Comparison of nominal and standardized catch per unit effort data in quantifying habitat suitability of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific Ocean

Cheng Zhou Yuanyuan Hu Jie Cao Liuxiong Xu Xuefang Wang Rong Wan Yu Xiao Jiangfeng Zhu Hao Tang

Cheng Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Jie Cao, Liuxiong Xu, Xuefang Wang, Rong Wan, Yu Xiao, Jiangfeng Zhu, Hao Tang. Comparison of nominal and standardized catch per unit effort data in quantifying habitat suitability of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific Ocean[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(3): 1-10. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1922-z
Citation: Cheng Zhou, Yuanyuan Hu, Jie Cao, Liuxiong Xu, Xuefang Wang, Rong Wan, Yu Xiao, Jiangfeng Zhu, Hao Tang. Comparison of nominal and standardized catch per unit effort data in quantifying habitat suitability of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific Ocean[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(3): 1-10. doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1922-z

doi: 10.1007/s13131-021-1922-z

Comparison of nominal and standardized catch per unit effort data in quantifying habitat suitability of skipjack tuna in the equatorial Pacific Ocean

Funds: The National Key R&D Program of China under contract Nos 2020YFD0901202 and 2019YFD0901502; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 41806110, 41506151 and 31902426.
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  • Figure  1.  Major oceanographic features in the fishing area of Pacific Ocean. a. SEC represents South Equatorial Current; NECC, North Equatorial Counter Current; NEC, North Counter Current; ICZ, Intertropical Convergence Zone; SPCZ, South Pacific Convergence Zone; b. kernel density contour of fish school presence in the fishing region from 2013 to 2017. High density regions are indicated in red in b. At the bottom of b, the zonal intensity of fish schools is indicated by a violin plot, representing the persistent thermal region around the 160°E and 170°E meridian.

    Figure  2.  Linear estimates of GLMM for random effect terms year (Y) on intercept (a) and a range of fixed effects (the vessel date of build, D; the type of fishing gear, G; and the type of free swimming schools caught, S) (b, c and d). a. Positive coefficients (in red) indicate positive effects on CPUE, whereas negative effects indicate minus coefficients (in blue). In a−d, bars and shaded region indicate 95% confidence intervals. e. The random intercepts of spatial-grid are mapped onto the corresponding fishing cells (1 degree square). For the purpose of protecting the commercial confidentiality, position information is not labelled aside the axis.

    Figure  3.  HSI distribution between models using nominal CPUE (a) and calibrated CPUE (b) on January 1, 2013, January 1, 2017 and August 1, 2015. ENSO periods are denoted by “+”: La Niña; “−”: strong El Niño; “o”: neutral condition. White regions indicate the null HSI due to the environmental data beyond the range of model prediction or at incredible interval. Open circles indicate catches in the corresponding month rather than day when fishing efforts are scarce.

    Figure  4.  Partial effect estimates of GAM for significant variables. Blue-shaded regions are 95% confidence bands for smooths. Density of raw data is displayed as a rug at the foot of each plot.

    Figure  5.  Linear relationship between monthly averaged HSI and SOI. Red, gray, and blue dots indicate El Niño episode (defined as six-consecutive-month average sea surface temperature anomaly exceeding 0.5°C), neutral condition, and La Niña episode (defined as six-consecutive-month average sea surface temperature anomaly less than negative 0.5°C), respectively. Shaded regions indicates 95% confidence band.

    Table  1.   Summary for the significant covariates as fixed effect in the optimal model of CPUE standardization

    Covariates as fixed effectEstimate valueSDt statisticspAIC
    G (factor 2)<0.05
    S (factor 2)−4.792.18−2.2<0.05
    Note: SD represents standard error; D, the vessel date ofbuild; G, the type of fishing gear; S, the type of free swimming schoolscaught; AIC, the Akaike Information Criterion.
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    Table  2.   Summary for the significant covariates in the optimal habitat models under scenarios of using nominal CPUE and calibrated CPUE

    Habitat models
    Based on nominal CPUEBased on calibrated CPUE
    AIC score3373818129
    Adjusted R20.0230.35
    Deviance explained0.0260.35
    Note: EDF represents estimated degree of freedom; F represents F statistics.
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