Pilot study to reconstruct life history of Diaphus thiollierei from the Arabian Sea by otolith microstructure and microchemistry

Lisheng Wu Wenxin Zhuang Qiaohong Liu Rui Wang Yuan Li Longshan Lin Shufang Liu Shaoxiong Ding

Lisheng Wu, Wenxin Zhuang, Qiaohong Liu, Rui Wang, Yuan Li, Longshan Lin, Shufang Liu, Shaoxiong Ding. Pilot study to reconstruct life history of Diaphus thiollierei from the Arabian Sea by otolith microstructure and microchemistry[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(12): 75-84. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2307-x
Citation: Lisheng Wu, Wenxin Zhuang, Qiaohong Liu, Rui Wang, Yuan Li, Longshan Lin, Shufang Liu, Shaoxiong Ding. Pilot study to reconstruct life history of Diaphus thiollierei from the Arabian Sea by otolith microstructure and microchemistry[J]. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2024, 43(12): 75-84. doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2307-x

doi: 10.1007/s13131-024-2307-x

Pilot study to reconstruct life history of Diaphus thiollierei from the Arabian Sea by otolith microstructure and microchemistry

Funds: The fund from the Laoshan Laboratory under contract No. LSK202203802; the National Programme on Global Change and Air-Sea Interaction under contract No. GASI-02-SCS-YD sum/spr/aut.
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  • Figure  1.  Sampling area in the Arabian Sea.

    Figure  2.  Light micrographs of sagittal otolith from a female Diaphus thiollierei with 55.4 mm SL and 139 d age. a. Longitudinal section in which dark and light bands suggesting daily increments; b. the same otolith showing schematic diagram of laser ablation for chemistry analyses and six life history stages: primordium (nucleus, N), larval (L), postlarval (PL), postmetamorphic Ⅰ (PM Ⅰ), PM Ⅱ, and PM Ⅲ stages. The red circles represent spot raster for LA-ICP-MS.

    Figure  3.  Frequency distributions of daily age (a) and hatch time (b) of Diaphus thiollierei caught in the Arabian Sea from October to November 2020.

    Figure  4.  The von Bertalanffy growth function fitted to the relationship between daily age and standard body length. Blue for male and red for female.

    Figure  5.  The ratios of each otolith element to Ca concentration along the line transects from the core (0 μm) to the edge of the sagittal plane of D. thiollierei. The gray dots indicate the ratio point value of each otolith element to Ca, while the solid black line and blue block indicate the median and average values of all specimens, respectively. The vertical dashed lines separate the six life history stages. N, nucleus (primordium); L, larval; PL, postlarval; PM Ⅰ, postmetamorphic Ⅰ; PM Ⅱ, postmetamorphic Ⅱ; and PM Ⅲ, postmetamorphic Ⅲ stages.

    Table  1.   Annulus width, number of LA-ICP-MS points, and estimated ages in day for six life stages

    Life stage Annulus width/μm Number of LA-ICP-MS points Estimated daily age/d
    Primordium = Nucleus (N) about 50 1
    Larval (L) about 150 3 about 25−30 (including N and L)
    Postlarval (PL) about 200 4 about 30−40
    Postmetamorphic Ⅰ (PM Ⅰ) about 300 6 about 40−70
    Postmetamorphic Ⅱ (PM Ⅱ) about 250/200 5/4 about 70−100
    Postmetamorphic Ⅲ (PM Ⅲ) >250 >5 about 100 to >130
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    Table  2.   Median ratios of element to calcium in sagittal otolith of Diaphus thiollierei during six life stages

    Life stage Li to Ca Mg to Ca Sr to Ca Ba to Ca
    N 0.00947 a 0.339 ab 2.73 a 0.00137 ab
    L 0.00898 a 0.276 a 2.50 a 0.00114 a
    PL 0.00718 a 0.265 a 1.95 b 0.00103 a
    PM Ⅰ 0.00565 b 0.150 b 1.81 b 0.00130 ab
    PM Ⅱ 0.00410 bc 0.111 c 1.86 b 0.00183 b
    PM Ⅲ 0.00365 c 0.081 c 1.82 b 0.00167 b
    Note: The different letters indicate significant differences (p < 0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test with all pairwise comparisons).
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    Table  3.   Spearman’s correlation coefficients between ratios of element to calcium

    Mg to Ca Sr to Ca Ba to Ca
    Li to Ca 0.855** 0.533** −0.625**
    Mg to Ca 0.535** −0.523**
    Sr to Ca −0.223
    Note: ** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
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