Morphometric analysis of the Andaman outer shelf and upper slope—Implications for the recent slope failure events
Abstract: The devastating 2004 tsunamis that hit the southwestern coast of Thailand pose a serious threat to people along the coastal zone. A major aim for the tsunami hazard prediction is better prediction of the next tsunamis and their impacts. In this paper, we present the first implications of recent slope failure events of the Andaman outer shelf and upper slope based on a new detailed bathymetric data and subbottom profiler records acquired during two cruises of the MASS project in 2006 and 2007. Morphometric analysis reveals a variety of anomalous features, including: three large plateaus surrounded by moats, ruggedness and unevenness of slope morphology, and two translational submarine landslides. Two submarine landslides are studied from the detailed bathymetric data and subbottom profiler record covering the upper slope of the Andaman Sea shelf break within Thai exclusive economic zone. Maximum approximated volumes of both displaced masses are 4.8×107 m3 and 2.2×107 m3. Considering the data, there is no evidence that landslides have been the sources for tsunami hazard potential in recent geological time. These prerequisites will allow better study of slope failure events in the area. Further investigation is required to better understand obvious geotectonic phenomena.
Key words:
- Andaman /
- slope failure /
- submarine landslide /
- bathymetry /
- hazard potential
Figure 1. Synthetic maps showing location of the Andaman Sea in the Northeast Indian Ocean. Patterns of seasonal sea-surface circulation including the westerly currents (NE monsoon) and the south-easterly currents (SW monsoon) are summarily redrawn from Rodolfo (1969) (a). The tectonic setting of the Andaman Basin redrawn from Curry (2005). Sediment textures covering the basin are redrawn from Rodolfo (1969). The blue box shows the investigated area (b). EEC: exclusive economic zone.
Figure 2. A new detailed bathymetry of the upper slope of the Andaman Sea outer shelf is overlain on GEBCO 30-arc second GDA (The GEBCO_08 Grid, 2010) (a) and complements them with ship track-lines (b) and location of the study area (c). The investigated area is shown by a blue box. Detailed information in submarine landslides are shown in Figs 4a and b, plateaus are shown in Figs 5a and b, and gullies are shown in Fig. 6a.
Figure 3. Interpretation of the bathymetry shows prominent features, including three large plateaus surrounded by moats (a) . Drawn lines of slope ruggedness are shown by black lines. Contour interval is 40 m. Latitudinal (NS1-1 to NS3-3) (b) and longitudinal profiles (c)(WE1 to WE8) show the general morphological trends of the Andaman Sea outer shelf and upper slope.
Figure 4. Color-coded shaded relief maps with interpretation showing possible submarine landslides on the northernmost (i) and the middle part (ii) of the Andaman outer shelf and upper slope. Black dotted-lines show approximated slide scars, while red dotted-lines show approximated slide toes. Profile aa′ and a subbottom profiler record along Profile cc′ show a slide scar and convex-upward slopes that could represent displaced mass and slide deposits. Echo-character along Profile bb′ presents possible sediment deposit. For locations of both slides refer to Fig. 2.
Figure 5. Morphology of the northern plateau (i) and the southern plateau (ii) are shown by bathymetry, backscattering imagery and their high frequency subbottom profiles. The boundaries of possible sediment failure deposits are marked by red dotted lines. Locations of plateaus refer to Fig. 2.
Figure 6. A color-codes shaded 3D map showing gullies or possible head of canyons (i) and cross section along Profile aa′, bb′, and cc′ (ii). Locations of gullies refer to Fig. 2.
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