Diversity of protease-producing bacteria in the Bohai Bay sediment and their extracellular enzymatic properties

Zhenpeng Zhang Chaoya Wu Shuai Shao Wei Liu En-Tao Wang Yan Li

Zhenpeng Zhang, Chaoya Wu, Shuai Shao, Wei Liu, En-Tao Wang, Yan Li. Diversity of protease-producing bacteria in the Bohai Bay sediment and their extracellular enzymatic properties[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1589-x
Citation: Zhenpeng Zhang, Chaoya Wu, Shuai Shao, Wei Liu, En-Tao Wang, Yan Li. Diversity of protease-producing bacteria in the Bohai Bay sediment and their extracellular enzymatic properties[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1589-x

doi: 10.1007/s13131-020-1589-x

Diversity of protease-producing bacteria in the Bohai Bay sediment and their extracellular enzymatic properties

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 31600009 and 31800099; the Key Research and Development Program of Hebei Province under contract No. 19273802D; the STS Program of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Fujian Province under contract No. 2017T3019; the Yantai Science and Technology Project under contract No. 2018ZHGY074; the Joint Fund of Jilin Province and Chinese Academy of Sciences for High-tech Industrialization under contract No. 2019SYHZ0036; En-Tao Wang was supported by the projects under contract Nos SIP 20150597 and 20160883 authorized by IPN, Mexico.
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  • Figure  1.  Map of the Bohai Bay in the Bohai Sea of China showing the sampling sites (●). The map was created using DIVA-GIS software (http//www.diva-gis.org), and the sampling sites were added according to GPS records.

    Figure  2.  Phylogenetic tree of the protease-producing bacteria isolated from the Bohai Bay based on 16S rRNA gene sequences. Taxa and GenBank accession numbers in boldface were generated in this study. The tree was constructed by neighbor-joining method using MEGA version 6.0. Only bootstrap values greater than 50% are presented in the nodes. The scale bar represents 2% nucleotide substitution.

    Table  1.   Characteristics of the sampling stations and the distribution of different genera in these stations

    GPS38.35°N, 118.75°E38.55°N, 117.95°E38.55°N, 118.95°E38.75°N, 118.95°E38.75°N, 118.55°E38.75°N, 118.15°E39.07°N, 118.53°E
    Characteristics for sediment samples
    Genera distribution
    BacteroidetesArenibacter 2
    Total strain number (109)
    Diversity index
    Shannon–Wiener (H′)1.581.221.661.010.340.940.64
    Simpson (D)0.720.610.710.610.200.480.34
    Pielou (J)0.810.760.760.920.500.680.58
    Note: 1) C/N is the abbreviation of OrgC/OrgN.
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    Table  2.   Summary of the inhibition test and the extracellular enzyme production analyses of the tested strains isolated from the Bohai Bay

    GeneraStrainInhibition ratio1) (I)/%H/C ratio2)Nitrate
    PMSFO-PE-64P-ACaseinGelatinElastinAmylaseCellulaseAlginaseTween 80
    Note: 1) Inhibition ratio (I, %) was calculated by using control activity minus the relative activity of a sample with an inhibitor and the activity of a sample without any inhibitor was taken as a control. 2) H/C ratio is the ratio of the hydrolytic zone diameter versus the colony diameter of a colony on the plate. PMSF, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride; OP, 1, 10-phenanthroline; P-A, pepstatin A.
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