Volume 43 Issue 2
Feb.  2024
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Zihan Gao, Zhi Chen, Hongyi He, Zhaofei Liu, Chang Lu, Hanyu Wang, Yili Luo, Ying Li. Characteristics and main controlling factors of helium resources in the main petroliferous basins of the North China Craton[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 23-33. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2290-2
Citation: Zihan Gao, Zhi Chen, Hongyi He, Zhaofei Liu, Chang Lu, Hanyu Wang, Yili Luo, Ying Li. Characteristics and main controlling factors of helium resources in the main petroliferous basins of the North China Craton[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(2): 23-33. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2290-2

Characteristics and main controlling factors of helium resources in the main petroliferous basins of the North China Craton

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2290-2
Funds:  The Natural gas formation rules and key technologies for exploration in the western exploration area KT2022A02; the Science and Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program under contract No. 2023FY101500; the National Key Research and Development Program of China under contract No. 2023YFC3012005; the Central Public-interest Scientific Institution Basal Research, under contract No. CEAIEF20230505.
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  • At present, the main controlling factors of helium accumulation is one of the key scientific problems restricting the exploration and development of helium reservoir. In this paper, based on the calculation results of He generation rate and the geochemical characteristics of the produced gas, both the similarities and differences between natural gas and He resources in the Bohai Bay, Ordos and the surrounding Songliao Basin are compared and analyzed, discussing the main controlling factors of helium resources in the three main petroliferous basins of the North China Craton. It is found that the three basins of Bohai Bay, Ordos and Songliao have similar characteristics of source rocks, reservoirs and cap rocks, that’s why their methane resource characteristics are essentially the same. The calculated 4He generation per cubic metamorphic crystalline basement in the three basins is roughly equivalent, which is consistent with the measured He resources, and it is believed that the 4He of radiogenic from the crust is the main factor controlling the overall He accumulation in the three basins; there is almost no contribution of the mantle-derived CH4, which suggests that the transport and uplift of mantle-derived 3He carried by the present-day magmatic activities along the deep-large faults is not the main reason for the mantle-derived 3He mixing in the basins. Combined with the results of regional volcanic and geophysical studies, it is concluded that under the background of the destruction of North China Craton, magma intrusion carried a large amount of mantle-derived material and formed basic volcanic rocks in the Bohai Bay Basin and Songliao Basin, which replenished mantle-derived 3He for the interior of the basins, and that strong seismic activities in and around the basins also promoted the upward migration of mantle source 3He. This study suggests that the tectonic zone with dense volcanic rocks in the Cenozoic era and a high incidence of historical strong earthquakes history may be a potential area for helium resource exploration.
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