Influence of lithospheric thickness distribution on oil and gas basins, China seas and adjacent areas

Jing Ma Wanyin Wang Hermann Zeyen Yimi Zhang Zhongsheng Li Tao He Dingding Wang

Jing Ma, Wanyin Wang, Hermann Zeyen, Yimi Zhang, Zhongsheng Li, Tao He, Dingding Wang. Influence of lithospheric thickness distribution on oil and gas basins, China seas and adjacent areas[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(4): 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2342-7
Citation: Jing Ma, Wanyin Wang, Hermann Zeyen, Yimi Zhang, Zhongsheng Li, Tao He, Dingding Wang. Influence of lithospheric thickness distribution on oil and gas basins, China seas and adjacent areas[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(4): 1-14. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2342-7

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2342-7

Influence of lithospheric thickness distribution on oil and gas basins, China seas and adjacent areas

Funds: This research is supported by the National Key Research and Development Plan project “Research on Comprehensive Processing and Interpretation Methods of Aeronautical Geophysical Data and Soft ware Development” under contract No. 2017YFC0602202.
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  • Figure  1.  Distribution of oil and gas basins in the China seas and adjacent areas (modified from Chen et al., 2019)

    ① Hailar Basin, ② Erlian, ③ Ordos Basin, ④ Sichuan Basin, ⑤ Chuxiong Basin, ⑥ Lanping-Simao Basin, ⑦ Songliao Basin, ⑧ Bohai Bay Basin, ⑨ South North China, ⑩ Nanxiang, ⑪ Jianghan Basin, ⑫ Sanjiang Basin, ⑬ North Yellow Sea, ⑭ Subei Basin, ⑮ South Yellow Sea, ⑯ Beibu Gulf, ⑰ East China Sea Shelf Basin, ⑱ Okinawa Trough Basin, ⑲ Taixi, ⑳ Taixinan, ㉑ Zhujiang River estuary, ㉒ Qiongdongnan Basin, ㉓ Yinggehai Basin, ㉔ Zhong Jiannan, ㉕ Wan’an, ㉖ Nanweixi, ㉗ Yongshu Basin, ㉘ Nanweidong, ㉙ Jiuzhang Basin, ㉚ Beikang Basin, ㉛ Andubei Basin, ㉜ Liyue, ㉝ North Palawan, ㉞ South Palawan, ㉟ Nansha Trough Basin, ㊱ Brunei-Sabah Basin, ㊲ Zengmu Basin,

    Figure  2.  Topographic elevation map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  3.  Satellite gravity anomaly map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  4.  Geoid map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  5.  Sediment thickness map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  6.  Moho depth map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  7.  Schematic diagram of lithospheric local isostasy theory (modified from Fullea et al., 2007).

    Figure  8.  Lithospheric thickness map of the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  10.  Lithospheric thickness map of oil and gas basins in the China seas and adjacent areas.

    Figure  9.  Relationships between the LAB depth and the Moho and topography depth.

    Figure  11.  Statistical chart of the minimum lithospheric thickness in the China seas and adjacent oil and gas basins a. Statistics according to the type of oil and gas basin; b. statistics according to the minimum thickness of the lithosphere in the oil and gas basin.

    Figure  12.  Statistical chart of relative lithospheric thickness fluctuation in the China seas and adjacent oil and gas basins a. Statistics according to the type of oil and gas basin; b. statistics according to the relative fluctuation in lithospheric thickness in oil and gas basins.

    13.  Plots of lithospheric thickness in the China seas and adjacent oil and gas basins a. Minimum lithospheric thickness and oil abundance; b. relative lithospheric thickness fluctuation and oil abundance; c. sedimentary layer thickness and oil abundance; d. heat flow value and oil abundance; e. lithospheric minimum value and heat flow value; f. relative lithospheric thickness fluctuation and heat flow value; g. sedimentary layer thickness and heat flow value; h. lithospheric thickness minimum value and relative lithospheric thickness fluctuation difference.

    Note: 8 Bohai Bay Basin; 7 Songliao Basin; 9 South North China Basin; 12 Sanjiang Basin; 21 Zhujiang River estuary Basin; 22 Qiongdongnan Basin; 17 East China Sea Shelf Basin; 16 Beibu Gulf Basin; 2 Erlian Basin; 1 Hailar Basin; 15 South Yellow Sea Basin; 14 Subei Basin; 10 Nanxiang Basin; 11 Jianghan Basin; 13 North Yellow Sea Basin; 25 Wan'an Basin; 24 Zhong Jiannan Basin; 23 Yinggehai Basin

    Figure  14.  Lithosphere action and basin classification models (Wang et al., 1998).

    Table  1.   Calculation parameters

    Parameters Property of matter Parameter value
    $ {\rho _a} $ Asthenosphere density (g/cm3) 3.2
    $ {\rho _{\text{w}}} $ Sea water density (g/cm3) 1.03
    $ {H_{\text{0}}} $ Elevation calibration constant (m) 140
    $ \alpha $ Coefficient of mantle thermal expansion
    (10−5 K−1)
    $ {T_{\text{s}}} $ Surface temperature (℃) 5
    $ {T_{\text{a}}} $ Lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary temperature (℃) 1 330
    $ {A_{\text{s}}} $ Heat yield of surface rocks (10−6 W/m3) 2.5
    $ {a_r} $ The constant factor of exponential distribution of crustal rock heat yield (103) 15
    $ {k_c} $ Crustal heat conductivity (W/(K·m)) 2.5
    $ {k_m} $ Mantle heat conductivity (W/(K·m)) 3.3
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    Table  2.   Statistical table of geological resources (Zheng et al., 2019; Xie and Gao, 2020) and lithospheric thickness parameters in the China seas and adjacent oil and gas basins

    Basin type Basin name Basin
    area Ls/
    Oil geological resources/
    geological resources/
    Total oil resource equivalent/
    Oil abundance/
    Minimum lithospheric thickness Lmin/km Relative fluctuation difference ∆L/102km Average sedimentary thickness Lsed/km Average heat flow Q(mW·m−2)
    Superimposed basins Chuxiong 43 200 84 34 0.8 74
    75 850 76 34 0.3 63
    Ordos 237 025 116.5 23 636.3 135.3 57.1 89 29 3.5 66
    Sichuan 198 550 124 655.8 99.3 50.0 91 29 6.4 55
    Continental rift basin Songliao 264 975 111.4 26 734.9 132.7 50.1 75 23 1.7 64
    Hailar 43 500 10.1 841.8 10.8 24.8 88 9 0.5 57
    Erlian 139 200 13.4 13.4 9.6 88 26 0.2 71
    Sanjiang 39 425 86 17 0.2 48
    South North China 144 175 82 16 1.3 60
    Bohai Bay 20 2000 325.3 236 074.1 513.4 254.1 72 23 2.3 61
    Beibu Gulf 51 950 21.2 21.2 40.8 74 22 2.1 62
    Nanxiang 18 950 5.2 400.0 5.5 28.9 82 14 1.4 50
    South Yellow Sea 49 000 7.3 1847.0 8.8 18.0 80 11 0.7 76
    Jianghan 37 125 5.2 5.2 13.9 83 15 2.5 50
    North Yellow Sea 44 300 4.2 4.2 9.6 76 20 1.0 51
    Subei 157 675 6.2 600.0 6.7 4.2 78 17 2.5 67
    Continental margin rift basin Qiongdongnan 89 025 14.9 51 607.0 56.0 62.9 55 43 4.2 80
    Zhujiang River estuary 249 300 74.3 29 958.0 98.2 39.4 47 43 2.4 66
    East China Sea Shelf 247 600 2.7 60 479.0 50.9 20.6 60 33 3.1 78
    Tai Xinan 47 650 1.2 805.0 1.9 3.9 50 45 3.6 69
    Tai Xi 64 800 0.6 1248.0 1.6 2.5 72 28 2.1 65
    Strike-slip and extensional basin Wan’an 66 225 23.1 27 463.0 45.0 68.0 63 31 5.2 67
    Zhongjiannan 127 175 33.7 51 980.0 75.1 59.1 43 47 1.9 94
    Yinggehai 117 950 44 209.0 35.2 29.9 70 31 5.7 81
    Detached continental block basin Beikang 56 350 8.9 14 855.0 20.7 36.7 64 30 4.2 64
    Liyue 70 300 6.1 16 644.0 19.4 27.6 54 33 2.5 42
    Nanwei Dong 5 875 0.9 897.0 1.6 27.1 65 15 2.7 66
    Nanwei Xi 80 225 8.8 13 382.0 19.4 24.2 48 41 3.0 68
    Yongshu 2 275 0.3 294.0 0.5 22.9 54 14 2.3 98
    North Palawan 17 275 1.4 2 178.0 3.1 18.0 53 26 2.3 67
    South Palawan 13 150 0.9 1 471.0 2.1 15.9 67 15 3.8 40
    Nansha Trough 46 275 3.2 3 271.0 5.8 12.6 53 41 3.1 53
    Andubei 11 950 0.7 708.0 1.3 10.5 59 20 2.0 59
    Jiuzhang 14 525 0.8 825.0 1.5 10.1 56 23 2.0 35
    Backarc basin Okinawa trough 137 925 2.2 5 368.0 6.5 4.7 54 41.2 2.2 98
    Forearc basin Brunei-
    63 725 31.7 15 274.0 43.9 68.8 65 33.4 7.5 49
    Foreland Basin Zengmu 161 250 29.6 165 966.0 161.8 100.3 64 32.9 6.0 70
    Note: “−” indicates no data.
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