Environmental effects of mariculture in China: An overall study of nitrogen and phosphorus loads

Jihong Zhang Wenguang Wu Yuchen Li Yi Liu Xinmeng Wang

Jihong Zhang, Wenguang Wu, Yuchen Li, Yi Liu, Xinmeng Wang. Environmental effects of mariculture in China: An overall study of nitrogen and phosphorus loads[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(6): 4-11. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1909-9
Citation: Jihong Zhang, Wenguang Wu, Yuchen Li, Yi Liu, Xinmeng Wang. Environmental effects of mariculture in China: An overall study of nitrogen and phosphorus loads[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(6): 4-11. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1909-9

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1909-9

Environmental effects of mariculture in China: An overall study of nitrogen and phosphorus loads

Funds: The National Key R&D Program of China under contract No. 2020YFA0607603; the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences under contract No. XDA23050402; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41776155 and U1906216; the Marine S&T Fund of Shandong Province for Pilot National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology (Qingdao) under contract No. 2018SDKJ0501-3.
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    Corresponding author: zhangjh@ysfri.ac.cn
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  • Figure  1.  Percentage of total production in typical mariculture systems (a), and the proportion of yield in typical mariculture systems in coastal provinces of China in 2019 (b) (Zhang et al., 2020a).

    Figure  2.  The N loads (a) and P loads (b) from the four typical mariculture systems of 10 provinces along with coastal China.

    Figure  3.  N and P loads flux into the Chinese coast in 2019 (river and sewage’s data from Ministry of Ecology and Environment of People’s Republic of China (2020).

    Table  1.   The waste coefficient of pollutant discharge coefficient, yield and nutrient release from the main species of the pond mariculture in China in 2019

    Waste sourcesYield/(103 t)Waste coefficient/ (g·kg−1)N release/ (103 t)P release/ (103 t)
    Takifugu sp.17.47315.510.650.280.02
    Sea bass180.26711.850.861.360.07
    Penaeus vannamei1 144.3701.820.293.140.39
    Penaeus monodon84.0662.040.320.250.03
    Penaeus chinensis38.5831.410.250.050.01
    Penaeus japonicus50.9681.670.310.070.01
    Portunus sp.113.8102.220.960.270.12
    Scylla sp.160.6162.650.110.450.02
    Sea cucumber171.7004.370.10.430.01
    Sea urchin8.2434.980.120.040.00
    Note: − represents no data.
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    Table  2.   The waste coefficient of pollutant producing coefficient, yield and nutrient release from the main species of the cage mariculture of China in 2019

    /(103 t)
    Waste coefficient/(g·kg−1)N release/ (103 t)P release/(103 t)
    Pseudosciaena crocea225.5572.0212.0716.242.72
    Rachycentron canadum42.2276.4712.773.230.54
    Seriola sp.30.0076.4712.772.290.38
    Sciaenops ocellatus70.1972.0212.075.060.85
    Epinephelus sp.183.1376.4712.7714.002.34
    Note: − represents no data.
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    Table  3.   The contents of N, P and C, and N, P, C removed by harvest of the main species of seaweed of China in 2019

    SpeciesYield/ tN content/%P content/%C content/%N remove/tP remove/tC remove/ (103 t)
    Kelp1 461 0581.630.37931.2023 815.255 537.41506.69
    Undaria152 5723.410.3328.812 486.92578.2562.13
    Laver135 2521.880.05541.964 612.09446.3358.15
    Gracilaria293 1791.630.37924.505 511.77161.2598.86
    Others24 4762.310.2530.27565.4061.1910.94
    Total2 066 53736 991.436 784.43736.77
    Note: − represents no data.
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    Table  4.   The contents of N, P and C contents, and N, P, C removed by harvest of the main species of bivalves of China in 2019

    ItemOysterScallopMusselClamOthersTotal/(103 t)
    W/(106 t)4.831.860.884.171.21
    N Cbivalve-m/%9.2310.519.239.009.92
    P Cbivalve-m/%
    C Cbivalve-m/%0.450.440.460.420.44
    N Cbivalve-s/% 0.14
    P Cbivalve-s/% 0.03
    C Cbivalve-s/% 0.11
    N remove/(103 t)10.7315.704.6231.114.3165.88
    P remove/(103 t)9.874.522.2721.682.854.12
    C remove/(103 t)383.37180.0198.29349.09102.261 112.79
    Note: − represents no data. W is the annual production; Cbivalve-m and Cbivalve-s are N or P contents in dry tissue and shell, respectively.
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    Table  5.   The N and P loads and molar concentration ratios of N and P (N:P) from four typical mariculture systems and C sink from extractive mariculture system of China in 2019

    Yield/(106 t)13.162.412.480.6518.71
    N load/t−65 057−44 18810 33048 121−50 794
    P load/t−4 097−7 8831 0268 053−2 901
    C sink/t1 127 735736 7701 864 505
    Note: − represents no data.
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