Phytoplanktonic biogeography in the subtropical coastal waters, East China Sea along intensive anthropogenic stresses: roles of environmental versus spatial factors

Ran Ye Haibo Zhang Yige Yu Qing Xu Dandi Shen Min Ren Lian Liu Yanhong Cai

Ran Ye, Haibo Zhang, Yige Yu, Qing Xu, Dandi Shen, Min Ren, Lian Liu, Yanhong Cai. Phytoplanktonic biogeography in the subtropical coastal waters, East China Sea along intensive anthropogenic stresses: roles of environmental versus spatial factors[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(4): 103-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2086-1
Citation: Ran Ye, Haibo Zhang, Yige Yu, Qing Xu, Dandi Shen, Min Ren, Lian Liu, Yanhong Cai. Phytoplanktonic biogeography in the subtropical coastal waters, East China Sea along intensive anthropogenic stresses: roles of environmental versus spatial factors[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(4): 103-113. doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2086-1

doi: 10.1007/s13131-022-2086-1

Phytoplanktonic biogeography in the subtropical coastal waters, East China Sea along intensive anthropogenic stresses: roles of environmental versus spatial factors

Funds: Ecological Restoration Cost Evaluation in Archipelago Ecosystems: A Case Study in Putuo, Zhoushan Archipelago, East China Sea.
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  • Figure  1.  Sampling sites in the coastal waters of northern Zhejiang comprised of Hangzhou Bay (HZB), Zhoushan Islands (ZSI), island chain (IC), Xiangshan Bay (XSB) and Sanmen Bay (SMB) over four seasons.

    Figure  2.  Seasonal phytoplankton community composition dynamics across sampling area.

    Figure  3.  Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) plots of the whole community (a, d), the dominant community (b, e) and rare community (c, f) with one-way analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) visualize both seasonal (a−c) and spatial (d−f) dissimilarities. HZB: Hangzhou Bay; IC: island chain; SMB: Sanmen Bay; XSB: Xiangshan Bay; ZSI: Zhoushan Islands.

    Figure  4.  Heat maps illustrated Spearman’s rank correlations between seasonal dominant species and environmental parameters. WT: water temperature; Sal: salinity; TOC: total organic carbon; SPM: suspended particulate matter; TN: total nitrogen; COD: chemical oxygen demand; TP: total phosphorus; con. is the abbrevation of concentration.

    Figure  5.  Correlation between the whole community similarity (Bray-Curtis distance) and geographic distance between sampling sites within the four seasons. Red lines represent linear fits.

    Figure  6.  Variation partitioning analysis of the whole species community within each season performed on environmental factors (Env) and spatial factors including linear trend variables (Trend) and principal coordinates of neighbour matrices (PCNM) variables. Values less than 0 were not shown.

    Table  1.   Distance-based multivariate linear model against seawater chemical variables of the whole community in all the seasons

    Marginal tests
    VariablePseudo-FPPercent variation explained
    DO concentration18.9320.0017.09
    SPM concentration11.1420.0014.30
    $\bf {PO_4^{3-}} $ concentration6.0770.0012.39
    TP concentration3.8090.0011.51
    $\bf SiO_3^{2-} $ concentration3.4610.0031.38
    TN concentration3.2110.0021.28
    $\bf NO^-_3 $ concentration3.0480.0051.21
    $\bf NH_4^+ $ concentration2.9300.0051.17
    TOC concentration1.7150.0690.69
    $\bf NO_2^- $ concentration1.4810.1360.59
    Sequential tests
    VariablePseudo-FPCumulative variation explained
    DO concentration24.8230.00122.98
    $\bf {PO_4^{3-}} $ concentration6.1380.00124.85
    $\bf SiO_3^{2-} $ concentration2.7350.00226.75
    $\bf NO^-_3 $ concentration2.5650.00327.51
    TN concentration3.0770.00128.42
    $\bf NH_4^+ $ concentration2.5290.00729.16
    TOC concentration2.2580.01530.52
    TP concentration1.8050.05531.64
    SPM concentration1.3300.19732.02
    $\bf NO_2^- $ concentration0.0060.76232.21
    Note: Variables in bold referred to statistically significant (P<0.05). WT: water temperature; SPM: suspended particulate matter; COD: chemical oxygen demand; Sal: salinity; TOC: total organic carbon; TN: total nitrogen; TP: total phosphorus; Pseudo-F: Pseudo-F Statistics test value.
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    Table  2.   Mantel tests showed Spearman’s rank correlations of the whole community in relation to geographic distance within the four seasons

    SeasonVariation sourceSimple Mantel testControlled byPartial Mantel test
    $\rho $P$\rho $P
    Note: Geo: geographic distance; Env: environmental factors as a whole; $\rho $: correlation coefficients between pairwise distance of the whole community distance and geographic distance derived from Mantel test with 9 999 permutations.
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