Attention-enhanced deep learning approach for marine heatwave forecasting

Yiyun Liu Le Gao Shuguo Yang

Yiyun Liu, Le Gao, Shuguo Yang. Attention-enhanced deep learning approach for marine heatwave forecasting[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-0001-3
Citation: Yiyun Liu, Le Gao, Shuguo Yang. Attention-enhanced deep learning approach for marine heatwave forecasting[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-0001-3

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-0001-3

Attention-enhanced deep learning approach for marine heatwave forecasting

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  • Figure  1.  Study area. (a) Topography of the ECS and its primary ocean currents, (b) SST variations in the ECS from 2016 to 2021.

    Figure  2.  Different methods for MHW detection.

    Figure  3.  Structural diagram of the proposed SST-MHW-DL model (the red box highlights our improvement and analysis part).

    Figure  4.  Schematic representation of ground truth generation.

    Figure  5.  SST forecast accuracy of the SST-MHW-DL model. (a) RMSE, (b) MAPE, (c) R².

    Figure  6.  Comparison between the SST-MHW-DL model and several state-of-the-art models. (a) Comparison of study areas, (b) accuracy comparison for different forecast durations.

    Figure  7.  Spatiotemporal variations in SST forecast errors by the SST-MHW-DL model in the ECS region. (a) Difference and (b) RMSE of the predicted SST and ground truth.

    Figure  8.  Forecast effectiveness evaluation of the SST-MHW-DL model

    Figure  9.  Visualization of channel (temporal) attention weights in the SST-MHW-DL model.

    Figure  10.  Spatial attention in the SST-MHW-DL model. (a) Weight distribution of the SST-MHW-DL model, (b) spring and (c) autumn temperature.

    Figure  11.  Detection of MHW with different occurrence scales of 25%, 50%, and 75% in the ECS. TP and TN denote correctly predicted MHW sea areas.

    Figure  12.  Spatiotemporal statistics of MHW occurrence in the ECS from 2016 to 2021. (a) average intensity (℃), (b) occurrence duration of the MHW events (days), and (c) annual average occurrence frequency (counts/year).

    Figure  13.  Test area. (a) Topography of the NWA, (b) SST variations in the NWA from 2016 to 2021.

    Figure  14.  Spatiotemporal statistics of MHW occurrence in the NWA from 2016 to 2021. (a) average intensity (℃), (b) occurrence duration of the MHW events (days), (c) annual average occurrence frequency (counts/year).

    Figure  15.  RMSE and R² of SST forecast.

    Figure  16.  Spatial distribution of (a) RMSE (℃) and (b) R² predicted by SST, as well as (c) the effectiveness evaluation of the model’s predictions.

    Table  1.   Comparison of the proposed SST-MHW-DL with basic ConvLSTM, U-Net, and Multi-attention ConvLSTM models.

    Multi-Attention ConvLSTM0.662.140.850
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    Table  2.   Diffusion matrix for MHW detection in the ECS.

    MHWs predictedMHWs not predicted
    MHWs observed614912 (TP)811248 (FN)
    MHWs not
    224133 (FP)2837509 (TN)
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    Table  3.   Diffusion matrix for MHW detection in the NWA.

    MHWs predictedMHWs not predicted
    MHWs observed2,063,321 (TP)1,284,398 (FN)
    MHWs not observed589,214 (FP)811,248 (TN)
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