Influences of the Great Whirl on surface chlorophyll a concentration off the Somali Coast in 2017

Lingxing Dai Bing Han Shilin Tang Chuqun Chen Yan Du

Lingxing Dai, Bing Han, Shilin Tang, Chuqun Chen, Yan Du. Influences of the Great Whirl on surface chlorophyll a concentration off the Somali Coast in 2017[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(11): 79-86. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1740-3
Citation: Lingxing Dai, Bing Han, Shilin Tang, Chuqun Chen, Yan Du. Influences of the Great Whirl on surface chlorophyll a concentration off the Somali Coast in 2017[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2021, 40(11): 79-86. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1740-3

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1740-3

Influences of the Great Whirl on surface chlorophyll a concentration off the Somali Coast in 2017

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41830538 and 42090042; the Chinese Academy of Sciences Fund under contract Nos XDA15020901, 133244KYSB20190031, ZDRW-XH-2019-2, ISEE2021PY02 and ISEE2021ZD01; Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Fund under contract No. 2020A1515010498; the Southern Marine Science and Engineering Guangdong Laboratory (Guangzhou) Fund under contract Nos GML2019ZD0303 and 2019BT02H594.
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  • Figure  1.  Comparison of surface patterns between the sea surface height (SSH) from satellite observations (black solid contours for SSH anomaly (SSHa) > 0 and black dash contours for SSHa < 0) and the SSH from model products (colors) at different time.

    Figure  2.  Location of Great Whirl centers (colored dots) in June-November 2017 and the surface currents (vectors) on August 20, 2017. The red, brown, and blue enclosed lines represent the area of GW in June, August, and November respectively.

    Figure  3.  Time evolution of the radius (a), amplitude (b) and speed (c) of GW in 2017. The grey lines represent the original results, and the red lines represent the results that are smoothed using a 7-point moving average filter.

    Figure  4.  Vertical section of north-south velocity across the center of Great Whirl at different time from model products. The white lines represent the mixed layer depth.

    Figure  5.  Chl a concentration distribution around the Great Whirl in 2017. The SSH anomaly is from satellite observations (black solid contours for SSHa>0 and black dash contours for SSHa<0). The colors represent Chl a concentration. The vectors represent the cross-calibrated multi-platform surface winds.

    Figure  6.  Composite averages of Chl a concentration anomaly for every month in the life cycle of Great Whirl. Panels a to f correspond to June to November respectively.

    Figure  7.  Time evolution of the Chl a concentration (a), mixed layer depth (MLD) (b) and vertical velocities induced by eddy-induced Ekman pumping (WEP) (c) of Great Whirl in 2017. All the three parameters in GW are defined as the mean value within 0.5R. The grey lines represent the original results, and the red lines represent the results that are smoothed using a 7-point moving average filter.

    Figure  8.  Time evolution of differences between Chl a concentration in the interior and periphery of the Great Whirl. The parameter in the interior of Great Whirl is similar to that in Fig. 7. Accordingly, the parameter at the periphery is defined as the mean value of Chl a concentration between 1R and 2R. The grey lines represent the original results, and the red lines represent the results that are smoothed using a 7-point moving average filter.

    Figure  9.  Schematic diagram of GW and the underlying mechanisms of the Chl a bloom in July (a) and October (b). R and A are the radius and SSH amplitude of GW respectively. The spatial distribution of Chl a concentration was monthly averaged. The mixed layer depth and the vertical velocity of eddy-induced Ekman pumping were calculated by monthly averaged in 0.5R of GW.

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