14
    Paradyte crinoidicola0.207 096 610.276 264 540.216 611 690.187 294 120.169 536 940.185 016 150.258 660 710.243 733 420.281 107 320.185 766 250.213 930 20
    Paralepidonotus ampulliferus0.274 653 670.298 324 790.259 376 150.271 419 990.235 694 850.258 323 070.294 102 040.288 761 420.303 365 440.244 609 840.286 540 02
    Polyeunoa laevis0.258 812 320.261 462 180.186 313 110.190 165 030.171 548 020.221 625 880.287 715 350.264 763 760.312 900 010.221 275 260.240 161 40
    Polynoe scolopendrina0.230 075 010.232 860 970.227 610 520.245 412 480.246 152 120.216 098 890.304 536 930.288 410 090.294 613 490.234 203 210.233 852 75
    Subadyte pellucida0.204 346 960.260 655 320.240 490 630.235 773 840.219 236 640.217 392 500.301 267 810.313 934 900.305 682 760.236 602 340.243 015 01
    Thermiphione sp.0.283 893 210.249 393 810.255 527 200.294 418 020.277 039 430.248 392 380.300 535 920.291 855 580.288 677 190.285 407 600.272 284 18
    Thormora jukesii0.266 083 220.256 615 030.256 609 220.283 712 090.258 401 100.279 393 900.308 337 300.282 862 820.333 650 040.263 473 570.275 364 88
    Ceuthonoe nezhai
    gen. et sp. n.
    0.277 990 390.235 979 100.249 207 930.300 987 090.281 188 340.243 551 990.337 392 740.274 951 940.324 302 200.247 913 460.300 167 41
    Gesiella jameensis0.252 124 850.300 859 600.272 240 160.239 164 150.279 897 280.221 936 890.272 362 160.308 544 640.290 703 320.279 877 940.249 943 21
    Pelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 20.264 930 780.258 735 240.276 788 200.287 890 340.248 698 640.278 013 050.330 923 790.310 294 940.345 141 980.299 767 440.284 886 32
    Halosydnella australis0.252 941 220.234 158 890.244 374 410.236 259 020.242 185 790.256 159 530.288 168 040.237 212 480.267 194 410.237 171 240.251 627 76
    Polynoidae sp. 2 ST 20190.253 565 130.247 879 100.231 397 790.287 037 040.257 491 590.256 217 500.302 787 530.285 703 690.284 474 270.253 523 100.271 653 55
    Robertianella synophthalma0.210 912 340.220 457 620.203 697 340.194 457 670.172 252 910.182 272 990.272 772 770.254 813 470.286 825 30.208 351 710.169 457 35
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    Eunoe nodosaGastrolepidia clavigeraGattyana cirrhosaGorgonia-polynoe corralophilaGrubeopolynoe tutaHalosydna brevisetosaHarmothoe glabraHermadion truncataHermenia verruculosaHyperhalosydna striataIntoshella dictyaulus
    Acholoe astericola
    Alentia gelatinosa
    Antarctinoe ferox
    Antinoe aequiseta
    Antipathipolyeunoa sp.
    Austrolaenilla antarctica
    Bathykurila guaymasensis
    Branchinotogluma sandersi
    Branchipolynoe symmytilida
    Bylgides elegans
    Enipo torelli
    Eunoe nodosa
    Gastrolepidia clavigera0.230 553 42
    Gattyana cirrhosa0.176 298 190.234 438 00
    Gorgoniapolynoe corralophila0.182 612 240.198 853 270.177 961 08
    Grubeopolynoe tuta0.184 155 780.221 042 240.182 638 650.204 819 49
    Halosydna brevisetosa0.252 711 790.286 497 410.253 979 650.236 245 970.247 410 81
    Harmothoe glabra0.191 495 700.248 724 620.187 712 730.175 291 040.203 279 960.253 316 97
    Hermadion truncata0.191 894 050.223 757 950.185 233 860.208 363 620.157 801 960.248 028 910.211 556 72
    Hermenia verruculosa0.286 394 570.313 060 000.296 280 090.276 232 500.250 622 430.267 142 730.315 345 250.269 289 63
    Hyperhalosydna striata0.260 873 720.277 651 580.249 057 910.260 622 670.223 436 460.221 559 620.270 354 620.256 691 900.251 614 99
    Intoshella dictyaulus0.183 429 460.225 124 800.197 763 210.190 982 560.172 953 660.243 018 050.202 968 680.200 585 240.275 599 460.242 327 43
    Iphione sp.0.324 520 940.331 518 980.315 205 020.313 046 180.294 201 050.310 234 100.337 045 010.297 278 360.263 715 400.332 025 360.291 977 33
    Lepidasthenia elegans0.223 113 990.256 619 950.203 475 140.211 745 180.209 645 530.197 876 740.237 512 870.251 528 720.258 954 310.202 483 540.215 940 27
    Lepidonotus clava0.204 499 440.254 313 360.224 049 890.213 950 690.207 991 330.231 825 580.235 439 420.256 479 150.257 271 520.199 815 050.226 808 59
    Leucia violacea0.194 010 480.243 055 260.226 959 850.194 385 230.166 102 500.175 617 130.260 462 130.246 952 910.297 629 160.209 694 440.186 552 32
    Malmgreniella mcintoshi0.196 958 400.242 155 330.207 399 270.159 617 900.198 844 160.211 095 150.197 814 930.206 854 230.304 734 970.259 651 520.195 079 98
    Melaenis loveni0.199 703 280.224 598 570.188 333 160.173 354 660.185 409 050.235 414 950.195 684 580.195 908 720.287 408 570.258 211 500.218 006 00
    Neopolynoe paradoxa0.217 263 640.240 369 260.214 145 350.146 993 960.183 532 450.213 418 750.203 498 140.191 350 880.279 434 650.245 411 800.222 117 69
    Paradyte crinoidicola0.175 448 280.221 621 430.165 450 590.164 970 010.198 606 510.208 852 840.184 042 660.228 521 740.315 447 070.224 258 820.210 535 58
    Paralepidonotus ampulliferus0.249 283 830.318 035 720.242 480 560.268 899 620.190 062 620.297 300 200.265 164 310.240 878 530.293 344 580.277 046 470.234 892 15
    Polyeunoa laevis0.184 910 020.244 840 930.176 401 850.167 527 270.200 012 620.233 991 510.189 429 180.218 635 030.273 161 740.239 704 140.210 475 10
    Polynoe scolopendrina0.244 755 210.268 659 780.247 842 240.211 480 470.250 635 470.245 013 120.257 187 260.246 196 070.324 827 680.260 268 200.237 975 66
    Subadyte pellucida0.233 765 570.250 280 360.193 058 370.167 634 480.206 039 060.275 731 280.198 133 890.253 302 230.285 443 580.285 458 400.217 177 49
    Thermiphione sp.0.276 234 080.263 181 650.265 361 850.275 164 570.272 733 230.255 222 520.298 458 600.264 910 800.224 641 270.246 763 160.256 312 08
    Thormora jukesii0.268 978 330.217 538 430.270 850 390.266 804 650.266 917 310.238 240 830.293 402 840.278 678 680.218 003 770.218 974 200.262 411 77
    Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.0.276 396 210.305 799 820.286 475 960.284 129 430.270 907 130.244 206 380.242 056 050.277 236 820.263 989 560.283 160 180.290 976 75
    Gesiella jameensis0.254 264 960.262 184 390.227 858 620.238 921 910.242 303 750.294 418 970.234 671 260.234 262 950.378 684 020.278 753 180.225 928 92
    Pelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 20.290 277 050.299 494 260.276 459 000.226 452 540.314 473 220.261 203 350.281 603 880.288 750 130.312 755 780.273 650 220.306 710 16
    Halosydnella australis0.232 425 030.286 432 110.249 430 970.273 323 000.220 579 490.196 589 560.282 000 770.249 248 590.240 995 100.221 562 330.260 490 71
    Polynoidae sp. 2 ST 20190.276 219 070.264 289 790.262 096 380.270 379 220.242 365 350.241 605 940.237 146 060.216 446 340.256 813 000.255 874 270.268 627 51
    Robertianella synophthalma0.174 658 160.221 806 280.181 413 180.141 881 760.190 976 750.223 334 570.188 236 680.196 780 630.271 056 610.246 077 830.182 762 73
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    Iphione sp.Lepidasthenia elegansLepidonotus clavaLeucia violaceaMalmgreniella mcintoshiMelaenis loveniNeopolynoe paradoxaParadyte crinoidicolaParalepidonotus ampulliferusPolyeunoa laevisPolynoe scolopendrina
    Acholoe astericola
    Alentia gelatinosa
    Antarctinoe ferox
    Antinoe aequiseta
    Antipathipolyeunoa sp.
    Austrolaenilla antarctica
    Bathykurila guaymasensis
    Branchinotogluma sandersi
    Branchipolynoe symmytilida
    Bylgides elegans
    Enipo torelli
    Eunoe nodosa
    Gastrolepidia clavigera
    Gattyana cirrhosa
    Gorgoniapolynoe corralophila
    Grubeopolynoe tuta
    Halosydna brevisetosa
    Harmothoe glabra
    Hermadion truncata
    Hermenia verruculosa
    Hyperhalosydna striata
    Intoshella dictyaulus
    Iphione sp.
    Lepidasthenia elegans0.305 133 86
    Lepidonotus clava0.327 080 510.069 029 20
    Leucia violacea0.325 422 760.220 475 250.227 334 56
    Malmgreniella mcintoshi0.335 880 200.224 442 190.243 446 830.166 212 01
    Melaenis loveni0.306 347 040.217 783 640.213 898 800.156 596 540.201 151 53
    Neopolynoe paradoxa0.317 490 910.223 078 620.234 389 840.167 223 870.169 209 050.183 982 47
    Paradyte crinoidicola0.352 818 840.210 381 110.226 220 330.197 551 570.218 904 310.204 414 550.183 302 31
    Paralepidonotus ampulliferus0.350 436 400.276 609 390.267 248 550.241 540 630.286 180 130.261 012 110.242 734 690.254 090 31
    Polyeunoa laevis0.327 543 470.212 394 330.224 644 000.188 466 180.208 599 900.192 117 860.201 721 110.208 898 450.266 239 14
    Polynoe scolopendrina0.379 922 590.240 515 680.250 207 720.226 628 550.200 161 200.263 861 770.218 945 650.218 053 340.331 403 560.256 973 49
    Subadyte pellucida0.343 507 420.228 415 030.214 772 700.219 804 120.225 842 280.237 269 980.255 722 320.208 584 100.260 675 340.219 229 360.234 952 52
    Thermiphione sp.0.263 006 490.258 821 490.266 638 560.275 063 220.288 452 760.259 538 450.265 448 720.258 043 640.302 945 230.255 540 320.316 058 18
    Thormora jukesii0.299 040 690.226 966 150.245 154 990.259 031 840.275 049 800.256 666 120.293 642 370.268 555 730.314 272 240.248 903 110.289 059 08
    Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.0.309 143 320.238 719 400.262 519 180.227 254 550.264 798 050.261 822 390.283 928 110.282 577 950.333 408 550.277 422 080.271 520 25
    Gesiella jameensis0.324 869 840.255 000 270.246 016 980.229 823 800.241 013 360.248 550 360.229 394 510.225 900 920.276 710 050.284 447 170.278 292 97
    Pelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 20.280 079 280.232 513 740.242 258 700.268 277 130.305 783 340.246 061 900.277 972 640.277 033 530.334 771 160.264 822 340.299 314 67
    Halosydnella australis0.296 441 670.234 982 590.229 825 030.230 775 490.267 737 290.249 162 840.275 053 160.262 852 900.270 092 620.261 288 930.249 387 30
    Polynoidae sp. 2 ST 20190.307 291 970.258 075 090.260 563 010.256 598 640.266 367 210.276 010 200.266 913 520.278 854 360.290 574 600.245 405 360.262 331 06
    Robertianella synophthalma0.301 457 840.231 979 140.234 923 170.172 299 410.184 401 700.168 897 560.167 438 320.187 523 510.215 383 110.184 582 030.228 736 51
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    Subadyte pellucidaThermiphione sp.Thormora jukesiiCeuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.Gesiella jameensisPelagomacellic-ephala cf. iliffei 2Halosydnella australisPolynoidae sp. 2 ST 2019
    Acholoe astericola
    Alentia gelatinosa
    Antarctinoe ferox
    Antinoe aequiseta
    Antipathipolyeunoa sp.
    Austrolaenilla antarctica
    Bathykurila guaymasensis
    Branchinotogluma sandersi
    Branchipolynoe symmytilida
    Bylgides elegans
    Enipo torelli
    Eunoe nodosa
    Gastrolepidia clavigera
    Gattyana cirrhosa
    Gorgoniapolynoe corralophila
    Grubeopolynoe tuta
    Halosydna brevisetosa
    Harmothoe glabra
    Hermadion truncata
    Hermenia verruculosa
    Hyperhalosydna striata
    Intoshella dictyaulus
    Iphione sp.
    Lepidasthenia elegans
    Lepidonotus clava
    Leucia violacea
    Malmgreniella mcintoshi
    Melaenis loveni
    Neopolynoe paradoxa
    Paradyte crinoidicola
    Paralepidonotus ampulliferus
    Polyeunoa laevis
    Polynoe scolopendrina
    Subadyte pellucida
    Thermiphione sp.0.304 207 13
    Thormora jukesii0.279 639 160.214 375 32
    Ceuthonoe nezhai gen. et sp. n.0.274 900 970.253 297 560.291 380 26
    Gesiella jameensis0.252 228 820.308 232 420.360 050 130.316 815 13
    Pelagomacellicephala cf. iliffei 20.299 009 240.291 921 970.284 222 390.279 183 680.286 840 27
    Halosydnella australis0.270 208 810.231 993 280.238 275 860.260 840 910.315 887 720.311 794 26
    Polynoidae sp. 2 ST 20190.267 175 300.235 863 100.269 466 070.214 625 260.241 997 030.292 326 130.216 593 34
    Robertianella synophthalma0.192 200 270.251 141 200.263 141 640.272 085 730.246 861 480.255 376 930.244 626 420.232 877 43
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  • [1]
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    Barnich R, Fiege D, Micaletto G, et al. 2006. Redescription of Harmothoe spinosa Kinberg, 1856 (Polychaeta: Polynoidae) and related species from Subantarctic and Antarctic waters, with the erection of a new genus. Journal of Natural History, 40(1–2): 33–75. doi: 10.1080/00222930500445044
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