Photosynthetic physiology and stress-resistant biochemical properties reveal the invasive photo-adaptation strategy of marine green alga Codium fragile

Huang Bingxin Li Boxi Wang Xulei Rao Liming Chen Jie Dai Yang Wang Lichun Wang Zhiying Ding Lanping

Huang Bingxin, Li Boxi, Wang Xulei, Rao Liming, Chen Jie, Dai Yang, Wang Lichun, Wang Zhiying, Ding Lanping. Photosynthetic physiology and stress-resistant biochemical properties reveal the invasive photo-adaptation strategy of marine green alga Codium fragile[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2382-z
Citation: Huang Bingxin, Li Boxi, Wang Xulei, Rao Liming, Chen Jie, Dai Yang, Wang Lichun, Wang Zhiying, Ding Lanping. Photosynthetic physiology and stress-resistant biochemical properties reveal the invasive photo-adaptation strategy of marine green alga Codium fragile[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2382-z

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2382-z

Photosynthetic physiology and stress-resistant biochemical properties reveal the invasive photo-adaptation strategy of marine green alga Codium fragile

Funds: The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 32270219 and 31970216.
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  • Figure  1.  The Fv/Fm of two Codium species cultured at different light intensities. a. The Fv/Fm of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, and b. the Fv/Fm of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities. Different letters (a, b, c, and d) represent significant differences among groups.

    Figure  2.  The comparison of the RLCs of two Codium species cultured at different light intensities, a. The comparison of RLCs of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, and b. the comparison of RLCs of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities.

    Figure  3.  The rETRmax, photosynthetic rate in the light-limited region of RLC (α), and Ek of two Codium species cultured at different light intensities. The data were obtained from RLCs. a. The comparison of rETRmax of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, b. the comparison of rETRmax of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities, c. the comparison of α of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, d. the comparison of α of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities, e. the comparison of Ek of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, and f. the comparison of Ek of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities. Different letters (a, b, and c) represent significant differences among groups.

    Figure  4.  The comparison of qP of two Codium species cultured at different light intensities. a. The comparison of qP of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, and b. the comparison of qP of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities.

    Figure  5.  The comparison of NPQ of two Codium species cultured at different light intensities. a. The comparison of NPQ of C. fragile cultured at different light intensities, and b. the comparison of NPQ of C. cylindricum cultured at different light intensities.

    Figure  6.  The pigments contents of two Codium species under different light intensities. a. Contents of chloroplast, and b. contents of carotenoids. Letter a represent no significant differences among groups (p>0.05, ANOVA, followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test).

    Figure  7.  The MDA contents of two Codium species under different light intensities. Different letters (a and b) represent significant differences among groups (p<0.05, ANOVA, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test).

    Figure  8.  The comparison of POD activity (a, letters a represent no significant differences among groups (p>0.05, ANOVA, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test)) and T-AOC (b, different letters (a and b) represent significant differences among groups (p<0.05, ANOVA, followed by Tukey's multiple comparison test)) of two Codium species under different light intensities.

    Table  1.   Operational procedure for the determination of T-AOC

    Measurement tube Control tube
    Reagent 1/mL 1 1
    Sample to be tested/mL a*
    Reagent 2/mL 2 2
    Reagent 3/mL 0.5 0.5
    Mix thoroughly with a vortex mixer, 37℃ water bath for 30 min
    Reagent 4/mL 0.2 0.2
    Sample to be tested/mL a*
    Reagent 5/mL 0.2 0.2
    Note: The reference sampling volume for 10% tissue homogenate is 0.2 mL.
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