The status of research and utilisation on the subtidal kelp along the Chilean coast: A literature review

Simona Laukaityte Rodrigo Riera

Simona Laukaityte, Rodrigo Riera. The status of research and utilisation on the subtidal kelp along the Chilean coast: A literature review[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(12): 7-17. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2052-y
Citation: Simona Laukaityte, Rodrigo Riera. The status of research and utilisation on the subtidal kelp along the Chilean coast: A literature review[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2022, 41(12): 7-17. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2052-y

doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2052-y

The status of research and utilisation on the subtidal kelp along the Chilean coast: A literature review

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  • Figure  1.  Map of Chile and country’s location in South American continent, showing geographic distribution of subtidalkelp species (grey bars), Lessonia trabeculata (Lt) and Macrocystis pyrifera (Mp). The sites marked on the map depict the main kelp harvest and process of raw material sites (dots) and the main distribution hubs (stars). Adapted from Vásquez (2008).

    Figure  2.  Schematic view of habitats formed by kelp Macrocystis pyrifera: holdfast, standing kelp forest and kelp rafts. Drawing adapted with permission of the author (Erasmo C. Macaya).

    Figure  3.  Density (mean±SE) of adult and juvenile kelp individuals of Macrocystis pyrifera and Lessonia trabeculata species before (1996), during (1997–1998), after (1999–2003) the ENSO event (Vega et al., 2005).

    Table  1.   Subtidal kelp species distribution in Chile

    Macrocystis pyriferadominant species from Chiloé region to Magellan Straitshallow
    to 10 m
    Dayton (1973);
    Palacios and Mansilla (2003);
    Plana et al. (2007);
    Camus et al. (2021)
    Lessonia trabeculatadominant from border with Peru to Chiloé regionshallow
    to ca. 30 m
    Vásquez (2008)
    Note: ca., abbreviation for circa.
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    Table  2.   Natural compounds found in kelps, their production in Chile (in tonnes per year) and export values in 2013. Information source: IFOP and Aduanas de Chile (Jeraldo, 2014)

    Sodium alginate265.414365.7
    Alginic acid25.412468.5
    Potassium alginate40.115071.9
    Magnesium alginate421850
    Total alginates334.963756.4
    Other algae compounds7.657291.8
    Note: Total value of alginates is marked in bold.
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