Gravity anomalies determined from mean sea surface model data over the Gulf of Mexico

Xuyang Wei Xin Liu Zhen Li Xiaotao Chang Hongxin Luo Chengcheng Zhu Jinyun Guo

Xuyang Wei, Xin Liu, Zhen Li, Xiaotao Chang, Hongxin Luo, Chengcheng Zhu, Jinyun Guo. Gravity anomalies determined from mean sea surface model data over the Gulf of Mexico[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(12): 39-50. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2178-6
Citation: Xuyang Wei, Xin Liu, Zhen Li, Xiaotao Chang, Hongxin Luo, Chengcheng Zhu, Jinyun Guo. Gravity anomalies determined from mean sea surface model data over the Gulf of Mexico[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2023, 42(12): 39-50. doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2178-6

doi: 10.1007/s13131-023-2178-6

Gravity anomalies determined from mean sea surface model data over the Gulf of Mexico

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 42274006, 42174041 and 41774001; the Research Fund of University of Science and Technology under contract No. 2014TDJH101.
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  • Figure  1.  Study area and ship-borne gravity trace distribution. The thick solid red line is ship-borne gravity trace; the light gray area is land; the dark gray area corresponds to the marine regions that have been excluded from consideration or inclusion in this study.

    Figure  2.  Calculation diagram of the residual gridded deflections of the vertical (DOVs).

    Figure  3.  Flowchart of data processing of deriving gravity anomalies using the mean sea surface model.

    Figure  4.  Gravity anomalies derived from mean sea surface models: Grav-1 (a); Grav-2 (b); Grav-3 (c); Grav-4 (d); Grav-5 (e); Grav-6 (f).

    Figure  5.  Differences among six marine gravity anomaly models. a. Grav-1 − Grav-2; b. Grav-1 − Grav-3; c. Grav-1 − Grav-4; d. Grav-1 − Grav-5; e. Grav-1 − Grav-6; f. Grav-2 − Grav-3; g. Grav-2 − Grav-4; h. Grav-2 − Grav-5; i. Grav-2 − Grav-6; j. Grav-3 − Grav-4; k. Grav-3 − Grav-5; l. Grav-3 − Grav-6; m. Grav-4 − Grav-5; n. Grav-4 − Grav-6; o. Grav-5 − Grav-6.

    Figure  6.  Histogram distribution of differences among the six marine gravity anomaly models. The red line is the normal distribution curve. a. Grav-1 − Grav-2; b. Grav-1 − Grav-3; c. Grav-1 − Grav-4; d. Grav-1 − Grav-5; e. Grav-1 − Grav-6; f. Grav-2 − Grav-3; g. Grav-2 − Grav-4; h. Grav-2 − Grav-5; i. Grav-2 − Grav-6; j. Grav-3 − Grav-4; k. Grav-3 − Grav-5; l. Grav-3 − Grav-6; m. Grav-4 − Grav-5; n. Grav-4 − Grav-6; o. Grav-5 − Grav-6.

    Figure  7.  Histogram distribution of difference between marine gravity anomaly models and the ship-borne gravity data. a. Grav-1 − NCEI; b. Grav-2 − NCEI; c. Grav-3 − NCEI; d. Grav-4 − NCEI; e. Grav-5 − NCEI; f. Grav-6 − NCEI. The red line is the normal distribution curve.

    Figure  8.  Distribution of differences between Grav-3 and the ship-borne gravity data at depth >4 km, and seafloor topography in this area. The light gray area is land; the dark gray area represents the marine region.

    Table  1.   Basic information of global mean sea surface models

    Mean sea surface modelGrid sizeCoverage areaAltimeter data
    CNES_CLS15MSS1' × 1'80°S–84°NT/P + J1 + J2 + E2 + En + GFO + C2
    DTU21MSS1' × 1'90°S–90°NT/P + J1 + J2 + E1 + E2 + En + Ic + Ge + GFO + C2 + S3A
    SDUST2020MSS1' × 1'80°S–84°NT/P + J1 + J2 + J3 + E1 + E2 + GFO + En + H2 + C2 + Al + S3A
    Note: T/P, Topex/Poseidon; J1, Jason-1; J2, Jason-2; J3, Jason-3; E1, ERS-1; E2, ERS-2; En, Envisat; GFO, GeoSat follow-on; Ic, Icesat; Ge, Geosat; H2, HY-2A; C2, Cryosat-2; Al, Saral/Altika; S3A, Sentinel-3A.
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    Table  2.   Statistics of the difference between the ship-borne gravity data and XGM2019e_2159 gravity anomaly model

    StateData numberDifference value
    Before correction266 361181.11−90.510.537.107.12
    After correction251 02343.63−40.730.043.983.98
    After excluding routes1)249 90838.34−36.310.043.913.91
    Note: 1) Excluded routes are routes v2103 and u271gm.
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    Table  3.   Statistical information of abnormal ship-borne routes

    RouteData numberTimeSTD before correction/mGalSTD after correction/mGal
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    Table  4.   Statistics of the difference between marine gravity field model and the ship-borne gravity data

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    Table  5.   Statistics of the difference between marine gravity anomaly models and the ship-borne gravity data at different distances from coastline

    ModelDistance from coastline/kmData numberMax/mGalMin/mGalMean/mGalSTD/mGalRMS/mGal
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    Table  6.   Statistics of differences between marine gravity anomaly models and the ship-borne gravity data measured values at different depths

    ModelDepth/kmData numberMax/mGalMin/mGalMean/mGalSTD/mGalRMS/mGal
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    Table  7.   Statistics of differences between marine gravity anomaly models and the ship-borne gravity data at different submarine topography gradients

    ModelSeafloor topographic gradient/(m·arcmin−1)Data numberMax/mGalMin/mGalMean/mGalSTD/mGalRMS/mGal
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