Structural features in the mid-southern section of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly

Feifei Zhang Dingding Wang Xiaolin Ji Fanghui Hou Yuan Yang Wanyin Wang

Feifei Zhang, Dingding Wang, Xiaolin Ji, Fanghui Hou, Yuan Yang, Wanyin Wang. Structural features in the mid-southern section of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(4): 50-60. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2341-8
Citation: Feifei Zhang, Dingding Wang, Xiaolin Ji, Fanghui Hou, Yuan Yang, Wanyin Wang. Structural features in the mid-southern section of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(4): 50-60. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2341-8

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2341-8

Structural features in the mid-southern section of the Kyushu–Palau Ridge based on satellite altimetry gravity anomaly

Funds: ‘Research on Deep Structural Differences between Potential Oil-rich Depressions in Offshore basins of China Sea’ from the scientific and technological project of CNOOC Research Institute Co., Ltd., under contract No.CCL2021RCPS0167KQN; ‘Resource Potential, Accumulation Mechanism and Breakthrough Direction of Potential Oil-rich Depressions in Offshore China Sea’, under contract No. 220226220101; the Project of China Geological Survey under contract No. DD20191003; the National Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province of China under contract No. ZR2022MD047.
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  • Figure  1.  Tectonic setting of the Philippine Sea (Wu et al., 2016). The elevation data are taken from Smith and Sandwell (1997). The double yellow dashed lines indicate the active and inactive spreading centers and the single dashed yellow line denotes the Kyushu–Palau Ridge (KPR). The purple boxes delineate the study ranges. Solid red and pink lines indicate the positions of the deep reflection seismic profiles (Nishizawa et al., 2007; Wei et al., 2022). Dashed red lines indicate the fracture zones and transform faults. AP: Amami Plateaul; BR: Benham Rise; CBR: Central Basin Rift; DR: Daito Ridge; GR: Gagua Ridge; HB: Huatung Basin; ODR: Oki-Daito Ridge.

    Figure  2.  Seafloor topography map of the study area with data from The KPR is divided into four segments (S1–S4). The black rectangles (G1–G4) represent topographic gaps, which disconnect KPR and CBR.

    Figure  3.  Gravity anomaly maps of the study area. a. Satellite altimetry gravity anomaly (free-air gravity anomaly). b. The Bouguer gravity anomaly.

    Figure  4.  Distribution maps of the faults in the study area. a. NVDR-THDR results of the Bouguer gravity anomaly. b. The residual Bouguer gravity anomaly.

    Figure  5.  Rose diagram of faults strikes in the study area.

    Figure  6.  Inversion results of Moho depth and crustal thickness in the study area. a. Moho depth map. b. Crustal thickness map.

    Figure  8.  Comparison between the gravity inversion result and Vp models for line KPr20 (Nishizawa et al., 2016). The solid blue line is crustal thickness, the solid red line is Moho depth using gravity inversion, and the solid black line is Moho depth obtained by deep reflection/refraction seismic data. KPR: Kyushu–Palau Ridge; PVB: Parece Vela Basin.

    Figure  9.  Same as Fig. 7 but for KPr24 (Nishizawa et al., 2016). WPB: West Philippine Basin; KPR: Kyushu–Palau Ridge; PVB: Parece Vela Basin.

    Figure  7.  Comparison between the gravity inversion result and Vp models for line KPR2020-3 (Wei et al., 2022). The solid blue line is crustal thickness, the solid red line is Moho depth using gravity inversion, and the solid black line is Moho depth obtained by deep reflection/refraction seismic data.

    Figure  10.  Same as Fig. 7 but for KPr30 (Nishizawa et al., 2016). WPB: West Philippine Basin; KPR: Kyushu–Palau Ridge; PVB: Parece Vela Basin.

    Figure  11.  Same as Fig.7 but for line KPr40 (Nishizawa et al., 2016). WPB: West Philippine Basin; KPR: Kyushu–Palau Ridge; PVB: Parece Vela Basin.

    Table  1.   Features of the faults in the mid-southern KPR and adjacent areas

    FaultTrendLength/kmMutually broken relationshipLocation
    F1NW680broken by the TF1, TF2 and TF3
    located in the north of the CBR, the boundary between the
    northern basin and the central rift
    F2NW950broken by the TF1–TF2 and
    misplaces the F4 and F5
    located in the north of the CBR, the northern
    boundary of the central rift
    F3NW1 000broken by the TF1–TF2, and
    misplaces the F4 and F5
    located in the north of the CBR, the southern
    boundary of the central rift
    F4NEE970misplaces the F8 and F9located in the north of the Palau Basin and
    corresponds to the Mindano Fracture Zone
    F5NEE645misplaces the F8 and F9
    F6NE690located in the west of the Palau island
    F7NE510located in the east of the Palau island
    F8near-SN1 560broken by the FK1, FK2, FK3,
    F2, F3 ,F4, F5 and Fs
    located in the west of the KPR, the western boundary of the KPR
    F9near-SN1 565broken by the FK1, FK2, FK3,
    F2, F3 ,F4, F5 and Fs
    located in the east of the KPR, the eastern boundary of the KPR
    FNNE200located in the north of the eastern section of CBR
    FSNW300misplaces the F8 and F9located in the south of the eastern section of CBR and
    extends through KPR to PVB
    FK1NW325misplaces the F8 and F9segmental fault of KPR
    TF1near-SN430misplaces the F1, F2 and F3distributed in the CBR as transform faults
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