Study of screening, transport pathway, and vasodilation mechanisms on angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from Ulva prolifera proteins

Zhiyong Li Yuan He Hongyan He Caiwei Fu Mengru Li Aiming Lu Dongren Zhang Tuanjie Che Songdong Shen

Zhiyong Li, Yuan He, Hongyan He, Caiwei Fu, Mengru Li, Aiming Lu, Dongren Zhang, Tuanjie Che, Songdong Shen. Study of screening, transport pathway, and vasodilation mechanisms on angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from Ulva prolifera proteins[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(11): 98-106. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2170-1
Citation: Zhiyong Li, Yuan He, Hongyan He, Caiwei Fu, Mengru Li, Aiming Lu, Dongren Zhang, Tuanjie Che, Songdong Shen. Study of screening, transport pathway, and vasodilation mechanisms on angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from Ulva prolifera proteins[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(11): 98-106. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2170-1

doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2170-1

Study of screening, transport pathway, and vasodilation mechanisms on angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from Ulva prolifera proteins

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  • Figure  1.  IC50 value determination of the selected peptide.

    Figure  2.  Lineweaver-Burk plots of the synthetic peptide. 1/V and 1/S represents the reciprocal of reaction velocity and substrate concentration, respectively.

    Figure  3.  Stability of LDF against GI proteases. Full scan primary MS chromatogram for Control group (a), pepsin (b), pepsin-trypsin (c). d presents inhibition rate of above groups in the same concentration (P, pepsin; P-T, pepsin-trypsin; 5 μmol/L). The values are represented as the mean of the triplicate ± SD.

    Figure  4.  Effect of incubation time on the transport of LDF across the Caco-2 cell monolayers. a. Transport rate of LDF at different times. Samples were collected from the B side at 30 min, 60 min, and 90 min for HPLC analysis. Effect of Gly-Pro (PepT1 inhibitor), cytochalasin D (Tight junction disruptor) and wortmannin (Transcytosis inhibitor) on the transport of LDF across Caco-2 cell monolayers.Values represent the mean±standard deviation, and the bars with different lowercase letters were significantly different (p < 0.05, n = 3).

    Figure  5.  Docking simulation of candidates binding with ACE, a-LDF (IC50 = 1.66 μmol/L), b-Lisinopril (ID:1O86, IC50 = 1.1 ng/mL).

    Figure  6.  Effect of peptide on the proliferation of mice splenocytes.

    Figure  7.  Effect of LDF on HUVECs. a. Effect of LDF on eNOS activity and NO secretion (extracellular). b. Effect of LDF on ET-1 secretion (Control, cells were cultured by medium for 18 h; LDF, cells were cultured by LDF for 18 h; Ang II, cells were cultured by medium for 12 h and then, adding Ang-II for another 6 h; Ang-II-LDF, cells were incubated by LDF for 12 h and then, adding Ang II for another 6 h; The final concentration of LDF and Ang II were 100 μmol/L and 100 nmol/L, respectively). c. Effect of LDF on the NO secretion (intracellular). Values (mean ± SD) that do not share a common lowercase letter within a column differ significantly (p < 0.05) (n = 3).

    Table  1.   Ulva prolifera protein sequences used in in silico analysis

    Protein Amino acid residues Molecular weight/kDa A
    Pyruvate orthophosphate dikinase 899 96.43 0.1624
    Adenine phosphoribosyl transferase 182 19.19 0.3908
    Photosystem Ⅰ assembly protein Ycf4 185 24.42 0.4510
    Ribosomal protein L14 (chloroplast) 123 13.52 0.4016
    50S ribosomal protein L5 (chloroplast) 179 20.22 0.3722
    30S ribosomal protein S12 (chloroplast) 74 13.60 0.3659
    γ-carbonic anhydrase 1 173 23.57 0.3815
    γ-carbonic anhydrase 2 226 17.99 0.3274
    Plastid geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 330 35.69 0.2485
    Plastid isopentenyl-diphosphate delta-isomerase Ⅰ 245 27.66 0.3265
    Plastid 4-cytidine-5-diphospho-2-C-methyl-D-erythritol kinase 324 35.45 0.2500
    Plastid 4-diphosphocytidyl-2C-methyl-D-erythritol synthase 269 29.24 0.3048
    Plastid 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate reductoisomerase* 437 46.94 0.2517
    Plastid 1-deoxy-D-xylulose 5-phosphate synthase 713 76.88 0.1865
    Note: Parameter A: the frequency of bioactive fragments occurring in a protein sequence. *, represents the precursor protein for the final selected peptide.
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    Table  2.   Pool of potential ACE inhibitory peptides

    Peptide Peptide ranker WS Toxin HIA BBB -CE score
    LDF 0.839471 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8952 75.0459
    WKL 0.827822 Good NO +0.6493 +0.8556 Fail
    FLK 0.805333 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8371 Fail
    FLKF 0.956004 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8371 Fail
    FLPR 0.925723 Good NO +0.6554 +0.8066 Fail
    DLGW 0.876197 Good NO +0.6493 +0.9109 Fail
    LSRF 0.817020 Good NO +0.7139 +0.9595 Fail
    LDLF 0.806570 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8952 Fail
    RYIF 0.847108 Good NO +0.7519 +0.9403 Fail
    DFL 0.889906 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8952 Fail
    LDFL 0.831537 Good NO +0.7591 +0.8952 Fail
    LYRF 0.920545 Good NO +0.7519 +0.9186 Fail
    Note: WS, water solubility; HIA+, high human intestinal absorptivity; BBB +, higher blood brain barrier permeability; -CE score, score of -C Docker energy (−kcal/mol).
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    Table  3.   Interactions between ACE and candidates

    Candidates Bond position Distance/Å Type Number
    LDF A:LYS511:HZ3-LDF:O54 1.81686 Electrostatic interaction 5
    A:ASP415:OD2-LDF:H4 2.08741
    A:HIS353:NE2-LDF:O31 5.1492
    A:HIS353:NE2-LDF:O54 4.02229
    A:ZN701:ZN-LDF:O31 2.31603
    A:HIS353:HE2-LDF:O33 2.68386 Conventional Hydrogen Bond 4
    A:TYR520:HH-LDF:O53 2.287
    A:ASP415:OD1-LDF:H2 2.52546
    A:ASP415:OD1-LDF:H3 2.54477
    A:HIS353:HE1-LDF:O33 2.62587 Carbon Hydrogen Bond 4
    A:HIS353:HE1-LDF:O54 2.32017
    A:VAL380:HA-LDF:O21 2.32324
    A:HIS513:HE1-LDF:O54 2.3485
    A:VAL380-LDF:C16 5.39525 Alkyl 1
    Lisinopril (Lis) A:HIS353:NE2-Lis:O1 5.54654 Attractive Charge 3
    A:LYS511:NZ-Lis:O22 5.33806
    A:ZN701:ZN-Lis:O1 2.0673
    A:GLN281:HE21-Lis:O22 2.45266 Conventional Hydrogen Bond 6
    A:GLN281:HE22-Lis:O23 2.28218
    A:HIS353:HE2-Lis:O17 2.46511
    A:TYR520:HH-Lis:O23 2.02826
    A:ALA354:O-Lis:H40 2.119
    A:HIS383:NE2-Lis:H58 2.01119
    A:HIS353:HE1-Lis:O17 2.54683 Carbon Hydrogen Bond 3
    A:GLU162:OE2-Lis:H52 2.77882
    A:GLU384:OE1-Lis:H59 2.29522
    A:HIS383-Lis:N24 4.95965 Pi-Cation 1
    Note: − reprents no data.
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