Ensemble habitat suitability modeling of stomatopods with Oratosquilla oratoria as an example

Lisha Guan Xianshi Jin Tao Yang Xiujuan Shan

Lisha Guan, Xianshi Jin, Tao Yang, Xiujuan Shan. Ensemble habitat suitability modeling of stomatopods with Oratosquilla oratoria as an example[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(4): 93-102. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2051-z
Citation: Lisha Guan, Xianshi Jin, Tao Yang, Xiujuan Shan. Ensemble habitat suitability modeling of stomatopods with Oratosquilla oratoria as an example[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(4): 93-102. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2051-z

doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2051-z

Ensemble habitat suitability modeling of stomatopods with Oratosquilla oratoria as an example

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No. 31902375; the David and Lucile Packard Foundation; the Innovation Team of Fishery Resources and Ecology in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea under contract No. 2020TD01; the Special Funds for Taishan Scholars Project of Shandong Province.
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  • Figure  1.  The distributions of successfully sampled stations in April (circles), May (triangles) and June (plus signs) in the Bohai Sea with bathymetric information from the monthly bottom trawl surveys conducted by the Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute in 2017 (a); frequency distribution of log-transformed Oratosquilla oratoria densities in these stations, except six stations without catch of this species (b). D: density, g/h.

    Figure  2.  View of generalized additive model (GAM) (a) and geographical weighted regression (GWR) model (b) selection with eight environmental predictors and Akaike Information Criterion corrected (AICc) (c) values of all alternative models. AICc of the optimal models was shaded in red. BT: bottom temperature; BS: bottom salinity; D: density.

    Figure  3.  Spline smooth regression curves of five environmental predictors included in the optimal generalized additive model showing their respective effects on Oratosquilla oratoria density. BT: bottom temperature; BS: bottom salinity.

    Figure  4.  Local coefficient estimates derived from geographically weighted regressions of log-scaled Oratosquilla oratoria density to separate environmental predictors included in the optimal geographical weighted regression model. BT: bottom temperature.

    Figure  5.  Mapping of generalized additive model (GAM)-based habitat suitability index (HSI) (a, c, e) and geographical weighted regression (GWR)-based HSIs (b, d, f) for Oratosquilla oratoria in April, May and June 2017. The density (g/h) distributions of O. oratoria in corresponding months of 2017 were plotted as circles over the HSI maps. Polygons in panels c and d show areas for three place-based O. oratoria fisheries in May 2021.

    Figure  6.  Scatter plots and linear relationships of predicted habitat suitability index (HSI) from generalized additive model (GAM)- and geographical weighted regression (GWR)-based habitat suitability models against log-transformed Oratosquilla oratoria densities (lg D; D, unit: g/h) at observed stations in April (blue circles), May (cyan triangles) and June (pink plus signs) 2017.

    Figure  7.  Mapping of habitat suitability index (HSI) from the ensemble habitat suitability models for Oratosquilla oratoria in April (a), May (b) and June (c) 2017. The density (g/h) distributions of O. oratoria in corresponding months of 2017 were plotted as circles over respective HSI maps. Polygons in panel b show areas for three place-based O. oratoria fisheries in May 2021.

    Table  1.   Sediment grain sizes associated with Wentworth classes and Krumbein phi (Φ) ranges

    Grain size/mmGrain size/μmWentworth classPhi (Φ) range
    1 to 21000 to 2000very coarse sandΦ=–1 to Φ=0
    1/2 to 1500 to 1000coarse sandΦ=0 to Φ=1
    1/4 to 1/2250 to 500medium sandΦ=1 to Φ=2
    1/8 to 1/4125 to 250fine sandΦ=2 to Φ=3
    1/16 to 1/862.5 to 125very fine sandΦ=3 to Φ=4
    1/32 to 1/1631.25 to 62.5coarse siltΦ=4 to Φ=5
    1/64 to 1/3215.625 to 31.25medium siltΦ=5 to Φ=6
    1/128 to 1/647.813 to 15.625fine siltΦ=6 to Φ=7
    1/256 to 1/1283.906 to 7.813very fine siltΦ=7 to Φ=8
    < 1/256< 3.906clayΦ>8
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    Table  2.   Integer values of sediment metrics in this study corresponding to the intervals of sediment variables from Yuan et al. (2020)

    Ord_PsandSand contentOrd_PclayClay contentOrd_MzMean size (Φ)Ord_SkSkewnessOrd_KtKurtosis
    10 to 10%10 to 5%1Φ<31–2.5 to –1.510.5 to 1.5
    210% to 20%25% to 10%2Φ=3 to Φ=42–1.5 to –0.3321.5 to 2.5
    320% to 30%310% to 15%3Φ=4 to Φ=53–0.33 to 0.3332.5 to 2.75
    430% to 40%415% to 20%4Φ=5 to Φ=640.33 to 1.542.75 to 3
    540% to 50%520% to 25%5Φ=6 to Φ=751.5 to 2.253 to 3.25
    650% to 60%625% to 30%6Φ>762.2 to 3.563.25 to 3.5
    760% to 70%730% to 35% 7> 3.573.5 to 4.5
    870% to 80%835% to 40% 84.5 to 5.5
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