Corrections of shipboard GPS radiosonde soundings and applications on historical records in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and South China Sea

Zewen Wu Xin Liu Yunkai He Haoyu Jiang Bo Peng Ke Huang

Zewen Wu, Xin Liu, Yunkai He, Haoyu Jiang, Bo Peng, Ke Huang. Corrections of shipboard GPS radiosonde soundings and applications on historical records in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(9): 54-69. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2361-4
Citation: Zewen Wu, Xin Liu, Yunkai He, Haoyu Jiang, Bo Peng, Ke Huang. Corrections of shipboard GPS radiosonde soundings and applications on historical records in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and South China Sea[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(9): 54-69. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2361-4

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2361-4

Corrections of shipboard GPS radiosonde soundings and applications on historical records in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean and South China Sea

Funds: The Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition and Research Program under contract No. 2019QZKK0102-02; the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 42230402, 92158204, 42176026, 42076201, 41049903, 41149908, 41249906, 41249907, and 41249910; the Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation under contract No. 2022A1515240069; the Marine Economic Development Special Program of Guangdong Province (Six Major Marine Industries): Research and Demonstration of Critical Technologies for Comprehensive Prevention and Control of Natural Disaster in Offshore Wind Farms, China under contract No. 29[2023]; the Fund of Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Marine Physical and Geological Processes under contract No. KLMPG-22-02.
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  • Figure  1.  Geographical maps of GPS-TK (a) and CF-06-A (b) historical radiosonde records over the ETIO and SCS. Colored symbols represent the various years when the datasets were collected.

    Figure  2.  Temperature (a) and RH (c) profiles of RS92-SGP (red), CF-06-A (blue) and GPS-TK (black) launched at (0°N, 86°E) at 13:33, 5 April 2012; temperature (b) and RH (d) profiles launched at (0.026°N, 84°E) at 19:38, 4 April 2012; schematic on the simultaneous inter-comparison soundings (e). MS: middle stratosphere; LS: lower stratosphere; UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  3.  Comparisons of GPS-TK radiosonde with COSMIC: mean (red) (a) and Root Mean Square (RMS) (blue) (b) of GPS-TK temperature difference in daytime; comparisons of GPS-TK radiosonde with COSMIC: mean (red) (c) and RMS (blue) (d) of GPS-TK RH difference in daytime; comparisons of GPS-TK radiosonde with COSMIC: mean (red) (e) and RMS (blue) (f) of GPS-TK temperature difference in nighttime; comparisons of GPS-TK radiosonde with COSMIC: mean (red) (g) and RMS (blue) (h) of GPS-TK RH difference in nighttime. The collocation of COSMIC is within 3 h and 400 km. Gray lines: individual GPS-TK difference. Gray lines in a, c, e, and g are the individual temperature differences for each inter-comparison. UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  4.  Mean (a) and Root Mean Square (RMS) (b) of GPS-TK temperature differences in daytime; mean (c) and RMS (d) of CF-06-A temperature differences in daytime; mean (e) and RMS (f) of GPS-TK temperature differences in nighttime; mean (g) and RMS (h) of CF-06-A temperature differences in nighttime. Red lines: mean biases; gray lines: individual differences; blue lines: RMS. Gray lines in a, c, e, and g are the individual temperature differences for each inter-comparison. LT: lower troposphere; UT: upper troposphere; LS: lower stratosphere; MS: middle stratosphere. Updated figure of Xie et al. (2014).

    Figure  5.  Mean (a) and Root Mean Square (RMS) (b) of GPS-TK RH differences in daytime; mean (c) and RMS (d) of CF-06-A RH differences in daytime; mean (e) and RMS (f) of GPS-TK RH differences in nighttime; mean (g) and RMS (h) of CF-06-A RH differences in nighttime. Red lines: mean biases; gray lines: individual differences; blue lines: RMS. Gray lines in a, c, e, and g are the individual temperature differences for each inter-comparison. LS: lower stratosphere. UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere. Updated figure of Xie et al. (2014).

    Figure  6.  Around clock biases of temperature (a), RH (b), altitude (c), and refractivity (d) derived from GPS-TK minus RS92-SGP (blue line) and CF-06-A minus RS92-SGP (red line). The green line represents the daytime and nighttime demarcation line in local time. Rose-color values represent temperature (a), RH (b), altitude (c), and refractivity (d).

    Figure  7.  Temperature errors of GPS-TK (a) and CF-06-A (b) radiosondes in daytime and nighttime. Shown are: the mean nighttime error profile (blue), the mean sunrise time profile (green), the mean noontime profile (red), and the mean sunset time profile (purple). MS: middle stratosphere; LS: lower stratosphere; UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  8.  RH errors of GPS-TK (a) and CF-06-A (b) radiosondes in daytime and nighttime. Shown are: the mean nighttime profile (blue), the mean sunrise-time profile (green), the mean noontime profile (red), and the mean sunset-time profile (purple). MS: middle stratosphere; LS: lower stratosphere; UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  9.  Temperature errors of GPS-TK and CF-06-A corrected measurements by comparing to RS92-SGP. a and b. Mean and RMS temperature errors of corrected GPS-TK in daytime; c and d. mean and RMS temperature errors of corrected CF-06-A in daytime; e and f. mean and RMS temperature errors of corrected GPS-TK in nighttime; g and h. mean and RMS temperature errors of CF-06-A in nighttime. Red line: mean error. MS: middle stratosphere; LS: lower stratosphere; UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  10.  RH errors of GPS-TK and CF-06-A corrected measurements by comparing to RS92-SGP. a and b. Mean and RMS RH errors of corrected GPS-TK in daytime; c and d. mean and RMS RH errors of corrected CF-06-A in daytime; e and f. mean and RMS RH errors of corrected GPS-TK in nighttime; g and h. mean and RMS RH errors of CF-06-A in nighttime. Red line: mean error. LS: lower stratosphere; UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  11.  Inter-comparison of GPS-TK historical records with COSMIC temperature measurements before and after correction. a and b. Mean and RMS temperature differences of GPS-TK in daytime before correction; c and d. mean and RMS temperature differences of GPS-TK in daytime after correction; e and f. mean and RMS temperature differences of GPS-TK in nighttime before correction; g and h. mean and RMS temperature differences of GPS-TK in nighttime after correction. Gray lines in a, c, e, and g are the individual temperature differences for each inter-comparison. The collocation of COSMIC is 3 h and 400 km. UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  12.  Inter-comparison of GPS-TK historical records with COSMIC RH measurements before and after correction. a and b. Mean and RMS RH differences of GPS-TK in daytime before correction; c and d. mean and RMS RH differences of GPS-TK in daytime after correction; e and f. mean and RMS RH differences of GPS-TK in nighttime before correction; g and h. mean and RMS of GPS-TK RH differences in nighttime after correction. Gray lines in a, c, e, and g are the individual RH differences for each inter-comparison. The collocation of COSMIC is 3 h and 400 km. UT: upper troposphere; LT: lower troposphere.

    Figure  13.  Atmospheric boundary layer height derived from RS92-SGP (red), GPS-TK (black) and CF-06-A (blue) in daytime (a, b) and nighttime (c, d) flights. Horizontal ordinate represents the release sample number. a and c are derived from measurements before corrections; b and d are after corrections.

    Figure  14.  Histograms of CAPEs (a) and CINs (b) derived from GPS-TK historical soundings during the JJA (June, July and August, 2006–2011) before (blue) and after (red) corrections.

    Table  1.   Characteristics of GPS-TK, CF-06-A, and RS92-SGP radiosonde systems (updated table of Xie et al., 2014)

    Radiosonde Manufacturer
    and country
    Temperature sensor Humidity sensor Digital frequency
    Anti-radiation coating Weight/g
    Beijing (China)
    band-gap thermistor:
    type SHT 10,
    range from −40℃ to +125℃,
    resolution 0.04℃,
    response time 5 s,
    uncertainty N/A,
    area 4.94 mm × 7.47 mm,
    software adjustment, no
    polymer capacitive:
    type SHT 10,
    range from 0% to 100%RH,
    resolution 0.4% RH,
    response time 8 s,
    uncertainty N/A,
    area 4.94 mm × 7.47 mm,
    software adjustment, no
    range from 400 MHz
    to 406 MHz,
    tuning N/A,
    stability N/A,
    R/S power N/A
    no aluminised 150
    CF-06-A Beijing Changfeng
    Technology Co.
    bead thermistor:
    type MF51MP,
    range from −90℃ to +60℃,
    resolution 0.1℃,
    response time 0.8 s,
    uncertainty 0.5℃,
    diameter 0.8 mm,
    software adjustment, yes
    thin-film capacitor:
    type Sweden XC06,
    range from 0% to 100 % RH,
    resolution 1 % RH,
    response time 1.5 s,
    uncertainty 5% RH,
    area 3.8 mm × 5 mm,
    software adjustment, no
    range from 400 MHz
    to 406 MHz,
    tuning, any in range,
    stability +/− 10 kHz,
    R/S power 100 mW
    space micro-process
    anti-radiation technology,
    aluminized, protective cap
    RS92-SGP Vaisala, Ltd.
    thin wire capacitor:
    range from −90℃ to +60℃,
    resolution 0.1℃,
    response time 0.4 s,
    uncertainty 0.2℃,
    diameter 0.5 mm,
    software adjustment, yes
    thin-film capacitor,
    heated twin sensor
    (polymer for low RH):
    type RD100,
    range from 0%−100% RH,
    resolution 1% RH,
    response time 0.5 s,
    uncertainty 2% RH,
    area 2.5 mm × 2.5 mm,
    software adjustment, yes
    range from 400 MHz
    to 406 MHz,
    tuning 10 kHz,
    stability +/− 2 kHz,
    R/S power 60 mW
    reflectivity coating,
    aluminized, shiny silver
    Note: R/S, root mean square power; N/A, not available.
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    Table  2.   Details of 20 simultaneous balloon-borne radiosonde flights over the ETIO

    No. Longitude Latitude Local time Day/night No. Longitude Latitude Local time Day/night
    1* 111.092°E 7.860°N Feb. 28, 14:00 day 11 82.504°E 3.485°S Mar. 20, 20:00 night
    2 90.483°E 6.009°N Mar. 10, 18:00 day 12 82.535°E 4.474°S Mar. 21, 08:00 day
    3 90.462°E 6.050°N Mar. 11, 00:00 night 13 80.080°E 4.989°S Mar. 22, 20:00 night
    4 89.003°E 5.993°N Mar. 11, 20:00 night 14 80.003°E 3.494°S Mar. 23, 14:00 day
    5 86.995°E 6.020°N Mar. 13, 20:00 night 15 80.014°E 2.995°S Mar. 23, 20:00 night
    6 84.497°E 5.964°N Mar. 15, 20:00 night 16 80.090°E 0.494°S Mar. 25, 02:00 night
    7 82.469°E 6.001°N Mar. 16, 19:00 night 17 80.132°E 0.017°S Mar. 25, 14:00 day
    8 82.535°E 0.943°N Mar. 18, 20:00 night 18 80.049°E 0.492°N Mar. 25, 20:00 night
    9 82.508°E 0.009°S Mar. 19, 02:00 night 19 84.009°E 0.026°N Apr. 04, 19:00 night
    10 82.544°E 1.454°S Mar. 19, 20:00 night 20 86.002°E 0.003°N Apr. 05, 14:00 day
    Note: Bold font represents the daytime flights and unbold font represents the nighttime flights. Symbol * represents the missing of RS92-SGP measurement. Local time format: month day, hour (UTC+6).
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