A study of the landforms and megafaunal characteristics of the Caiwei Guyot area by manned submersible image data-driven technology

Zhongjun Ding Xingyu Wang Chen Liu Guangyang Ma Chanjuan Cao

Zhongjun Ding, Xingyu Wang, Chen Liu, Guangyang Ma, Chanjuan Cao. A study of the landforms and megafaunal characteristics of the Caiwei Guyot area by manned submersible image data-driven technology[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2399-3
Citation: Zhongjun Ding, Xingyu Wang, Chen Liu, Guangyang Ma, Chanjuan Cao. A study of the landforms and megafaunal characteristics of the Caiwei Guyot area by manned submersible image data-driven technology[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2399-3

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2399-3

A study of the landforms and megafaunal characteristics of the Caiwei Guyot area by manned submersible image data-driven technology

Funds: The Key Research and Development Program of Shandong Province of China under contract No. 2020JMRH0101; The National Key Research and Development Project of China under contract No. 2021YFC2802100; Qingdao Natural Science Foundation under contract No. 24-4-4-zrij-127-jch.
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  • Figure  1.  Topographic map of the Caiwei Guyot.

    Figure  2.  Method architecture.

    Figure  3.  Detection principle of YOLOv5.

    Figure  4.  Incremental SFM flow chart.

    Figure  5.  Structure diagram of PatchmatchNet.

    Figure  6.  Algorithm comparison results. a. Original drawing, b. MSRCR, c. DCP, d. AGCW, and e. this method.

    Figure  7.  SIFT feature detection effect visualization.

    a. Fig. 1, b. Fig. 1 with enhanced algorithm, c. Fig. 2, d. Fig. 2 with enhanced algorithm, e. Fig. 3, f. Fig. 3 with enhanced algorithm, g. Fig. 4, and h. Fig. 4 with enhanced algorithm.

    Figure  8.  The recognition effect of YOLOv5 at two locations in the Caiwei Guyot area.

    Figure  9.  Comparison of YOLOv5n test value and ground truth.

    Figure  10.  Comparison between the ground truth and the reconstructed point cloud.

    Figure  11.  Part of the microgeomorphic 3D reconstruction result.

    Figure  12.  Number of main groups.

    Figure  13.  The Percentage distribution of main groups.

    Figure  14.  Number of main groups in each region.

    a. South peak, b. south slope, c. western foothills, d. north peak, e. first section of the north slope, f. second section of the north slope, g. west side of the seamount, and h. northern foothills.

    Figure  15.  3D reconstruction results of part of the Caiwei Guyot area.

    Table  1.   Video parameters

    Resolution ratio Frame rate format Encoding method Color space
    1920 × 1080 25 H.264 RGB
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    Table  2.   Comparison of experimental results of the UIQM index

    ImageOriginalMSRCRDCPAGCWThis method
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  3.   Comparative experimental results of different algorithms

    ModelmAP0.5 (%)mAP0. 5:0.95 (%)Param (M)
    Faster RCNN67.944.4137.1
    下载: 导出CSV

    Table  4.   Species composition

    PoriferaDemospongiaeCallyspongiidae sp.41
    Cladorhizidae sp.3
    Chondrocladia sp.3
    HexactinellidaCaulophacus sp.16
    Poliopogon sp.19
    Hyalonema sp.12
    Corbitellinae sp.17
    Bolosoma sp.5
    Rhizophyta sp.4
    Tretopleura sp.3
    Saccocalyx sp.1
    Semperella sp.106
    CnidariaAnthozoaChrysogorgia sp.5
    Fungiacyathus stephanus sp.1
    Primnoidae sp.14
    Actinoscyphia sp.1
    Keratoisididae sp.56
    Iridogorgia sp.6
    Bathypathes sp.3
    Actinostolidae sp.3
    Actiniaria sp.5
    AnnelidaPolychaetaPhyllodocida sp.1
    Polynoidae sp.2
    ArthropodaMalacostracaHeterocarpus sp.17
    Aristeidae sp.18
    Nematocarcinus sp.4
    EchinodermataCrinoideaCrinoidea sp.9
    Hyocrinidae sp.3
    Bathycrinidae sp.4
    Pentametrocrinidae sp.7
    AsteroideaFreyastera sp.7
    Pterasteridae sp.1
    Asteroidea sp.1
    Freyellidae sp.8
    Freyastera basketa5
    Brisingidae sp.2
    Freyastera mortenseni1
    EchinoideaEchinoidea sp.8
    HolothuroideaParoriza sp.1
    Hansenothuria sp.2
    Paelopatides sp.32
    Synallactidae sp.13
    Psychropotes sp.11
    Elpidiidae sp.5
    Enypniastes sp.2
    Molpadidemas sp.4
    Holothuroidea sp.1
    Peniagone sp.1
    Benthodytes sp.3
    ChordataActinopterygiiAldrovandia afinis10
    Ophidiiformes sp.9
    Synaphobranchidae sp.13
    Halosauridae sp.9
    Ophidiidae sp.15
    Macrouridae sp.6
    Abyssoberyx sp.3
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    Table  5.   Main groups and dominance

    Class Degree of dominance
    Demospongiae 0.005
    Hexactinellida 0.05
    Anthozoa 0.03
    Polychaeta 0.0043
    Malacostraca 0.0082
    Crinoidea 0.0064
    Asteroidea 0.007
    Echinoidea 0.002
    Holothuroidea 0.008
    Actinopterygii 0.01
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